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I arrived in the paddock, the sound of engines and chatter filling the air. But there was no one by my side.

Maybe I shouldn't have gone alone, but I didn't want to go with Lando, and he knew that. When I came in from the balcony in our hotel room, he was already gone. It's better this way, I tell myself, even though I can't shake the feeling of guilt.

He left for the paddock and didn't tell me, which I understand. I was being a total asshole this morning, and I can't blame him for needing some space.

But I was scared. I let my fear, worry, and frustration affect how I treated Lando.

I know I need to apologize, but I arrived at the paddock right after practice two started, so I missed the opportunity.

So why I waited for that finish. I decided to grab some food to eat.

I walked over to the McLaren hospitality area, grabbed a chicken sandwich, and found a seat to sit down.

Why was it so empty in here? I'm the only one sitting here?

As I started to slowly eat my food, I couldn't shake off the weird feeling lingering in the air.

Until I heard it, a familiar voice that sent chills down my spine.

"Nice to see you, Stella," Liam said as he pulled a chair out and sat down in front of me. My heart raced as i struggled to process what's happening.

I gulped down the last bit of my sandwich and immediately stood up from my seat.

This is what I feared. It's the reason I was late to practice.

I didn't want to see him. I wanted nothing to do with him, and yet somehow, I ended up running into him only a couple of minutes after entering the paddock.

"Stella, stop running," I heard him groan. I quickly looked behind me and saw him pushing his chair in and following my steps.

Oh gosh.

"Liam, go away," I said quickly as I ran down towards the motorhomes, hoping to get away from him.

I need to find someone, but for some reason, no one seems to be around.

"We need to talk, Stella," he says, his voice demanding. I look behind me again, and he's already following my path. Panic sets in as I realize I can't run away from him easily.

Before I know it, he's right behind me, grabbing my shoulders, his touch sends shivers down my spine.

"Stop fucking running," he says, his voice coated with anger.

"Please, Liam, there's nothing to talk about," I said, worry coating my voice. He turns my body around to face him, his lips curved into a big smirk.

He completely ignores my words and instead looks me up and down, his gaze lingering on my body before meeting my eyes again.

"You've gained weight, Stella," he says, his words cutting through me like a knife. My face goes pale as I realize what he said.

I look down attempting to see my body to see if his comment is true. "No need to look, it's pretty obvious," he says, lifting my chin up forcefully.

I can't stop think he's right, what if I did gain weight? He always made sure to tell me if I gained weight anytime we were together.

"What do you want?" I manage to say, my voice trembling as I struggle to hold back tears.

He maintains his smirk.
"Break up with your fucking boyfriend," he demands, his hand inching closer to my neck.

"No," I say quietly, my voice barely above a whisper. His smirk disappears, replaced by a look of confusion and disbelief as he furrows his brows.

"Fuck off, you never say no," he snarls, his hand coming even closer to my neck as he pushes my body against the wall.

I feel trapped and stuck.

"I said no, Liam," I repeat, my voice trembling with fesr. I struggle to tear my gaze away from his stare.

"Break up with him, Stella. I'm much better than that fucking British kid," he snarls. Before I can react, he grabs my throat, his grip tightening as he presses his body against mine, trapping me against the wall.

I open my mouth, desperate to speak, but no words escape. His grip on my throat is suffocating.

I place my trembling hands on his chest, trying to push him away, but he's too strong, and I'm to weak.

"Please," I manage to gasp out, my vision blurs, till he finally releases his grip on my throat, my body collapses, sinking to the hard concrete.

I struggle to focus as I flicker my eyes open, my gaze meeting Liam's towering over me.

"I'll give you till the end of this weekend. I'll be in the alpine hospitality by the way." He says before leaving.

Leaving my body there.

I sit there for a few minutes, allowing my breathing to regulate, before finally processing what just happened.

Fuck that, I'm not letting that happening again.

I quickly get up, dusting myself off, then stop and place my hands around my neck, feeling the lingering chill of his cold grip.

I shake off the feeling and make my way to the McLaren garage.

I watch where I'm going, hoping to avoid running into Liam again. Once I'm in the garage, I release a breath I didn't even know I was holding.

I rush up to Lando's driver's room, avoiding everyone I see, and shut the door behind me. Once it's closed, I immediately press my back against the wall, collapsing to the floor in tears.

Fuck my life.

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