Chapter 17

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Hannah was looking through her wardrobe, for something that she could wear.

"What about this one?" She said, pulling out a casual, floral dress. It was a white dress, with pastel yellow flowers.

"Mmmmm, probably the best one so far," Sunoo said, as he observed the dress.

"Do you think it's too much? He might think I'm putting in too much effort," Hannah said, as she looked at herself in the mirror again.

"You're overthinking this, Hannie, just wear whatever you want," You said, lying on the bed, slowly feeling yourself getting fed up with how much effort your best friend was putting into this meeting.  

Wonyoung shot you a look, almost like she was telling you to keep your mouth shut. 

"I think this one is gorgeous, Hannie. It looks casual but also put together. I'm sure this is the one," Wonyoung said, reassuring Hannah that she looked beautiful in the dress. 

Hannah looked at the dress again in the mirror. Then she walked off to her jewellery box, indicating that she'd decided to wear the dress. As much as you wanted your best friend to be happy, you were sure that having a conversation with Romeo wouldn't be the way to do that. He messed up royally and nothing could change that. But you couldn't say anything. Wonyoung had practically sown your mouth shut because she didn't want you to ruin anything for Hannah.

"What do we think, guys?" Hannah asked, readjusting her earrings again.

"You look so beautiful!" Sunoo almost screeched into your ear.

"Thank you," Hannah smiled widely, observing herself in the mirror again. "Okay, well, I should probably get going then. I'll see you guys tonight."

"TONIGHT? How long are you planning on talking to Romeo?" You asked, looking out at the sky that was still bright from the midday sun.

"As long as it takes..." Hannah's voice trailed off, as she noticed how you, Sunoo and Wonyoung were looking at her. "What?"

"Are you sure this conversation is just for him?" Sunoo asked, teasing Hannah a little.

"Guys, I promise, I'm not going to pull a y/n," Hannah giggled.

"Hey, what's that supposed to mean? Hannah, I'm gonna-" You were cut off by Wonyoung putting her finger up to your mouth to get you to stop talking.

"We'll see you tonight Hannie! Have fun," Wonyoung enthusiastically said, shooting Hannah one of her signature smiles. 


Hannah was awkwardly waiting inside the restaurant for Romeo. She kept checking her phone, not because she was getting notifications, but rather to distract herself. She was so sure that she'd made the right decision when she was talking to you, Sunoo and Wonyoung. But now, she wasn't so sure. Her hands were sweaty, and she knew that she was getting stressed out from thinking about what would happen with Romeo. 

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