Chapter 8

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You stood there, hugging Hannah as the tears filled up your eyes. You didn't even fully know why you were crying. Probably because of how overwhelming your day had been. Usually, you don't cry that much. But the way everything had felt amazing then came crashing down really got to you. 

"What's wrong, tell me, please?" Hannah asked, loosening the hug. You let go of Hannah, making an attempt to wipe away the tears. You could see that you'd stained Hannah's shirt a little with your tears. You made your way to the couch, with Hannah following you. 

"It's gonna sound silly...and I know it is silly, but something about it just really bothered me. And I just want to know you won't judge me, okay?" You said to Hannah, who nodded to reassure you that she wouldn't judge you for what you were about to say. At that moment, Wonyoung walked out of the guest bedroom and noticed that you looked a bit out of it. She walked over and sat down next to you, putting her hand on your shoulder. 

You started explaining everything that had happened, from the dinner to Heeseung asking you to stay over at his apartment to the framed picture you saw in his room. Both Hannah and Wonyoung sat next to you, listening to everything you were saying. As you were explaining, you could tell that both your friends were getting more concerned by the minute. You finished retelling your time with Heeseung, and waited for a response. Both your friends looked almost paralysed for a second, before Wonyoung decided to say something. 

"I would say I'm surprised but for some reason, I'm not..." Wonyoung said under her breath. 

"Wony," Hannah said as she lightly hit Wonyoung on the arm. "Look, what Heeseung did was weird, I do admit. But there's definitely still a lot of growth that's happened in the past four years. He apologised to you, y/n. Do you know how insane that is? High school Heeseung would never..." Hannah stated, before being quickly cut off. 

"Hannah, stop playing devil's advocate. Something about the guy is very wrong. Most sane people don't invite their ex girlfriend to dinner, proceed to make them stay over and then make their ex uncomfortable." Wonyoung blurted, with a hint of disgust for Heeseung's actions present in her voice. 

"I wanna say I don't agree but you're right Wony. I don't think I should ever see him again." You said, replaying the events in your head over and over. 

"Well, only time will tell because guess who said they would never talk to their ex boyfriend? You. And you know what you did? Went out to dinner with him so never say never, sweetie, never say never." Hannah said, making all three of you giggle at her silliness. 


You were sitting in the local library, with your laptop open in front of you. You were trying to do one of your summer break assignments but nothing was working in your brain. You couldn't even compose a single comprehensible thought, let alone put words onto your word document. Sitting across from you was Jake, who was powering through his assignment. You could hear the sound of his keys, as he basically attacked them with his fingers. It looked like he was working in a top secret government office rather than sitting in a local library doing his assignments. 

"No motivation?" Jake asked, half chuckling. He slowly half shut his laptop lid, and fully brought his attention to you. 

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