Chapter 10

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Pluem was scrolling through his phone gallery when he saw his college photos . He stared at the photos for a moment before tears started to form

He can't really believe he lost his first love  Chimon  to his rival Perth. He has only told about his first love to Nanon and His pappa New . He didn't say it to Tay because he knew very well that if Tay gets to know about it  no matter what happened Tay will force Chimon to be Pluem's partner and he didn't really want anymore misunderstanding between Chimon

He was lost in his thoughts that he didn't really hear guards calling him from outside . He flinched when the guards started to shout . He quickly gets up and opens the door and is greeted with a letter .

Guard : Majesty has ordered you to come for the royal meeting immediately. There is a sudden guest from another kingdom,  Prince Pluem

The guard said while keeping his hands on the chest and keeping his head low in a formal way. Pluem nodded and took the letter from the guard and read it .

Pluem opened the letter and read it

He is confused by the sudden visit but he shrugged it off and nodded

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He is confused by the sudden visit but he shrugged it off and nodded

Pluem : Wait for me here let me get dressed
The guards nodded and waited for Pluem . After a few minutes Pluem comes  in a Formal way . The guards followed Pluem as they started to walk to the main Royal meeting room

When Pluem enters he sees his parents and brothers are already presented there . Nanon saw Pluem and quickly made his way to Pluem

Nanon : they haven't arrived yet so we should wait a bit ..take a seat brother

Pluem nodded and they both walked towards the Royal seats beside the king's seat and sat there waiting for the Jumpol's .

After a few moments the door opened revealing off Jumpol and Gun Jumpol the kings of Jumpol Empire
There were few guards with them and also the minister was presented .The Jumpol's walked in respected the Tay and New by bowing .

They say on the visitors Seats and faced Tay

Off : How are you my friend ?
Tay smiled
Tay : Been good ..well what about you ?
Off: same it's good uhmm I am sorry for the surprise but we were not planning too
Tay nodded in understanding
Tay : So is there any important
Off : Well it's an announcement actually
Tay : Then go ahead

Off nodded and guested his minister to read the announcement so loud

Off nodded and guested his minister to read the announcement so loud

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Everyone smiled widely hearing the news except Pluem . He is shocked to hear ..he still can't believe he is really going to lose his first love .New noticed Pluem's face and whispered

New : is everything alright dear ?
Pluem : Yes pappa ,nothing to be worried

New smiled and nodded. Pluem just fake smiled and attended the rest of the meeting .

( An hour later )

The Jumpol's left the kingdom and the meeting dispersed . Everyone returned to their own work . Pluem got back to his room and closed the door with a heavy heart

He knows things are gonna be like this but still he is not ready to accept the fact.  He stared at the photo of Chimon . Which is a group photo where he took in their college times


Joong was sitting on his bed while chatting with Dunk . From the time where joong got Dunk's line he started to chat whenever he got time .The same goes for Dunk .

Joong : So Dunk did you think about the job ?
Dunk : Mm yeah , I am interested but I want to ask my parents
Joong : Sure ...
Dunk : By the way my dad is working on the palace
Joong : Huhh ??
Dunk : yeah , he is the Army chief
Joong : Uncle Force ??
Dunk : Yeah
Joong : Damn !!
Dunk : hehe and my papa  was the main chef
Joong : What the ... You mean Uncle Book ??
Dunk : Yep
Joong : Oh my Dunk .. why didn't you told me this earlier
Dunk : Hehe just for fun
Joong : Seriously?! Uhmm if my guess is right you have a brother too.
Dunk : Yepp
Joong : great !!
Dunk : Don't you have any work ?
Joong : uhmm no actually
Dunk : ohh but I have some work
Joong : what ?
Dunk : cleaning etc...

They keep chatting without caring about the time


( Night )

Tay and New were sitting on the bed talking about Offgun's visit . When New suddenly bought Nanon's marriage

New : Tay we should immediately approach Aydin's about our son's marriage
Tay : Don't worry na we will okey
New : so when will we ?
Tay : Uhmm I am thinking that we should send Nanon for 2 or 3 months to Aydin for staying there . In the mean time he will get to know more about that boy
New : It's a good idea actually
Tay : you said that he is graduated in Technologies right ?
New nodded
Tay : Then let's make things easily by talking with Bright and Win about that boy's job in palace so that while Nanon stays in palace he will get to know more about that boy
New : That's a good idea but I have told Win to say  about the proposal to the boys parents
Tay : It's not a big deal we can say to Win that .....we have to pause the marriage proposal for 2 or 3 months and also don't let that boy know about it too

New nodded and hugged Tay tightly . Tay patted his head

Tay : I will try my best to make you all happy
New : I know


Bright and Win were working on the office when suddenly Force knocked the door

Win : get in

Force get inside the office and bowed

Bright : what made you come here Force
Force : Majesty I have thinking about the proposal
Win : okey what about that
Force : well my husband Book said he is ready

Win smiled

Bright : We will let you know more about the proposal soon okey ?! But did you talk it to Dunk ?
Force : Nope
Bright : Okey , I think it's better if you don't say it to Dunk right now since we haven't get anymore information from the Tawan's...
Force : Sure
Win : Then you may get back home right now it's already late
Force bowed and left the office while smiling

After Force left Bright again started to work meanwhile Win is not having any good feelings about the proposal and Bright noticed it

Bright : Anything to say , love ?
Win : I don't know but something is not right
Bright : Don't overthink na

Bright approached Win sat beside him

Bright : Maybe it's the stress
Win : Maybe....but still something is wrong I don't know bright
Bright : don't worry na
Win stared at the floor blankly .Bright noticed it and decided to change the subject

Bright : Well  the Jumpol's have messeges me saying that they will be here tomorrow so we should get ready

Win nodded

Win : Why they are visiting us ?
Bright : No idea maybe something important
Win : hope it is *smiled*


This story is gonna be too dramatic you all 😐

And my results are out I got 85% in first year thank you all for wishing me 🤍

My total marks will be counted after second year so this is a good percentage for me thank you all 🤍

Ignore the mistakes please

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