Chapter 27

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The next day, Monday

"Mother! I'm leaving, I'll see you later!" Scarlett said as she was in front of their door, and her mother was upstairs.

"Take care!" Scarlett's mother yelled back as she prepared herself for work.

After her mother said that, she immediately went out to get into her girlfriend's car. Scarlett was greeted with a bright smile along with Pauline's driver and Pauline as she entered. Scarlett was sitting behind the driver while Pauline was next to her. They quickly sat close to each other and held hands. The driver was quiet and he started the engine so both of the girls could finally reach their school.

Pauline then out of nowhere closes the left gap between her and Scarlett as she kisses her cheek. After she kissed Scarlett's cheek, she moved her head to Scarlett's neck and sniffed softly. Scarlett was then taken aback by the sudden action as she said,

"Stop it, it tickles." Scarlett said in a low tone and Pauline laughed seeing how cute it was.

"I just want to smell you. You smell good, are you wearing a chanel perfume?" Pauline asked while her head was still close to the younger girl's, tilting her head to indicate that she was curious.

"Yes, the warm spicy. Why?" Scarlett said while innocently looking into Pauline's eyes.

"Oh, yes that one. I also use a chanel perfume, the vanilla one." Pauline sat up straight again with her eyes fixed on the road with the driver.

"Ah, is that so? Is it good?" Scarlett asked curiously and it was now her turn to tilt head. Pauline smiled as she said,

"Come and smell my neck so you can tell for yourself if it's your taste." Pauline said confidently while flirting with the other girl.

Scarlett was thinking otherwise when she turned her gaze to the driver who was driving peacefully. She knew it was very awkward for him to witness the current moment. And so, she shrugged off the thought and looked into Pauline's eyes as she said,

"Maybe later. Restroom?" Scarlett leaned her head against Pauline's ear while saying "Promise, I won't do anything dirty."

"Are you sure I won't too?"

The driver's eyes widened at this moment as he clearly understood the situation they were in, and the situation to come for the two women. He remained silent throughout, a few minutes passed and the two women behind him also became silent.

Everything was quiet and peaceful and the two women were still holding each other's hand, neither of them dared to let go.

When they arrived, the driver temporarily parked the car just outside the gate. Since it was still so early, almost no cars have arrived there at the moment. Pauline was the first to get out of the car, the eyes of the students who were already there were on her. When Scarlett followed her girlfriend out of the car, those exact same students were surprised to learn that the two most attractive students in their school were together.

What surprised them more was when Scarlett and Pauline were next to each other, holding hands as they walked into school like a pair of models. Those few exact students quickly grabbed their phones from their pockets and took a few pictures of them, Pauline remained unperturbed but Scarlett was a bit uncomfortable with the attention.

"My love, they're looking. They're taking pictures of us." Scarlett murmured loud enough for only Pauline to hear as she looked into Pauline's eyes.

"They're just shocked and jealous of us, let them be. I want them to know that you're mine and I'm yours." Pauline said coldly which caused Scarlett's mouth to shut. "I'm sure they'll just accept that we're both into girls and we love each other."

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