Chapter 7: Last Days on Remnant

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3rd Person POV

Northern Infirmary

Groaning, Sincline shifted, the motion sending a hazy warmth through his body. His eyes opening, he yawned and squinted, raising one hand to shield his eyes from the bright lights above. He was in one of the four infirmaries situated throughout Beacon City. Clad only in his jeans, he glanced to the side and found his shirt, jacket, and socks folded on top of his boots.

He was lying on a soft white hospital bed with light-blue lights glowing above him. On a medical tray beside him, he could see a used syringe and realized someone must have injected him with one of the new infusion shots. It's a good thing we used Quintessence in more than just our weapons, Sincline thought as he ran a quick diagnostic of his body. Just using a milliliter of Quintessence was enough to save someone from a fatal injury or worse in just 15 seconds, hence the creation of the shots during the events of the previous year. Luckily, they were rarely used, given that the Fusion Dust that powered their city prevented anyone from getting sick. Combined with Aura, almost no one got hurt... except those who went out on missions.

As he took in his surroundings, Sincline glanced left toward the window and found that night had fallen. In the far distance, he could see dozens of workers and White Fang wielding Atlesian Paladin-290s working to repair the damage done to the Northern Wall. How long have I been out? he wondered... and that's when he became aware of a light pressure on his chest and a familiar sensation in his right hand.

He glanced down and found Ruby sitting at the side of his hospital bed, partially slumped over him, one hand grasping his. Her lips were barely parted, and her eyes were closed, light from the broken moon above casting an ethereal glow on her beautiful features.

Shaking his head, Sincline smiled and rested his head back against the pillow... and that's when his thoughts turned to his conversation with Akari. Part of him wanted to believe it was only a dream... but the remnants of the Abyssal attack proved otherwise. And that means... everything she said was true.

A light moan caught his attention, and he glanced toward Ruby as she shifted, beginning to wake up. She yawned and stretched, rubbing her eyes and blinking. "Sincline?"

He smiled, a wave of relief washing over him. It was cheesy for sure, but just seeing her smile already made him feel better. "Hey, Rubes. How—?"

"Sincline!" A blur of Rose petals, and she promptly tackled him in a hug, wrapping her arms around his neck.

As her body made contact with his, her chest pressed against his own, Sincline felt his Aura flare in while her emotions broadcasted on a level very few could sense. Thanks to Ren's guidance, Sincline had become one of those few several months ago, and thus he was alerted to the constant fear and worry Ruby had felt for several days. In response, he reached out with his own Aura and released a soothing pulse as he wrapped his arms around her.

"You're alright!"

Sincline gave a small laugh and tightened his grip, ignoring the slight creak of discomfort that flashed through his bones. "I missed ya too, Rubes."

Before Sincline could say anything else, Ruby's embrace tightened even further, and he coughed, barely managing to pat her on the back in reassurance.

"I'm so glad you're okay," Ruby whispered, fighting back tears. "I thought you... I thought you were...." She trailed off, and Sincline tightened his grip protectively, concern for the red reaper welling inside him. They'd been through so much: The White Fang, Ozpin, Salem... it took a lot to get to either of them.

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