Chapter I

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I met the princess at 2 in the morning on the first day of my monthly on my 14th birthday. I awoke in my bed to find I had bled not only through my pants but through my sheets too. I sighed and got up changing my pants and underwear as I tried not to double over in pain. My monthly's have always been awfully harsh. The pain would never pass as long as I was staining my pads and the only thing that dulled it was my Mother's herbal tea.

However, we did not own a tea kettle in our family quarters, so carefully, I creep downstairs with the can of tea in my hands. As I reached the kitchen, I was pleased to find that it was empty. Normally there were one or two staff left up to attend to the late-night calls but tonight there was no one. I found the kettle on the stove cold as ice. Just as I turned on the stove to heat it, I heard footsteps approaching.

I wouldn't have been worried, except that they were not the bare footsteps of most servants coming downstairs for something. These were shoes. Only Knights or the people we served wore shoes coming into the kitchen at night. During the day, you had to look or else you might get hurt. "Hello?" The girl's voice called and I turned. My eyes met those of the princess, causing me to curtsy as her uncle followed her into the kitchen.

"My Princess. My Prince." I say softly as the kettle starts boiling. My eyes catch on something. The way the princess clenches her fist over her stomach, and the crinkle in her nose that suggested she was having her monthly pains. Carefully, I walk over to the cupboard containing the servant cups and two teapots. I removed the teapot first, then a cup. Then I fetched a far nicer cup with a wonderful pattern on it that came with a saucer.

I placed the nicer cup closer to the Princess. "I know that nose scrunch. I myself have the same monthly tell." I say to the princess as I add tea to the teapot. Two spoons for the perfect strength. Then, I looked around before I opened a cupboard that contained a loose board in the back where I hid the good biscuits. "They may be a little stale, but they're the best I have, My Princess." I say to her as I open the tin and place them on the table.

The Princess finally stepped forward, enticed by the chocolate biscuits. I carefully picked up the now-boiled kettle and filled the teapot. The floral aroma filled the kitchen before I covered it with the teapot lid. I stand as the Princess sits, her uncle behind her, trying my best not to look like I was in agony. "Won't you sit? You look uncomfortable." My Prince states as I pour tea for both myself and the Princess.

I flinch as he says this and pull away, placing the teapot down. "No. It is forbidden for a servant to sit as Royalty sit in the same room." I state as my hand drifts to rub at the pain that was demanding I be brought to my knees. But I remembered the lessons which brought me whippings so I may be reminded. "His Grace once saw me sit as a child just after my sixth name day. Had me whipped for a whole hour to remind me as Royalty sits, I must not."

I explained to the two royals in front of me. Suddenly, the Prince rounded the table towards me. I back away, cup in hand. The two of us stop. He by what had been my chair and me the appropriate distance from him. Then, he pulled out my chair. "Sit. I order it." He says to me and I nod slightly, pattering over to sit in the chair he still held the back of. Then, he pushed it in, a courtesy I had never been shown.

Together, the Princess, her uncle, and I chatted together. She was rather impressed about how easily her pain was taken by my mother's tea. It was sunrise when I finally pulled myself away from Princess Rhaenyra and her uncle, Prince Daemon. "Apologies, my Princess and my Prince. I must prepare for the day." I inform them as I stand, taking both cups and the teapot over to the sink. I washed them up and dried them quickly before I hid my now half-empty tin of biscuits.

"My world is yet to stop and I have bread for breakfast to bake." I say before I rush off to get ready for work. A simple dress that reached my knees and some tights were all we were permitted to wear. I pulled on my shoes and rushed back to the kitchen. Only the kitchen master was up, his hands already working on the bread as he handed me a bowl of potatoes without saying a word so I could start on the hashbrowns. 

That was when my little sister ran into the kitchen. She runs until she has some of my dress on one of her little fists. "The Princess wants Mother's tea." She whispers loudly to me and I smile down at my little six-year-old sister. "She said so when Father and I were going to tend to the dragons." She adds. I crouch down and from at her as I look around. "Did Father send you, Valeria?" I asked her softly as I petted her hair. 

She nods and I smile. "When she returns from her ride for breakfast, inform her that it will be there for her, Ok?" I inform her and she nods before running off to go and find father. We continued with breakfast, my mother bringing down her herbal tea so that I might have more once I finished with breakfast service. I thanked her and once Breakfast was finished I began to prepare the Princess' tea. 

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