Chapter IV

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I hid behind one of the great tall pillars of the throne room as I watched Rhaenyra glide across the stone floors. Towards the Iron Throne, her eyes trained on it. "What do you think you're doing, Uncle?" I hear Rhaenyra question the air and my eyes follow hers to where I saw Daemon, lounging in the Iron Throne. "Sitting. This could well be my chair one day." Daemon reminds his niece.

I shivered at the deep timber of his voice as he spoke High Valryian. I could almost feel it pooling in my stomach. "Not if you're executed for treason." Rhaenyra says teasingly as she studies her uncle on the throne. Acting as though it was the only place in the world that he should be. And I knew that if he were to tell me to kneel before him or to suck his cock while he sat upon that throne, I would. 

What can I say? I had great fantasies that were far from clean. "You haven't come to court in an age. (y/n) misses you." Rhaenyra admits and reminds him. I feel a blush rise on my cheeks but there is something about her tone, like a lick of jealousy. "Aye. Court is so dreadfully boring. And I miss (y/n) too." Daemon admits back to her and I have to cover my mouth to hide my little gasp. It had been an age and really, I could start bedding now if it pleased me.

"Then why come back at all?" Rhaenyra questioned her uncle and I held a hand over my heart. I knew that if Daemon had his way, he'd never return to King's Landing. And to me. "I heard your father was hosting a tournament in my honor." Daemon states and I quickly ducked further behind the pillar as I saw his eyes drift up to me. Rhaenyra's hair was towards me and I noticed it was still in the braid I had put it in earlier. 

"The tournament is for his heir." Rhaenyra confirms. Daemon hums, a deep thing that reverberates through my chest, threatening to bring me to my knees. It was the same hum I'd often hear in my dreams that were often rated R. "Just as I said." Daemon continues and I peer round the pillar to the door. I could still see Ser Westerling standing there. He was boxing me in and so were the Targaryens. 

"His new Heir." Rhaenyra adds, clearing up the confusion for her uncle. I can hear the slight creaking of metal as Daemon climbs out of the Iron Throne. "Until your mother brings forth a are all cursed with me." Daemon reminds her too, his footsteps echoing down the stairs. I could not move as I hid, back against the pillar, arms tight around my waist. Rhaenyra hums before she responds to her Uncle. 

"Then I shall hope for a brother." Rhaenyra concluded as Daemon's footsteps stopped. Then it was quiet until his voice once again filled the hall. "I brought something for you and (y/n)." Daemon says to her and I feel something swell in my chest. Daemon had brought me a gift only once in the whole time we had known each other, even though it wasn't very long. "So you can stop lurking behind that pillar now, (y/n)." Daemon calls out to me. 

I flinch a little and hang my head as I step out of my hiding spot. I dropped into a curtsy as I tried to hide my cheeks which were burning with shame. "Forgive me, Prince Daemon. Princess Rhaenyra." I say to the two royals in front of me. I could see in my peripherals the shock of Ser Westerling's face as he hadn't even seen that I was there. Daemon beckons me forward with two fingers and I am quick to move closer.

Yes, I was ashamed to have listened in and been caught, but I was curious what he had gotten me. "You ruined your own surprise." Daemon scolded, his tone teasing as he held Rhaenyra's gift out to her first. She had received a beautiful golden necklace with an elegantly crafted dragon on it. In its eye was a small black gemstone which was Rhaenyra's favorite colour. She had thanked her Uncle before Daemon brought his eyes to me. 

He brought out a necklace. It was an elegant thing that he didn't let go of, even after I took the attached pendant into my fingers. A little more than an arm's length now separated us but I was focused on the necklace. "Do you know what it is?" Daemon asked me as Rhaenyra peered over my shoulder to look at it. It was worth more than anything I owned was what I wanted to say but something caught my attention more. 

"It's Valyrian steel. Like Dark Sister." I whisper as Daemon pulls the pendant from my fingers. It was moments like these where I was reminded how tall the two Targaryens were. "Turn around." Daemon tells me and I do, looking up at Rhaenyra as I move my hair from the back of my neck. I could feel everything. Daemon's breath...his fingers as they latched the cold necklace against my skin...Daemon's eyes on the nape of my neck...Rhaenyra's eyes on my face. 

I felt like I was a deer surrounded by hunters. "Now, You and I both own a small piece of Targaryen ancestry." Daemon whispers to me as I reach my free hand up to touch it. "But I am not Targaryen." I remind the two as I let my hair fall over my shoulders again. They both go silent and I shake my head as I take the necklace off. I really did love it, but it was Targaryen ancestry, not my own. 

I hand the necklace to Rhaenyra and smile weakly before I rush off, hoping to find something I can busy myself with. I rush through a side door in the throne room before I press myself against it, trying not to cry. That necklace was incredibly beautiful and I had given it back. Idiot I was, when Daemon had all but accepted me as a Targaryen. "For one moment, she looked beautiful." I heard Daemon's muffled voice through the door. 

"She always looks beautiful." Rhaenyra retorts to her uncle and I rush off down the stairs so that I might get away from the two. It was strictly forbidden. A servant woman with a faux 'Lady' title, having feelings for not only the Prince of the Seven Kingdoms but also the Princess. So I went about my day perfectly fine, a reminder pushing in the back of my head about my evening job I had three times a week. 

Even as Handmaiden to the Princess on my side and Royal assistant to Queen Aemma on my Mother's side, we were still paying off the debt my father amassed before he died. And when I returned to my chambers to prepare for tonight, I found the necklace that was Dark Sister's twin on my bed. Along with a not with just two words. Love Daemon. So, before nightfall, I went into the city and tucked myself into the brothel. 

I was the only girl to wear a mask in this place and all that were my regulars never complained. I learned what men liked and what women liked as well. And upon hearing about the City watch arriving to clear the city, waited out the bloodbath. It was just before Dawn when I finally got out of there, returning home. I accepted the tea that Mother made for me and got it down. Now I waited for the time until I was summoned for the morning.

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