Chapter 2

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Even though Heeseung was on your mind every day after your breakup, you knew you had to move on. You moved to another city, enrolling to a university where you would do your dream course. Hannah moved with you, saying that she didn't want to leave you by yourself. You got an apartment, that you shared with Hannah, with the help of Hannah's parents. The two of you got a job at a local cafe, where you worked as baristas. The pay was good enough for you to afford groceries and buy the clothes you wanted, but your parents helped you with bills and other important things. Sunoo moved overseas to do a psychology degree. At first, you really missed him, but over time you got used to just video-calling him before bed. Even though he wasn't physically with you and Hannah, he still always made sure to tell the two of you about every detail of his life. 

University life was great. You didn't even realise how fast 4 years had gone by. You got close to Jungwon, who was your classmate in a side course you did. Jungwon was that one friend who knew exactly what advice to give you. He made sure to always help you with making yourself a better person. You partly owe your positive outlook on life to him. You also met Jake, one of the smartest kids in your university and arguably one of the funniest. Jake was that friend who was always there for you to rely on. He knew exactly when you would need to cry on his shoulder or when you just needed some time to yourself. He slowly became your boy best friend over the 4 years of your university life, and practically spent half his free time at your apartment. Jake introduced you to his best friend, Sunghoon, who became like an older brother to you. Sunghoon never missed a chance to annoy you, but you genuinely appreciated his comforting words and silly dad jokes. Hannah also made a friend in her course named Wonyoung, who became one of your really close friends. Wonyoung was your ultimate mood booster friend. She always helped you pick out cute outfits and make you feel better about yourself. 

Jake, Jungwon, Sunghoon, Wonyoung, and Hannah were your group of friends. The best part was that even though Sunoo was overseas, your friends all made sure he was part of all the conversations you had. The six of them helped you get over Heeseung and transformed you into a happier version of yourself. Life was going great! You had a great group of friends, an amazing place to live, you were doing your dream course, your life was straight out of Pinterest. You loved every single moment of it. 4 years after your break up, you were genuinely happy with your life and knew that the pain from the past was only to make you into the person you are today.


 You were on your final break before your last semester of university. You decided to just chill out, not wanting to put too much stress on yourself before your final semester. You were going to a local bookstore today since you promised Hannah that you'd get her a book that she'd been wanting for a while now. You put on a cute pair of jeans and a sweater. You then grabbed your favourite necklace, which Jake bought for you as a birthday present. You quickly checked your outfit in the mirror before heading out. 

You ended up walking to the bookstore since Hannah had taken your car to go grocery shopping. Luckily, the bookstore was only a 15-minute walk from your apartment. Once you got there, you greeted the owner of the store. You searched through the shelves, trying to find the book that Hanah wanted. You finally found the book, and it was the last copy they had. You were about to take it when someone else quickly grabbed it. You turned around, to ask them politely if they could give it to you. You knew how much Hannah wanted it and you were determined to get it for her. 

"Hey, would you be okay with giving me...." You paused, as you realised who was standing in front of you. 

Lee Heeseung. Your ex-boyfriend. A person you thought you would never see again, was standing right in front of you, in a city far away from where you assumed he was all these years. Of all the people you thought you would see today, your ex-boyfriend was last on the list.  

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