Chapter VIII

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It was the next night by the time I had finished my own mourning of Queen Aemma. Rhaenyra had understood that I had yet to mourn and gave me some time off. But that night when the King summoned me to the throne room, I had to listen. I stood to the side of the Iron Throne. As Daemon entered, he smiled at me and I smiled back. "You cut the image of the conqueror, brother." Daemon says to King Viserys.

The King remains silent, glaring at his own brother as I shift a little in my place. "(y/n) came back to the castle last night and ran into Lord Hightower. He would have thought nothing of it but she was distressed." King Viserys explains to Daemon as I look over at Otto Hightower. What had he done? What had I done? I knew in part and parcel what this was about. It was about Daemon's 'Heir for a Day' speech. 

"All she said was 'it's Daemon' before he took her back to her quarters." King Viserys continues, his face like a plate of stone. "Did you say it?" He demands Daemon and my heart drops into my stomach. Tears bubbled up into my eyes as I looked at Daemon. I shook my head as I hid choked-up sobs. "I don't know what you mean." Daemon says as I lowered myself onto my knees, burying my face into my hands. 

He had tricked me. He knew that I couldn't lie, that I had never learned to lie. "You will address me as 'Your Grace' or I will have my Kingsguard cut out your tongue." King Viserys threatened and I shivered with the threat in between sobs. They were the only thing that seemed to softly echo through the room when both men were quiet. "'The Heir for a Day'. Did you say it?" Viserys demand Daemon. 

Daemon catches my eye gently and shakes his head at me. Almost as though he was promising me that this wasn't my fault. But it was. Otto Hightower had found me consumed in my grief after Daemon had said the Heir for a Day and he had tricked me into giving up Daemon. "We must all mourn in our own way, Your Grace." Daemon says to him after he seems to have enough of my crying.

"My family has just been destroyed." King Viserys says to Daemon, his voice cracking a little. Like he wanted to cry. "But instead of being by my side or Rhaenyra's, you took an already distraught (y/n) and chose to celebrate your own rise!" The King's voice says as he gradually raises his voice to a shout. I wiped away my tears, trying to get ahold of myself again. "Laughing with your whores and your lickspittles!" The King continued to shout.

A guard nearby me helped me back to my feet. The King continued to shout at Daemon as he stated that Daemon had no allies in court but the King himself. "I have only ever defended you! Yet everything I've given you, you've thrown back in my face." The King states and I sigh. This was now just the condemning of Daemon and I didn't want to be here for it. This was most likely Otto's idea. That Daemon might see the pain he caused me. 

But now it was Daemon's turn to get angry it appeared. "You've only ever tried to send me away. To the Vale, to the City Watch, anywhere but by your side." Daemon snaps back at his brother. They were both right, in some ways. But Daemon seemed to be right the most. He had always seemed to be everywhere but the council and then the council complained that Daemon wasn't there while they had sent him away.

"Ten years you've been king and yet not once have you asked me to be your Hand!" Daemon states is a bellow, his betrayal evident. The King and the Prince in front of me continued to argue, which included Daemon referring to Otto Hightower as what he really was. Which I sort of agreed with Daemon on this one. While King Viserys saw him as an unwavering and loyal Hand, Daemon saw him as a Cunt.

"A second son who stands to inherit nothing he doesn't seize for himself." Daemon adds but the King continues to defend his Hand. But King Viserys had finally had enough of Daemon and decided to stick a new knife into Daemon's back. "I've decided to name a new heir." King Viserys says to Daemon. By the King's orders, Daemon was to return to Runestone and his lady wife, without quarrel. Daemon seemed to see no reason to fight this any further. 

I rushed after Daemon as he was leaving, even while the king called my name. "Daemon! My Prince, forgive me for what I have done." I begged Daemon as he turned around to look at me. His hands slid to fit themselves against my cheeks. They were rough, after years of war and dragonriding. "It is not your fault, my love. It is Otto's." He promises me before he kisses me, softly and without hesitation. 

