Chapter 25

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Heeseung stood frozen, trying to process his feelings. It was jealousy. The way your friend looked at you, Heeseung knew that whatever he felt had to be jealousy. You grabbed Jake's arm, pulling him towards Heeseung to introduce the two of them to each other. 

"Jake, this is Heeseung. Heeseung, this is Jake." You watched as the two of them shook hands, the energy already being off. Jake could barely suppress his hidden anger and Heeseung could barely hide his feelings of jealousy. 


The three of you walked around and shopped together. You kept picking out things for Jake to try on, giving ratings as he walked out of the changing rooms. Heeseung stood off to the side, observing the way you and Jake were interacting. The closeness. The comfort. Everything made Heeseung insecure. Was she even this comfortable with me when we were dating?  

You were walking in between the two boys, trying to stand closer to Jake to make Heeseung jealous. And it was working, you could tell by the way Heeseung was trying not to look at you. His eyes were glued either to the floor or to whatever he could find in front of him. When Jake spoke, you could see Heeseung's eyes practically roll out of his head. You stopped walking to admire the menu of a boba shop, causing the boys to stop with you. Jake slung his arm over your shoulder, trying to provoke Heeseung. And, somehow, Jake had nailed it. 

"Hey, Jacob, maybe back off from y/n a little bit, she looks uncomfortable," Heeseung said coldly to Jake. You paused, taking your eyes off the menu. The sudden aggression in Heeseung's voice was unexpected. You were expecting jealousy, but you weren't expecting for him to actually speak up about it. 

"First of all, it's Jake, not Jacob. And second, y/n has the ability to tell me if she doesn't like something I'm doing." Jake then turns to look at you. "Are you uncomfortable right now?"

You shake your head, implying that you're not uncomfortable. Jake had to try hard not to let out a proud smirk, but on the inside, he knew that this was pissing Heeseung off. And, in many ways, it was adding to Jake's feelings. 

"Anyways, I think I should go home! I've definitely spent too much of your money, Heeseung," You said, trying to get yourself out of the awkward situation that Heeseung had created. As much as you wanted to get Heeseung jealous, the energy was off. The last thing you wanted was to witness a fight, and, unfortunately, that was exactly where this was headed. You could tell by the way Jake was smirking to himself and how Heeseung was avoiding eye contact with the two of you. 

"Oh, of course. And no worries about the money, this was my idea to begin with! And I can drop you home if you'd like..." Heeseung's voice trailed off as he was interrupted. 

"No need buddy! She's coming over to my place tonight and I've got my car so I can take her home," Jake said, his arm still over your shoulder.

"Um, Jaco-, Jake. Can I talk to you for a second?" Heeseung asked. 

"y/n?" Jake asked for your permission. 

"Yeah, go for it, guys. I'm gonna get a boba so I'll be waiting here," You said, flashing a smile at the two boys. As much as you wanted to know what they'd talk about, you decided that it was better for Jake to handle it by himself. And plus, you knew your best friend would do whatever he needed to make the plan work out. 

The two of them walked off, as you simultaneously ordered your boba and tried to observe them. 


"Listen here kid, don't try get with her! She's mine and mine only. I was her boyfriend, not you, so don't you even dare to think about her." Heeseung slightly threatened Jake, trying to make it known that he was still in love with you.

"Pfft, notice how you were her boyfriend. Not anymore. You're her ex now. She can go home with whoever she wants. And today she's coming with me. You don't own her, so if I hear you talk about her like that again, the next thing you'll see is my fist." Jake responded, making Heeseung back away a little.


You sipped on your boba, turning around to wave goodbye to Heeseung. He waved back, but quickly turned away, walking off. Jake, who was walking right beside you, didn't even bother turning around to look at Heeseung. 

"What did Hee say to you?" You asked, curious to know.

"Told me to stay away from you." Jake chuckled, and his tongue poked against his cheek. "Who does he think he is?"


"y/n, come on, it wasn't even that bad," Sunoo said, trying to make you feel better. You eyed him, as he sat on the floor, making bracelets. 

"Yeah, it's not like they're going to see each other again. Why stress about it for no reason?" Sunghoon chimed in from his spot on the couch. 

"Sunghoon, don't you dare talk. I did this so you'd forgive Jake, and now look at you. Completely abandoning your bestie to sit here and gossip with us." Sunghoon's face dropped at the mention of Jake.

"You do forgive him right?" Hannah asked as she brought in more beads for Sunoo to make bracelets with. 

"Yeah, I guess...." 

"What do you mean, 'I guess'? Sunghoon, you've got to be shitting me! I did this for you, oh my god, my life is ruined," You dramatically complained, rubbing it into Sunghoon's mind that you weren't making Heeseung jealous for your own satisfaction, but rather for Jake and Sunghoon's friendship. 

"It's not like you were going to date Heeseung anyways! What's the big deal?" Sunghoon's question had you, Hannah and Sunoo perking up. 

Your silence was enough for Sunoo to unpack everything. 

"OH MY GOSH, YOU STILL LIKE HEESEUNG DON'T YOU?" Sunoo yelled out, dropping his bracelet onto the floor and beads flying everywhere as he ran over to tackle you into a hug. 


Jake lay on his bed, his mind racing with thoughts. Maybe Sunghoon was right after all. Maybe I am falling for my best friend.  As much as he wished it wasn't true, he could see the signs right there. He felt so protective over you when Heeseung was around. But not like he felt about Hannah when Romeo was around. This was different. This wasn't just protectiveness over a friend. This was so much more than that. 

Jake picked up his phone, knowing what he had to do. He opened up his contacts, searching for the name of the person he knew he had to call in this moment. 


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