Chapter 14

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Heeseung knew exactly who it was in front of him. 

This was the same guy that he'd seen at your apartment the day of the incident. Heeseung was sure, and the moment the guy looked at Heeseung, he knew he was right. The other guy's face went blank like he'd seen a ghost. Which, honestly, offended Heeseung, but he decided to let it go just this once. Now he was sure it was the same guy. And from what Hannah had said to Heeseung that day, he knew this guy's name was Romeo. 

"We know each other, don't we?" Heeseung asked, causing Romeo to look embarrassed. 

"Yeah, we've seen each Hannah's apartment. I swear, that version of me that you saw that day...that's not me. I was just drunk, and so stuck up on Hannah, I didn't even realise what I did until I got home..." Romeo's voice trailed off, as he struggled to finish what he was saying. 

"Well, that's definitely a problem. I'm guessing you didn't apologise?" Heeseung asked Romeo, making his way to sit on a chair. 

"I was too scared. I feel terrible, and I think I messed up big time. No. I know I messed up big time. She probably hates me..." Romeo said, as he sunk back into his chair. 

For some reason, Heeseung felt empathetic. He knew how Romeo felt. The feeling of fucking up so bad that the person you love most probably hates you. He knew exactly how that felt.

"Maybe she does hate you. But you could still make it up to her," Heeseung reassured Romeo. "It might take some time. And you definitely need to pull yourself together. But you could set things right, once and for all."

Romeo smiled at Heeseung, thankful for his reassuring words. The two sat in silence for a minute, before Heeseung stood up, taking out the USB from his pocket. He placed it on the table, sliding it over to Romeo. 

"I'm Heeseung, the guy from marketing." Heeseung placed his hand out in front of him for Romeo to shake. Romeo took Heeseung's hand. 

"I'm Romeo, the incompetent intern from accounting," Romeo joked, garnering a laugh from Heeseung. 

"That has a nice ring to it, I won't lie. Anyways, it's pretty late, are you leaving now?" Heeseung asked. 

"Yeah, maybe in half an hour. I gotta get this sorted first," Romeo lightly laughed, holding up the USB that Heeseung had given him. 

"Well, good luck with that. I'll see you around, Romeo," Heeseung said before walking out of the kitchen area and making his way to the car park. He sat in his car for a second, thinking about the advice that he'd given Romeo just then. Maybe it was time to take his own advice. 


Your final semester of university was starting in a week, and you were stressed. After one final semester of lectures, assignments and exams, you would officially hold a degree certificate in your hand. But for some reason, it wasn't any of this that was stressing you out. It was something else. Or rather, someone else. You were waiting for Heeseung to text you but it seemed like maybe he'd just forgotten about your existence. No calls, no texts, no nothing. 

"I just wish he'd say something, Hannah," You said to your best friend, who was busy stirring together the pasta sauce and mixing in the veggies that she'd cut up earlier. 

"Why are you so two-minded about this? One minute you're telling all of us to stop talking about him, the next minute you're the one going on and on about him. Pick a struggle please, y/n," Hannah laughed, as she kept stirring. 

"Hannahhh," You whined, annoyed that your best friend wasn't supporting you. Hannah looked up from the pot, placing the wooden spoon down near the handle of the pot. 

"y/n, either you have to grow up and talk to him, or you have to wait until he says something. If you choose the first one, then good for you. If you choose the second, then you better stay quiet until he says something. I don't want to spend my last few days before class starts talking about Heeseung," Hannah said, fed up with your indecisiveness. 

"Exactly! You can't do nothing, and then also complain about nothing happening," Sunoo chimed in, as he finished straining the pasta. 

"But..." You were immediately interrupted by your best friend. 

"No buts, y/n. Take initiative, or stay quiet," Hannah half-seriously, half-jokingly said to you. 

"Ugh, fine! I guess I'll just keep waiting for him to do something," You said, not wanting to annoy your best friends even further. 

"Wise choice, sweetie," Sunoo laughed, as he brought over the pasta to Hannah. 


It was now the final weekend before your classes started for the semester. You and Hannah were out shopping, mainly just to browse through clothes. You'd managed to drag Sunoo out of bed to accompany the two of you. He was strictly not planning on buying any new clothes since he'd spent a lot of money while he was studying abroad. But all three of you knew that he'd never be able to resist a shopping trip with his two besties. 

You were walking around the store when the Prada shop caught Sunoo's eye. 

"I just wanna look around, I promise," Sunoo said, as you and Hannah rolled your eyes before following him into the store.

You browsed through the store, looking at all the pricey dresses. Hannah had ventured off into the area of the suits, and you decided to follow her. Sunoo was distracted by the accessories, while Hannah pulled a pair of formal pants out, showing it to you. 

"What do you think?" Your best friend asked, wanting to know your opinion before even making her own. 

"It's cute! Definitely would look super cute with that blazer you got last month," You said, giving Hannah your honest opinion, like you always do. 

"You think so? Let me go try it on then. Hold this," She said, handing over her purse and phone. 

Not wanting to awkwardly stand alone, you walked over to Sunoo, who was still engrossed in what seemed like the unlimited supply of Prada accessories. As you were walking over, Sunoo placed some massive sunglasses onto his face, turning to look at you. The sight of Sunoo with those massive glasses on his face caused you to burst into laughter, and upon hearing your laugh, Sunoo cracked up as well. 

"I don't look that bad, do I?" Sunoo asked, through fits of laughter. 

"You look like a 60-year-old aunty," You joked, causing the two of you to clutch your stomachs, laughing again. 

You felt the phone in your hand buzz, so you lifted it up to see the notification. A text message. 

Two words. 

I'm sorry

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