Chapter 1: Beacon City

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3rd Person POV

Forever Fall, Two Years after the Fall of Salem

Sunlight filtered through the clouds as the sun rose once more upon the world of Remnant. The shattered moon glowed, barely visible within the pre-dawn light as ominous howls and shrieks echoed across the forest. Each tree had leaves the color of blood and bark as dark as a black hole. In the depths of the Forever Forest, shadowy figures with glowing red eyes shifted through the darkness... and that's when a ring of clashing blades tore through the silence.

A loud crack, and a gleaming scythe tore through a line of trees as the wielder flipped through the air, landing on her feet, her silver eyes gleaming. Ruby Rose twisted, spinning her scythe in a deadly arc as she trained her weapon on her opponent. She pulled the trigger, and the Fusion Dust round tore through the air.

A shower of sparks, and the round shattered, split neatly in half as her opponent lunged out of the woods. A scimitar flashed, and Ruby jumped back, twisting with the attack as the blade hissed beneath her and into the ground. An eruption of debris, and the earth imploded as the scimitar was ripped out of the ground.

Undeterred, Ruby shifted her rifle and took aim. She pulled the trigger, and a round shattered upon her armored opponent's forearm as he raised it to absorb the attack. The slits of his visor flashed, swirling with a hurricane of power as Sincline fixed his gaze on Ruby while the Huntress landed on the ground, the red grass crackling beneath her boots. Coiling like a mousetrap, Ruby swung her scythe behind her and fired, the recoil launching her toward her opponent in a blur of black and red.

His back thrusters flaring, Sincline shot toward her as a shockwave ripped through the air, leaves tearing from the trees like a spray of blood as he whipped a scimitar toward her neck.

Their weapons clashed in a shower of sparks, the resulting shockwave gouging the earth as both of Sincline's scimitars crashed against his lover's scythe. Their gazes met, shining silver meeting glowing purple. A blur of speed, and the two disengaged, seemingly teleporting away from each other as the ground beneath their feet shattered.

His feet slamming into the earth, Sincline raised his head and pointed a sword toward the sky as Ruby shot toward him like a bullet, her scythe raised. A flash of light, and seven scimitars materialized around him. He brought his weapon down, and the blades streaked toward Ruby like bolts of lightning.

As the scimitars neared her, Ruby's body flickered and shattered, turning into a swirl of rose petals edged in black as she swerved, rolling past each blade as it impaled the ground. As soon as she was in range, Sincline swung, but she split into three separate tendrils, dodging the strike.

Ruby reformed behind him, scythe raised... only for Sincline's tail to slam into her side, sending her flying into the trees. Leaves and branches shattering as she crashed through them, Ruby twisted and hooked her scythe around a trunk. She pulled the trigger, and the recoil sent her flying into a spin.

Eyes narrowing, Sincline scanned his surroundings, scimitars gleaming as sunlight sparked off his weapons. The woods were silent, save for the rustling of the leaves in the wind... and the sound of a gunshot. Whipping around, his eyes widened as the tree overhead erupted, leaves flying in all directions as Ruby raised her scythe.

His gaze locking with hers, Sincline raised his scimitars, and his thrusters flared. A scimitar whipped through the air, followed closely by the second. A flash of light, and a sphere of energy erupted as their weapons clashed. Sparks flying as their weapons grated against each other, a grin crept across Sincline's face beneath his visor. A sphere of energy formed above his chest, and Ruby jumped back as a beam of energy split through the trees. Silence. Then the line of split ground erupted in a massive explosion that shook the forest.

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