Chapter 11: The adventures

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(Jeongin's POV)

The cat was taken in by Felix and Minho, and we all soon started hanging out way more often. I started referring to the four of us as the 'BabyRACHA' because we managed to meet in our tender teen age.

One day, when Brownie made his signature dish, Brownies, me, Han and Min hyung ate at off them at the speed of light. And then, it was time to decide who eats the last brownie.

Min hyung tried to use his death glares to get me to stop, and unfortunately it worked. Han, however was unaffected. He still reached for a piece, and when Minho tried to smack his hand away, he smacked his face!

They almost killed eachother, but thankfully they didn't have the heart to. Brownie decided to split the last brownie into three pieces as a peace treaty between us.

From then on Brownie always counted how many brownies he'd make, and serve us equal number of brownies seperately to avoid war.

And this other time, Me and Han wanted to do something special for Minho as his birthday was coming up, and we decided to play a prank and a surprise party.

We pretended to forget his birthday, and decorated Brownie's room for him. Once we were done with the decorations, we turned off the lights and hid.

After 10 minutes of waiting, I heard Minho's voice right next to me, "who we hiding from?" And jumped. So, well, that plan wasn't a success but Minho enjoyed his birthday and that's really all that matters.

Han and Brownie fought once, yes I know, shocking. The sunshine twins fought? But we have to keep in mind, they're still angsty teens, well atleast, Han is still an angsty teen, brownie is just a baby.

They fought over Minho, because both of them felt that the other was trying to 'steal him away' from him. They argued, and Han said some really mean and unhinged things.

They didn't talk to eachother for 3 whole days! And Minho didn't do anything about it. He was too caught up trying to get a job, now that he was of age. He realised, to get a good job, education is required.

He was stressing trying to get into a decent university. He couldn't be bothered. Eventually Han felt guilty, and he gave brownie a hug and apologized. Big character development you guys.

There was also this other time that the three planned something sweet for me. It was when I started having more dreams of my past life and felt super depressed for that reason.

I started thinking about the old memories again, and started getting gloomier. Sure, I had the sunshine twins and savage but caring mom by my side.

But I wanted my dad too, I missed Channie hyung so much. I wondered if maybe, just maybe he remembers too, and is trying his best to find us? I really wanted him, I would dream of cuddling and playing with him and wake up in tears.

I also missed hyunjin, the hyung who hated physical touch, but would hug me and tease me every chance he'd get. I missed Changbin being loud and hungry, but also wise and mature (sometimes, rarely).

I missed seungmin, and our sarcastic fights. Everytime he would call me cute I'd reply sarcastically, and he would 'take back the compliment' in embarrassment and disgust.

All this was making me sad, and I tried to isolate myself because I knew I couldn't share my pain with anyone. I felt alone because even though I have my friends who are way more than that, I can't tell them about my silent cry.

They are so sweet and thoughtful though, they had no idea what was making me upset. Yet they tried to do something sweet to make me feel better. Brownie baked me red, heart shaped brownies.

Han bought me a pair of shoes I really wanted, I didn't even know he remembered. Minjun took me out to a karaoke place and arcade. I had a blast that day.

The ended with the three of them giving me a big hug and saying, "I hope we cheered you up!" And in that moment I teared up again. I still had 4 pieces of me left to find, sure but that doesn't mean I am alone now.

I still have 3 pieces of me, making me half full. I don't have to think I'm half empty, I'm half full. If I stay happy and try my best to find the others, piece by piece, I can rebuild myself.

I know for sure, it's destiny. After several memories made from times like these, two years passed and Han and Brownie aged 17 years, I aged 16, and Minho aged 19. He settled for a catering college.

He decided cooking was his forte and if he got the right training, he'd get very far. Han and Brownie were in their last years of school, not sure what career path they're going to follow.

I was the age I was when I met Chan. And I was starting to look exactly like I did in my past life. Last year, I motivated Han, Brownie and Minho to work out. And they were getting in good shape too.

I don't remember being a good student at all in my past life, but I decided that in this life I should focus on studies because you can't just be a celebrity every life now, can you?


To be continued. . .

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Guys, my school is eating me alive, I barely have enough time to listen to music anymore, 😭😔

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