Chapter 24

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Pauline then assisted Scarlett entering her car. Though she was expressing no emotions, she was still gentle as ever. Both were by then comfortable in their seats as Pauline played a cozy music.

Pauline then cleared her throat to claim Scarlett's attention and said "You're beautiful tonight." Pauline somehow nonchalantly uttered.

Scarlett slowly nodded her head as her lips curved a smile afterwards. "You too" Scarlett sweetly told the other girl.

Silence again began between the two while Pauline started driving and Scarlett watched outside through the window. The cozy music was helping Scarlett get more comfortable but there's still somehow wrong for her. She definitely did want to ask the other girl about something.

Street lights were like stars for both their sights. After the cozy music played, it changed into a dirty vibey song. Scarlett just then secretly vibed and so was Pauline. A couple of seconds passed by and Scarlett heard Pauline singing the dirty lyrics which made her feel a thing.

Pauline was softly singing the song just like how she softly moans whenever both of them did 'it'. Scarlett just shrugged off the feeling she felt because of that singing and song given and focused outside. Though focused outside, there's a thought creeping inside her head.

"Why isn't she talking to me? It's been a while now." Both girls thought inside their heads. Both felt the longing but none of them dared to talk.

Pauline was still singing as she drives. Inside her head, she was seducing the other girl focused on what was outside. Little did she know it was working.

Scarlett just can't take the silence between them anymore as she asked "Are you mad at me?" Scarlett asked while she was still looking outside but slowly turned her sight to Pauline.

Pauline heaves a deep sigh as she finally hears Scarlett start a conversation. "Did you throw that bouquet away?" Pauline asked not even minding to answer what Scarlett asked first.

"Yes, I did. You do realize I wasn't holding it anymore earlier?" Scarlett simply muttered but Pauline misinterpreted it as a mock.

"Aren't you a brave girl to tell me that huh?" Pauline told Scarlett as she smirked and seductively laughed. "Don't you think it's my time to put you in your place?" Pauline said that sent chills down Scarlett's spine.

"I mean.." Scarlett nervously uttered with the feeling of regret that she shouldn't have said that. "Yes I did throw it away already. Are you still jealous of him?"

Pauline coldly chuckled and turned to her serious mood again. "Yes I still am. You don't have any reasons to accept that damn bouquet." Pauline told the other girl as if she was upset and angry.

Scarlett just stared at her girlfriend after realizing she was right. At the moment, they were finally in their destination and Pauline parked her car outside the place.

"I'm sorry." Scarlett sincerely said after looking away. She didn't know Pauline was the jealous type of person, she must be responsible as her girlfriend after realizing that. "Alright? I love you. I'll never accept a bouquet from anyone again if it's romantically unless it's you."

Pauline then softened as she heard those three words. Then, she quickly got out of the car, Scarlett did exactly what she did.

Scarlett felt her girlfriend furious that she didn't know why. Then, when Pauline was about to storm inside the place leaving Scarlett standing there, Scarlett gently held Pauline's hand as she approaches her. Pauline then looked back to see Scarlett.

"Hey, I mean it. I'm sorry!" Scarlett said that made other people around them look at them. Pauline then squeezed Scarlett's hand and dragged her to enter the place.

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