Chapter 5: Akari

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3rd Person POV

Beacon Infirmary

It was truly amazing how well cold and agony coexisted as Sincline drifted through the Quintessence Field, his body limp. Roiling clouds of white energy drifted across the abyss, fading into the distance as dark particles swirled in a nonexistent wind.

A surge of energy cracked across the Field, ramming into his armor and running over his body before dispersing. Small tremors ran through his paralyzed form, and the slits of his visor flickered ever so slightly but refused to light. While the cold Quintessence kept him in a perpetual state of freezing, and likely would have been bearable, the constant pain of Lotor's mind and body fusing with his own kept him in an everlasting state of agony.

It was an endless cycle: the overloading Quintessence in his systems tearing through his veins while the feeling of Lotor's mind and body fusing with his own constantly repeated. Sincline had no concept of how much time had passed, but it felt like an eternity.

Just as Sincline was about to crash his systems in an attempt to get away from the pain, he felt a harsh tug on his body. What was that? He tried to look but found himself still unable to control his limbs. A strange feeling washed over him, twisting over his armor and into his body. It was oppressive. Controlling... and he hated it.

A loud crack, and a rift tore through the space above him. It was just... wrong. Everything about the rift screamed 'enemy.' It was like a scar in the fabric of reality. Dark liquid-like smoke reached out and wrapped around his body. Sincline tried to jerk away as the strange tendrils burned against his armor, but he couldn't move. The tendrils tightened, and with a soundless scream, he was ripped out of the Field.

His vision spiraled into darkness and twisted as he entered the portal. Sincline felt a dizzying sense of vertigo as a wave of scorching pain washed over his body once more. Everything darkened, twisting into a dark spiral as his senses disappeared. A wave of fear washed over Sincline, but before he could panic, everything rushed back in a surge of motion.

Sincline's body shook as he slammed into a hard surface, hitting hard and crushing the ground beneath his fist as he landed on one knee. Feeling the Quintessence around his body fading away as a horrific, scorching substance replaced it, Sincline felt his hand flex, sharp talons snapping together as he clenched his fist... but not of his own accord.

            What the—? Sincline raised his head, and his eyes flashed, bursting into narrowed slits of purple energy as he examined his surroundings

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What the—? Sincline raised his head, and his eyes flashed, bursting into narrowed slits of purple energy as he examined his surroundings.

            What the—? Sincline raised his head, and his eyes flashed, bursting into narrowed slits of purple energy as he examined his surroundings

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