chapter 7

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(Pond pov)

The hell who is calling me now ?? Now I can't even call my babe in peace

I quickly get up and open the door to see My elder brother who is sweating

Pond : What are you doing here?

Joong : Let me sleep with you

The hell why he is sleeping with me

it's kinda weird !!

I frowned

Joong : Please only today

I sighted and let him in

Pond : Be silent and sleep okey !!

Joong : why you look frustrated

( Author pov)

Pond sighted

Pond : Nothing just sleep

Joong nodded and hugged him. Pond frowned in his brothers behaviour but didn't think too much about it

_next day__

Pond thought about  visiting his parents and talk about his trip . When he reached his parents office he knocked

Bright : Get in

Pond gets in and saw his parents working on file

Pond : Dad  , good morning

Bright nodded

Pond : Dad can I ask you about my solo trip ??

Bright looked at Pond and smiled

Bright : Come sit here , why are you standing there

Pond smiled and sit beside his dad

Pond : Dad can you book 2 tickets for the trip

Bright frowned

Bright : It's a solo trip son

Pond nodded

Pond : I know dad but please my friend said he is so bored and he wants to do something exciting so I thought about him

Bright sighted and nodded

Bright : it's your chance to enjoy yourself and if you like to accompany one of your friend then who am I to stop you

Pond : *smiling* thank you dad and I have one more request

Bright : Go ahead

Pond hesitated but still asked

Pond : Can you avoid guards

Bright frowned and said

Bright : Even if you are alone I won't provide guards since it's a trip to enjoy so don't worry

Pond smiled and hugged his dad and thanked alot . Bright smiled and patted his son's head . Win is looking at their interactions with a smiley face

Sometimes win was so worried about pond since he is the youngest and spare prince and he may have thoughts about his parents care towards him was not enough

While pond and Bright was hugging there was another knock and it was Tay New . Win let them in

New was kinda confused about the situation in office in a positive way

New : What's happening

Bright : It's nothing it's just about his solo trip

New : Solo trip ??

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