Chapter 3

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Lunch time finally came after hours of sitting lonely, I was relieved for sure. I wanna look for my best friend, I grabbed my phone but by then I noticed I already received a message from her.

"Let's meet at the cafeteriaaaa, I know you already wanna haunt a guy who'll suit your standards, let's do it at the cafeteria HAHAHA"

It was sent 5 minutes ago, I chuckled because it was true. "I'm already going, you better be as well. You don't want me waiting" I sent back. I packed my things quickly as I was the last student remaining in the room, it's awkward being alone with Mr. Johnson honestly.

On my way out, I saw Mila walking by. I noticed she was alone "Hi! Why are you by yourself?" She curiously asked.

"I wanted to head to the cafeteria, I'm supposed to meet my best friend" I responded back nicely

Recalling I'm a new student here actually hurts, I don't know where the cafeteria is and I want to ask Mila, so I did. "Uhm? Do you know where it was? You can probably tell I'm a new student here" I asked.

"Yes! I was heading there as well to meet a friend and eat, wanna join me?"


Mila's the nicest person I talked to in this school, so far. It's probably a good decision keeping her as my friend. I better introduce her to Amelia later on. I just have this great feeling about her.


"I truly hate it when it comes to first days. I mean, introducing myself several times, needing to have some assignments that won't even be graded, well, teachers just wanna know how good we were already at their subject, but still..." Mila opened up having an annoyed tone, I couldn't agree more 'cause it was true.

"Sis, that's damn true. Especially for me being a transferee several times, I've always hated having to face new faces around me and having to get along with them, well, it depends." I seriously agreed and told some truths.

Mila curiously nodded.


We're finally at the cafeteria, I didn't enter that much cause I was still looking for a familiar face and I suddenly heard someone shouting my name.


I felt awkward entering the cafeteria, she didn't have to scream and now, almost everyone looked at me. I slowly walked towards Amelia with Mila behind me.

"You're the one who made me waiting, what the hell took you so long?" Amelia asked.

Amelia looked at Mila behind me and she smiled nicely "Looks like you already made a friend, huh?"

"Yep, she's my classmate on Arts and Chemistry. Mila, this is Amelia my best friend, and Amelia, this is Mila my classmate."

"Nice to meet you sissy!" Amelia immediately grabbed Mila's hand to shake hands, and damn Mila had the same energy as hers. Extroverts, literally.

Mila and I finally sat down with Amelia to eat. Grateful 'cause my stomach's already growling. Honestly, I'm always starving and eating so I don't even know why I'm still fine thin like this, I even have curves, hourglass-like.

I felt Mila tapped my shoulder as she wants to tell me something. "I have to call my friend I was supposed to meet as well. I'll tell her to join us if you guys would like to or she'd like to." Mila smiled stating her words.

"Sure go on, it's ok for us, right? Scarlett?" Amelia said as she heard what Mila said.

"Yep, it's ok for us" I gave them both a nod.

"Sure! I'll be right back!" Mila said giving us an innocent smile.


As me and Amelia were munching our lunches, we noticed Mila already returned with a girl. "Hello, I'm back. Thank you for waiting. So by the way, her name is Clara. She told me to I should introduce her to y'all"

Clara seemed to be an introvert as well, I could tell.


"So Scarlett, have you already found an interesting guy?" Amelia teasingly asked

"Not yet, honestly." I coldly said. "But earlier, I saw this girl who's extremely attractive. I'm just sharing, I'm not gay."

"That's suspicious, no way." Amelia furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "Do you know who must that girl might be, Mila? Spill."

"I honestly don't know but I'll guess, our president. Maybe because she told me she was probably was just distracted with her." Mila smiled as she tried to confirm.

"Distracted with what? Her appearance? Scarlett, that's so damn new." Amelia was shocked as her mouth was forming an 'O'

"Yes, it was the president but I told y'all already, I'm not gay." I coldly responded again.

"Well if you're actually gay, we'd accept you for who you are, right?" Amelia spoke and the two other girls they newly met nodded their heads.

"You don't have to worry about anything, I'm just sharing. Well if it's a small crush, it's just like that. I know to myself I'm not gay, I was just stunned." That's what I know about my sexuality but there's just this something different with the president, mostly I'll get insecure but with hers, I...


Classes finally ended, I wanna go home already. Thankfully me and Amelia were scheduled at the same subject last period, so I could be with her exiting school already and not looking for her again.


Amelia and I decided to wait for Mila outside her scheduled room, too bad, us three weren't classmates in the last period but we'll willingly wait for her. Such nice friends


Finally, Mila exited her room. She saw us and we noticed she was holding her teacher's document papers. We approached her and asked "Yow sis, where are you heading? Why are you holding those papers?"

"I wanna help Ms. Ria, don't worry I'll be back immediately or do you guys wanna come with me?"

"Sure we'll follow, if it's ok" I said, Amelia agreed.


As we were walking towards Ms. Ria's office, we noticed a woman casually observing/checking the school room by room. The woman noticed us three and walked towards us, she walks so elegantly.

It was our president, Ms. Pauline.

"What are you three doing her alone? You three are the last students here."

Mila immediately answered, "We insisted on helping Ms. Ria with her documents by delivering it to her office. We'll leave as soon as possible as well." Mila gave her a proper response.

But there I was too stunned. "She's in front of me." I said in my mind as I realized that the woman who approached us was the president. My eyes couldn't help but to widen as I gaze at her incredible beauty, it's much better viewing closely. Also as that woman talks so elegantly made me much more stunned. I couldn't take my eyes off of her, I'm sure I haven't blinked yet since I noticed her approaching us three.

I felt my face get warmer as a sign that my face was turning red as I kept staring. Why the hell am I blushing? Why am I this stunned? Oh Scarlett..

Amelia noticed my face. "Sis, are you ok?" She whispered asking curiously

I'm already in favor that Amelia will unstoppably blab about this. She rarely sees me getting red and she knows I won't get red for such small reason.

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