Chapter 8: Departure

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3rd Person POV


A flash of light, and two gleaming blades grated against each other, a shower of sparks filling the air between the two opponents as they clashed again and again, dancing throughout the Core of Existence as flashes of blue and purple energy exploded across the abyss.

Jumping back, the feminine mech retracted her wrist blades and flared her bladed wings, the edges gleaming as Riftwalkers and Defenders fought across countless realities. A flash of light, and a hail of energy beams streaked past Sincline as his ghost-like form hovered in the middle of the battlefield. He couldn't move... only watch as the Riftwalker rained death on her enemy, jets of purple light hissing through the air and shredding a Defender to pieces. Even though it was a 'dream,' he could feel the raw power radiating from both. They were the leaders... and therefore, the strongest of both races.

Flying backward, white armor gleaming, her opponent drew a sword. With a cross-shaped hilt, the end tapered off into five separate tips and seemed to glow with an inner light. Raising it, he brought the blade down in a wide arc, deflecting a trio of energy beams past a pair of Defenders as they and another Riftwalker fought on one of the many strands of reality that surrounded the Core.

Drawing a pair of gleaming scimitars, the Riftwalker sidestepped a lance from his opponent and surged forward, deflecting a blast from the second Defender's shoulder cannon with one scimitar and issuing an attack with the other, forcing the lance-wielder back.

A scream of agony, and a Riftwalker was cut down, the tip of a Defender's blade emerging from her chest. Her eyes flickering, her body slumped, her twin energy whips dispersing as the Defender ripped his blade out of her chest and kicked her to the reality below. Her corpse hit the surface and shattered upon contact, dissolving into thousands of purple fragments.

Watching this, the winged Riftwalker gave a cry of rage and extended two blades from her wrists. The edges gleaming, she disappeared in a streak of energy and reappeared before her opponent, her dual blades clashing with his Blazing Sword. A flash of light, and a shockwave tore through the space between them as the two struggled against each other.

"You Defenders claim to protect Genesis," she spat, glaring at her opponent as her glowing eyes locked with her opponent's blue visor. "You were supposed to be our brethren!" She kicked him back and struck at his neck, her blade hissing through the 'air,' only for her enemy to meet her strike with one of his own.

"We've done what we were chosen for!" he shot back. "We were chosen to protect all universes, and that includes from monsters like you!"

A second Defender lunged at her from behind, and she pivoted, holding off her opponent's blazing sword with one blade and intercepting the newcomer's lance with her second.

Snarling in frustration, the second Defender formed an energy whip and lashed it toward the Riftwalker's neck, only for one of the wing blades to intercept, splitting the stream of energy and causing it to short out.

She didn't hesitate. A streak of energy, and a winged blade of Corrupted Quintessence buried itself in her enemy's back between the shoulder blades, followed by two more that pierced right through his ribcage in a shower of white shards that disintegrated into blue mist.

Eyes flashing, the Riftwalker clenched her fist, and the wing blades glowed ominously. A scream of pain, a horrible screech, and the blades tore through, shredding the Defender to pieces in a vicious spray of blue Quintessence. "You want a monster?" She turned back to her first opponent, her eyes blazing with rage as her wings flared to twice their original wingspan, three of them dripping ominously as she glared down at her opponent. "Here I am."

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