Chapter 1

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Lee Heeseung. Whenever you thought of that name, it sent shivers down your spine. There wasn't a day in your life that you didn't talk, laugh, smile and fall deeply in love with him. But that changed. It's been 4 years. 4 years without him in your life. 4 years of healing and putting yourself back together. 


Heeseung was popular at school, almost half the girls in your year level had a crush on him at some point. You found Heeseung attractive, but you thought that he'd never like you back. Mostly because you weren't as popular as him, which isn't to say that you are unknown, people knew who you were. The only people, though, who knew about you finding Heeseung attractive were your best friends, Sunoo and Hannah. Sunoo was the most popular guy at school, he was practically friends with everyone. Hannah was just like you, not super popular but not unknown. The three of you were best friends and occasionally hung out with Ni-Ki. Ni-Ki was Sunoo's other best friend, and he was also friends with Heeseung. Ni-Ki was also close to Heeseung's best friend Jay. The three of them were the campus crushes. If you asked any girl who they had a crush on, there was a 90% chance they would say either Heeseung, Ni-Ki or Jay. 

Ni-Ki was actually the one who introduced you to Heeseung. It was almost as if he had decided to play matchmaker, trying to set you up with Heeseung, with Sunoo, Jay and Hannah's help. Over time, you found yourself hanging out with Heeseung and his friends, at the insistence of Ni-Ki. Eventually, you started to consider Heeseung as one of your friends. He was charming, kind and always looked at you like you were the prettiest thing he'd seen. Slowly, you started falling for his jokes and his smile. Then before you knew it, he was asking you out on a date. 

The two of you would spend your days in each other's arms, completely in love. Your friends would watch in admiration, giggling about how cute you were. While the rest of the school watched in jealousy, praying that they would get a relationship like you and Heeseung. The two of you were the IT couple, everyone wanted to be you. Your relationship was practically perfect. 

But that all changed. Graduation day. What was supposed to be one of the best days of your life became one of the worst. Ni-Ki was taking pictures of you, Hannah and Sunoo in your graduation caps when you saw Heeseung walking off behind a building. You grew a little curious since Heeseung had been ignoring you more than usual and was acting a little weird. At first, you thought it was just because he was scared about graduating, but your suspicions grew as you realised that there might be something else going on. You decided to take Hannah with you to investigate what was going on. 

You saw Heeseung talking to Jay, but it looked like they were about to get into a fight. They were standing behind the main building, a place where practically no one ever went. This added to your suspicion more. You and Hannah decided to listen in on their conversation, hiding behind part of the building to make sure they wouldn't notice you. 

"Honestly, Hee, I think you should just tell her the truth. Don't waste her time." Jay said, practically demanding Heeseung to take his advice.

"I know I should, but I don't want to hurt her feelings" Heeseung replied, looking down at the floor. You started to feel a bit sick in your stomach, realising that they must've been talking about you.  

"Hee, you know that I'm your biggest supporter, I want the best for you. But she deserves better. Don't hide this from her. Tell her before she finds out on her own. Please..." Jay's voice trailed off, as he saw something moving. To be more specific, he saw you and Hannah. You accidentally made eye contact with Jay and realised there was no going back now. 

You and Hannah emerged from where you were hiding, moving yourself into the light. Jay had an apologetic look on his face, almost as if he was regretting everything he had said. 

"What's going on?" Hannah asked, looking Heeseung right in the eyes. He quickly avoided eye contact, looking at Jay for support. 

"I don't care if you hurt my feelings, Hee, just tell me what you're hiding from me..." You said, trying to prepare yourself for what he was about to say. 

"I'm sorry....I...." Heeseung broke down, trying to wipe away his tears without you seeing. 

"He lost feelings for you, and cheated!" Jay blurted out. "I'm ashamed to say that my best friend did something like that, but it's the truth."

You felt your eyes watering before you even had a chance to process what Jay just revealed. You tried to pull yourself together, but struggled to control your tears. You thought Heeseung was different, but he was just like every other guy you liked. He didn't care about you. Hannah walked over to Heeseung and slapped him. 

"Don't ever talk to her again! You don't deserve her. I thought I'd finally found someone that was good enough for my best friend but apparently not. And you Jay, don't you ever call yourself her friend." Hannah yelled into their faces, standing up for you. "Let's go y/n..." 

She dragged you away, leaving Heeseung crying onto Jay's shoulder. You turned back to look at Heeseung, but he quickly looked away, embarrassed. Your eyes met Jay's, as he mouthed 'sorry'. As you walked towards everyone else, Ni-Ki and Sunoo ran over to you. After Hannah told them what had happened, Sunoo pulled you into a hug, whispering words of comfort into your ear. Heeseung and Jay appeared a while later. 

"Hey, what the hell is wrong with you, Hee? I never thought you'd do something so low." Ni-Ki yelled, shoving Heeseung. 

"Ni-Ki, there's no point yelling at him now. The damage has been done. Let's just move on now, okay?" Jay said, trying to comfort Ni-Ki. 

Sunoo let you go and tried to walk over to Heeseung, but you held him back. You shook your head from side to side, showing Sunoo that you didn't want to make it a bigger problem than it already was. You'd finally accepted the situation. He cheated on you, and you weren't going to let him or his friends disrespect you anymore. 


It's been four years since that incident. You blocked Heeseung the night of your break-up and decided to move on. A few days after graduation, Jay and Ni-Ki blocked and unadded you on every social media platform, which you figured was probably because of Heeseung. 

Sometimes, your mind wandered back to Heeseung. You wondered if your life would be different if he was still with you. You knew you missed him, but you had moved on. You knew you were better off without him. But if only you knew what life had in store for you. Maybe, you'd reconsider the way you felt about him. 

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