Chapter 6: Decision

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3rd Person POV

Astral Plane

Sincline staggered and fell back onto Akari's palm, his mind whirling as everything came crashing down on him. Part of him wanted to deny it, but he couldn't. He was the last of his kind... a species that attempted the same genocide he had almost succeeded in executing. But it made sense.

"Are you alright?" Akari asked, staring down at him worriedly.

Sincline nodded, taking a shaky breath... then shook his head. "I... I don't know," he admitted, his body shaking as he tried to process what he had learned. To know that he and Voltron were part of a war as old as time... no... older than that... it was almost too much to wrap his head around. "I'll be fine, it's just... it's hard to process."

Akari nodded, gazing down at him sympathetically. "I understand," she said gently and cupped him against her chest, embracing him. "If you have any questions, you only need to ask. Just take your time."

Sincline's cheeks reddened at the sudden gesture, but he appreciated her intent. Her silky garments felt as soft as clouds and were as cold as a winter breeze. He closed his eyes, relaxing in the Primordial's embrace. Genesis, Kenos, Defenders, Riftwalkers. Had he not lived on Remnant for the last two years, it probably would have been too much. "Why?" Sincline asked finally, looking up at her face as best he could. "If I'm... if I'm part of a race that was your enemy so long ago, why would you...?"

Akari sighed, closing her eyes for a brief moment before opening them. "Because the war has not ended... and the survival of our existence is at risk once more. After I banished my sister, Genesis herself spoke to me, stating that I was to release your respective comets. She gave no reason, but I followed her request. Your comet and Voltron's were released into different realities, and I disguised the nature of your comet with my own, giving it the same surface coloration and signature of Voltron's comet, making them indistinguishable to those unaware of the past.

"10,000 years later, Voltron had been formed in response to an Entity attack. Prior to the assault, the Entities had escaped into the Quintessence Field and had used it to transport back into a Core Reality. Only now do I realize that they were merely a prelude to what would come."

"Five years ago, after your battle with Voltron in the Core of Existence... an Empire arose within the same Core Reality with the aid of 13 mechanoid warriors... the Abyssals. Within the course of three days, half of the universe had been taken over.

Sincline blinked, Akari's garments shifting ever so slightly around him. Five years ago... "Core Reality?" he asked, avoiding the daunting realization that lay beneath her words as he tabled the topic of this 'Empire' for later conversation.

"Do you recall the many realities that streamed from Genesis at the Core?" Akari asked. "Several were thicker than the others, with many realities branching off them, were they not?"

Sincline nodded, thinking back to it.

Sincline nodded, thinking back to it

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