Battle at the Musicians Village

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[In the Musicians' Village, a warning bell is rung by a terrified rabbit as a pig narrowly dodges a large arrow that embeds itself into the ground, connected to a higher cliff by a rope. Several arrows strike the rooftops and ground before Boss Wolf (the large one-eyed wolf) and his soldiers zip-line down to the village.]

Boss Wolf: Get all the metal you can find! [Villagers duck and flee as the wolves break into houses and grab pots, pans, and musical instruments] Grab the metal!

Pig: Help, help, help, help, help! [The pig from earlier frantically climbs into a bell to hide... and is trapped inside as the bell is rolled toward the loot pile.]

Boss Wolf: That's everything! Let's get out of here!

[The wolves tie the metal up into bundles.]

Pig: Oh-no!

[Two loud cries erupted from a distance. The wolves turned up to a mountain edge. On the mountain edge, Po, Sonic, and the Furious Five were running along the cliffside.]

Po & Sonic: Wooooooooooooooohooo!

Po: Wings of justice! [Po dives off the cliff towards the village far below] Yeeeeha... AAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!


[Po freaks as he falls, realizing his mistake, but Crane manages to catch him and drop him onto another cliff ledge. Po leaps off this smaller cliff and dives towards the village with the Five and Sonic on either side, before landing (again with Crane's help) in front of the wolf soldiers, with pinpoint grace and a heroic pose and ready for battle.]

The Furious Five & Po & Sonic: [Lands] Ha!

[Po is facing the wrong way.]

Tigress: Po, turn around.

Po: Huh? [Switches round] Ha!

[Their presence caused the villagers to cheer, to the confusion of Boss and his wolves.]

Boss Wolf: Huh? A panda? That's impossible. And a blue... hedgehog? Very interesting, but also impossible.

Sonic: In the words of the great Master Oogway, 'nothing is impossible.'

Po: My fist hungers for justice. [Stomach rumbles and the Five and Sonic stare at him] That was my... fist.

Boss Wolf: Get them!

[The wolves charged at the heroes, who were just as ready to fight.]

Po: C'mon!

Sonic: let's go! [Eyes flash blue]

-Stop at 0:15/3:08-

[The forces clash and the battle is on. One wolf engaged against Po, swinging his sword in numerous directions, trying to strike Po. The villagers watched in awe as the panda dodged the attacks with little effort. After a few dodges, Po grabbed the wolf's fist, stopping his attacks, punched him in the stomach and butt bump, and sent his attacker crashing into a gong. The villagers cheered, but the battle was just getting started. Monkey flipped over a group of the canine bandits, before clapping two cymbals around a straggler's head, causing him to drop to the floor in a dazed mess. Mantis carried a bunny, playing his liuqin perched on a rock to safety. He was swiftly dodging every incoming wolf that almost fall on him. After putting the rock down, Mantis, quick as lightning, leaped into the air and broke a wolve's blades into pieces before knocking him out with a kick. Viper took advantage of her small stature to dart around the attacks of her adversaries.]

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