Chapter 3

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When Dunk  reached home he saw a phoon with a medical kit  besides phuwin.He became worried

Dunk : What happened??

Phuwin looked at Dunk

Phuwin : Umm nothing I just fell down

Dunk approached him with a concern look

Phuwin : I am fine but where were you

Dunk : well I met prince Nanon

Dunk said nonchalantly

Phoon and Phuwin's eyes widened

PhuwinPhoon: You met who ??

Dunk : Prince Nanon , don't tell this to pa and dad okey

Phuwin : I won't

Phoon : okey but what was the need of my flowers??

Dunk chuckled...

Dunk : Pa's birthday so.....

Phoon nodded

Phoon : By the way is Prince a nice person

Phoon can't help but ask

Dunk : He is good .....friendly.......

Phuwin smirked

Dunk : what ??

Phuwin : Nothing


New twisted Nanon's ear

Nanon : Pa it hurts

New : Can't you come on time  to eat

Nanon : sorry

Joong , Pond and Pluem was laughing

Nanon : Idiots .......

Joong : Pond and Pluem come on I will show you something

With that the three left New and Nanon

New : I am going to meet your dad

New was about to go out when Nanon held his hands

New frowned

Nanon : Pa can I ask you something??

New nodded

Nanon made new sit on the sofa

Nanon : Is there any particular rule about marrying in our kingdom like other kingdom's ??

New : You mean ??

Nanon : I mean like is it compulsory to marry a prince  or princess??

New thinks a bit before answering

New : It is not compulsory to marry prince or princess in our kingdom you can marry a commoner if you want but you cannot marry a commoner from our kingdom

Nanon frowned

New : It is because to have connection from another kingdom. If you are marrying a commoner it should be from another kingdom so we will have connection with that kingdom

Nanon smiled

New looked at him suspiciously

New : Don't tell you find someone

Nanon nodded

New immediately hugged Nanon in happiness

Nanon : Pa calm down okey let me observe a bit .. I mean I just kinda met him today I need some time to confirm

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