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3rd Person POV

Unknown Location

Of the many legends that circulate time, there is one written within the fabric of all realities: one of an eternal war between the fundamentals of existence. A battle between Creation and Destruction, Beginning and End, Light and Darkness... it has always been this way.

Before the beginning, there was Genesis... and there was Kenos: one the embodiment of Creation, the other... of Annihilation. For eons, the two battled, the balance shifting between them more times than could be counted... and so they were born.

Two sisters: one of Corruption and Death, the other of Purity and Life. Together, they reflected the blood of Genesis: Quintessence. Together, they fought Kenos... but they were no match for its Entities. And so, Genesis granted them comets of Transium... comets to be forged into weapons against Kenos and its Entities.

Together, the two sisters forged twin races: one dedicated to the defense of the realities to which they were born... the other designed to fight the Entities at their source. The Children of the Defender... and the Children of the Rift.

Each race, each member, forged from a sister's power, answered to their respective creator... and, after thousands of millennia, brought about peace in their time.

But then... everything changed when the Children of the Rift attacked. They turned on the Defenders, and war broke out. None knew the cause... not even the sister of Purity, who was forced to banish her equal to the depths of Kenos's abyss. But by then, the damage was done. Both races had destroyed each other, and fragments of their existence were scattered across all realities... but that was only the beginning. The end... the end is yet to come.

Of both races, only two comets were never forged by the primordial goddesses... six souls yet to be born... six mechs yet to be built. The last Children of Purity, who together became known as the Defender of the Universe... and the last Child of the Rift, one who would return and end the eternal war once... and for all.  

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