Chapter 18

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"y/n!" Heeseung's voice was suddenly excited and he completely forgot about everything that had made him tired. 

"Think you could welcome me in?" You asked, still awkwardly standing in the hallway. 

"Ah, um, yes, of course, how could I forget?" Heeseung said as he moved to let you into the apartment. 

You walked past Heeseung and towards the kitchen. You pulled out a container from your tote bag and placed it on the counter. 

"It's some cake. I thought I'd bring some over for you," You smiled through your words. 

"Oh, wow, that's so nice of you. I've actually been having a bit of a rough day, so this means a lot to me," Heeseung stated, the last bit of his sentence drowning out as he lowered his voice. 

"I can tell...." You said, pointing to the beer bottle in his hand. Heeseung quickly tried to hide it, but he knew there was no use. 

"But, important question, how'd you get up here?" He asked. 

"I got a visitor's pass from downstairs," You said, whipping out the card from inside your tote bag. 

"Of course! You can probably tell that my brain isn't functioning very well today. But, do you want a coffee or something? It's late, so maybe you could stay for a while and I'll drop you home..." Heeseung almost mumbled the last part, not wanting to pressure you into doing something you didn't want. 

"Heeseung, I really would love to, but Hannah and her friend are waiting for me in the car." You almost rolled your eyes when you referred to Romeo as Hannah's friend, but you didn't want to dive into the details. But Heeseung already knew who the 'friend' was. He was well and truly aware that Romeo was meeting up with Hannah today. 

Why is y/n with Hannah and Romeo, though? Heeseung thought to himself, confused by how that would check out. And you realised that he felt like something was wrong with your story. The last thing you wanted was for Heeseung to think that you were here to see him on purpose. Which, to be honest, you were. But he couldn't know that. 

"Um, I was actually going to pick up Hannah. But my car broke down on the way, so, Romeo, oh that's Hannah's friend by the way. But, um, yeah, Romeo offered to drop me home too, since, you know, Hannah and I live together. Soooooooo......" Your voice trailed off as you realised how fast you were going trying to explain everything. 

"Nah, I get you. If they're waiting for you, then no worries. We can some other time." You could tell that Heeseung was disappointed, but this was the only way you could think of getting out of your lie. 

"For sure, Hee. We can hang out some other time," You said, truly meaning it this time.

"Thanks for the cake, though, y/n. Now I won't have to waste my time trying to cook dinner," Heeseung laughed as he walked you to the front door.

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