Then he was gone, leaving me breathless and wanting for more. But he was gone. As I walked back to my rooms that night, I thought of Daemon. However, when I found my mother drinking in our quarters I knew something was wrong. "Mother, what is it?" I ask her softly. The last time she had drank, it was due to the debt of my father. "A letter from your father." She whispers as she takes my hands. Her thumb begins to glide over each of my knuckles.

"I don't understand, father is dead." I state and she shakes her head. As far as I knew, mother and father were both born servants in King's Landing, just as myself and Valeria were born in King's Landing. "No, my darling. Valeria's father is dead. Your father is across the Narrow Sea, dying in Vaes Dothrak." She whispers to me. I tugged my hand out of hers and stumbled out of my chair. It clattered to the floor as I listened. 

My father...was an enemy. I was enemy. "What is his name?!" I bellow at her, not caring about the fact that Valeria was asleep next door. "Khal Dhengi.  You are his only child." She whispers and I let out a sob. I was born an enemy princess. That was even worse. "I have betrayed my King and I never knew?" I demand and she nods before she smiles. "It is fine, I am marrying you to Otto Hightower. We will be forgiven." She says and I shake my head. 

I didn't want to marry Otto Hightower, I wanted to marry a man who understood that Dothraki ran in my blood and didn't care. I wanted a man who understood the consequences of marrying me. I wanted Daemon. "I'm going to see Rhaenyra and in the morning, I am leaving for Vaes Dothrak by Dragonback." I informed my mother, my blood bubbling with fury. I had heard tales of the wives of Khals. Of the great Khaleesi of the Dothraki.

I didn't let my even try to talk to me before I was out the door, running to Rhaenyra's quarters. Where she told me she would be named Heir to the Iron Throne. Future Queen. But I had to bite my tongue and be happy with her, not tell her that I too was heir to a throne, though it was nothing like hers. As the sun rose, I helped Rhaenyra get ready and was lacing her into her dress as Alicent came through the door to get Rhaenyra ready. 

I weived her hair into beautiful strands of white before I decorated her eyes with colour and kohl. Alicent put her jewelry on while I placed upon her head a crown. I watched Rhaenyra go but I decided to leave. I left with the clothes on my back and Daemon's necklace. Upon arrival at the dragon's keep, I noticed Caraxes and Daemon preparing to leave. I located Ebony, a dragon no one had been able to ride or tame.

But in my secret spare time, I had. I hadn't tamed her, I had earned her trust. No one broke a dragon. "Come on, Ebony. It is time to go." I whispered to her as I climbed upon her back. I trusted her not to get rid of me as we flew as we took off. I heard the screech of Caraxes behind me and I smiled at Daemon as we flew. It was far more freeing than a horse. More freeing than anything I could describe. 

I waved at Daemon before I took off in a different direction to him. I knew he was going to Dragonstone, home of his ancestors, whereas I was going to Vaes Dothrak, home of my ancestors. After hours of flying and a couple of hours resting, Ebony and I made it to Vaes Dothrak. I watched as Dothraki men rushed over, and pointed weapons at us. Ebony reared her head and spread fire to keep them away. 

She laid out her wing so I could get over the fire without burning myself. "I wish to speak to Khal Dhengi." I say to the men still pointing their weapons at me. An elderly woman parts the crowd as she walks closer to me. She beckons me to kneel and I do. She studies me before she shouts in Dothraki. The crowd parts and she beckons me again, this time to follow her. She led me through the tents before we stopped at the largest one. 

She led me in to look at a man who was frail and weak. "Khal, your daughter has returned." She says to him. He looks up at me and smiles. "You look like your mother." Khal Dhengi says, his voice gravily. The language he spoke to communicate with me sounded rough. Like he was unclear on how to speak the same language as me. I look at the woman behind me. "I want to be your daughter, the next great Khaleesi." I promised him.  

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