Chapter 9

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"Is everything alright, Hannah?" Something about her request was so out of the ordinary, that you were becoming worried. Hannah usually never asked you to come home when you were out with Jake, unless it was an emergency. 

"Yeah, yeah, just get home as quickly as you can please?" Her voice sounded a bit shaky, and this just made the whole situation more worrying. 

"Okay, I'll be home as soon as I can. Stay safe, please?" You said, before cutting the phone. You turned to face Jake, who was blissfully unaware of what was happening and was enjoying his coffee. 

"Jake..." You called out, taking his attention away from the random dog he was admiring. "You think you could drop me home?"

"Right now?" He asked, slightly raising his eyebrows in curiosity while he took another sip of his coffee. 


You were currently sitting in Jake's car, in front of your apartment building. You felt like your heart was jumping out of your chest. Your mind was racing, thinking of all the possibilities. As much as you wanted to be optimistic, every thought that was coming to mind was negative. 

"You sure you don't want me to come with you?" Jake asked softly, bringing you out of your thoughts. 

"Yeah, I'm sure. I don't know what happened, and if it's something private, then I guess it's better if you're not there." You said, still half stuck in thought. 

You got out of the car, taking all your things with you. You felt like your feet weren't stable, as you walked towards the entrance of the building. 

"Hey y/n..." You turned around to see Jake standing in front of his car. "Call me once you know what happened, okay?" 

You nodded and kept walking, entering the apartment building. You turned around again and Jake was still standing there. He always did that. Waited for you to enter your apartment building and get to the elevator before he got back into his car. It was nice though, knowing that someone cared about you enough to wait until you were out of sight to leave. 

As you stepped into the elevator, you felt like your heart was beating faster than before. Maybe it was the fact that you didn't have Jake's comforting presence to calm you down, or maybe it was because you were left completely alone with your thoughts. When the elevator doors opened up to your floor, for some reason you felt yourself calm down. Seeing everything look normal, as you see it everyday, helped you feel like maybe nothing was wrong. You slowly got closer to your apartment, and before you knew it, you were standing in front of the door, ringing the bell.  

The door opened and you were standing face to face with Hannah. Before you could even ask her what was happening, she grabbed your arm and practically dragged you into the living room. 

"Hannah, what's happen-" You felt a pair of arms hug you from behind, cutting you off. The hug felt familiar. It was comforting and made you feel safe. Just from the hug, you knew exactly who it was. 

You turned around to face him, slowly removing his arms from you. 

There he was, standing eye to eye with you. 

Sunoo. Your best friend, who you hadn't seen in almost 4 years. This was his first time back in town after he went overseas to pursue his course. 

You basically flung yourself into Sunoo again, clinging onto him like a bear. You hugged him so tight, that he probably felt like he was suffocating. Four years hadn't felt that long, but now that you were reunited with Sunoo, you realised that it was so much longer than you thought it was. Seeing him through a phone camera during video calls really didn't do his glow-up justice. He was taller than before, and he'd grown into his features. But somehow, he was cuter than he'd ever been before. You tightened the hug once more, before slowly loosening your grip. 

"Why didn't you tell me you were flying back?" You asked, holding Sunoo's hand as you didn't want to let him go. 

"I wanted to see the look on your face when you saw that I was back," He giggled, pulling you back in for another hug. He put out his left arm to pull Hannah in too. 

"Honestly, I didn't realise how much I missed the three of us being together until just now," Hannah said, snuggling into you and Sunoo. 

"Okay, that's enough of the sappy stuff. I wanna meet the others in person!" Sunoo exclaimed, almost destroying your eardrums. 

Sunoo let go of you and Hannah, gesturing for all of you to sit down. You and Sunoo made your way to the couch, and Hannah went to grab her matcha latte from the kitchen counter. 

"I promise you can meet them soon. But first, the three of us need to catch up! We need a full update on your life over there." You said, grabbing a couch cushion to rest your arms on.

"Ughhhh. But I gave you guys updates almost every week on calls. There's nothing else interesting that's happened." Sunoo whined, throwing his head back onto the back of the couch. 

"Sunoo, you and I both know that's not the same as gossiping and updating each other in person." Hannah chimed in, as she walked towards her room.

"Exactlyyyyyy! So, Sunoo, were there any hotties in your class? Maybe you could introduce me?" You said, making the two of you burst into laughter. 


While you and Sunoo were chatting away, Hannah was sitting on her bed. Her hands were shaking, as she kept looking at the messages on her phone. She got up from her bed, walking to the door. Her vision was blurry from her eyes watering, as she locked the door. Hannah's back made contact with her door, as she sunk to the floor, breaking down into tears, while the phone in her hands kept buzzing. 

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