Chapter 1

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Bright was sitting on the throne when Win comes

Win : Honey what are we gonna do about Joong ??

Bright was confused when win asked

Bright : What do you mean

Win : *sights* well I mean he is already 25 he should get into the throne

Bright : Babe can we go to our office and talk about these

Win nodded .Bright and Win both walked to their office .They both sit down on the couch .

Win : I am scared

Bright rubbed Win's hand

Bright: I understand your concerns but what we can do now let him take some more time *smiles*

Win nodded understanding what Bright said . Bright looked at his husband and Realised he is still worried

Bright : Should I call Joong ??

Win nodded

Bright told his manager to bring Joong ...

( A few moments later )

Joong : Good afternoon Dad and Pappa

Bright nodded and guestered him to sit infront of them . Joong smiles and obeyed

Win : Dear did you find any prince or princess ??

Joong looked at his Dad and Pappa before answering

Joong : Not yet

Win : *concern* Dear you know you are already 25

Joong : Pa I know and I will  you can start searching for a boy or a girl *smiles

Win : Can we ?

Joong nodded..Win smiled happily

Win: If we didn't match your standards just tell us okey !! *Smiling*

Bright saw how happy is win . He was was watching him with a smile .

Bright suddenly remembered about the nearby kingdoms visit

Bright : *clears the throat* Well the Vihokratana kingdom is visiting us .....

Win and Joong smiled very happy because TayNew is Win's best friend so is Bright's and Nanon is Joong's Best friend.

Joong : Is there anything why they are visiting dad ??

Bright : *smiling* nop just visiting ....I know you both are too happy ...

Win : What do you mean bright how can I not Tay and New both are coming and I can't wait to see them

Bright : *frowns* You saw them yesterday

Win glared . Bright suddenly smiled

Bright : You know you can meet them whenever you want *smiles*

Joong chuckled . He got up and walked towards the door

Joong : Whipped cream

Bright heard that and threw a small ball

Joong chuckled while getting out of the room to meet pond to say the news of the neighbouring kingdoms

Joong get inside  pond's room and saw pond dancing

Joong :  Pond !!

Pond : Damn !! What the hell you startled me

Joong chuckled

Joong : Bro your bear toys are done watching your dance ..

Pond : They are happy than your shampoo bottles

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