Chapter 2: Broken Normalcy: Part 1

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3rd Person POV


Opening his eyes, Sincline found himself floating in an abyss of darkness... which was promptly broken as a blade of purple fire suddenly ripped through the 'air' before him. Shielding his eyes as the expanse brightened, he tried scanning the area... only for his sensors to come up empty.

What the—is this a dream? Sincline wondered. And that's when he noticed a strange rift before him. Edged in purple fire and radiating darkness that fused with the Void around him, Sincline found himself staring at the same Core of Existence he had fought Voltron in... but it was different. While the strands of reality still flowed through the abyss surrounding the shining Core, flashes of blue and purple exploded as multiple streaks of energy clashed again and again.

The view in the rift shifted, and one of the streaks became much clearer. It was a humanoid figure, armor bearing a similar coloration to his own... yet the lines of flaming purple energy surrounding her features gave shape to her true form.

My Oum... Eyes widening, Sincline could only stare in shock as a feminine mech with two wings composed of multiple blades of Corrupted Quintessence clashed with a blue mech wielding a spear in one hand and an energy whip in the other.

Their weapons met, and a brilliant explosion tore through the abyss, screams of agony and shrieks of metal ripping across the Core of Existence as blue and purple Quintessence sprayed with each clash.

Several of the mechs varied in appearance, size, and coloration, but one thing remained constant: They all radiated purple or blue Quintessence, and Sincline knew that purple was Corrupted, and blue was Pure... They're just like me and Voltron?!

The rift shook, and several cracks spread across the view, causing Sincline's eyes to widen as the entire abyss seemed to shake, cracks of white light forming around him. Just as the rift shattered, a single, feminine voice spoke. It was one of the ones he had heard during his battle against Salem. The power contained in her voice was unmistakable.


Eyes flying open, Sincline gasped and sat up, his body shaking with adrenaline as a bead of sweat trailed down the back of his neck. What the... what was that? WHO was that? The mech... he knew her, but he had never met her... had he?

"Sincline?" Ruby asked, rubbing her eyes and looking up at him. She had been 'sleeping' at his side when she felt him stir but had passed it off at first... until he had shot upright. "Are you alright?"

Accalia looked up as well, her head tilted curiously at her 'master.'

Sincline hesitated... then shook his head. "I-I'm not sure," he admitted. He wouldn't lie to her. He hadn't before, and he wouldn't start any time soon. With that, he explained the dream, starting with the abyss and ending with the warning. When he was finished, he and Ruby could only sit in silence, both wondering what the warning was about.

"That other mech... who do you think it was?" Ruby asked finally. The warning was connected to their instincts last night—she knew they both were aware of that—so the only question was....

"I'm not sure," Sincline admitted, rolling off the bunk and stretching, his muscles popping with the motion. "I know that she's familiar, like I've... like I've met her before, which isn't possible since the only mechs I ever encountered were Voltron and Honerva's." And her Komar Mechs. Although... that argument barely held any water given that they lived on Remnant, where semblances broke the rules of 'possible' on a daily basis. "Still... it felt more like a memory than a Dream."

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