chapter 8

239 24 20

( 4 days later )

Today  is the day the Tawan family is going back to their kingdom.. Nanon didn't want to go back to his kingdom because of Dunk but his parents has promised that he can meet Dunk

In this past  1 week Nanon visits Dunk most of the day ..sometimes he talks to dunk for hours , sometimes he observes Dunk from far

Nanon told New yesterday that he wanted to marry Dunk . New was beyond happy when his son said that . Tay was surprised but still he was happy for his son that he finally found someone .

Now the Tawan family is standing in BrightWin's office . Just like the welcome ceremony the sending ceremony is also very grand

New : Win I have a happy news

Win frowned at New's sentence

New : My boy Nanon had found someone from your kingdom

Win's eyes widened in surprise. He is happy that Nanon found someone from there Aydin Kingdom .

Win : so that means our kingdom is gonna have  bond ??

New nodded in excitement. Win is also beyond happy by the news

New : Soon we will have another meeting for the wedding plans....... before that I need your help

Win nodded

New : you should share the information about the family

Win : Sure .....but which family ??

New : ohh I haven't shared it right ??

Win nodded

New : Srisang Family's eldest son , Dunk

Win : the family name is kinda familiar anyway I will have a check ....


The Tawan's are standing infront of the throne biding good bye . The Aydin's bowed them in a formal way

Bright : Hope to see you soon

Tay nodded and left with the family

After the Tawan's left Win looked at Bright and said  about the things New said . Bright nodded in response

Joong and Pond left to sit in the garden

Joong : Tomorrow you are going for the trip right ??

Pond nodded

Joong : I heard one of your friend joins you

Pond stared at joong for a second and nodded

Joong : all the best .. I hope you enjoy my brother

Pond nodded and smiled

Joong : Pond~~

Joong called Pond in a soft tone inwhich pond is kinda surprised

Joong : I hope you can be happy with whatever decision you are taking..just don't regret it ..and I will support you no matter what happened

Joong suddenly hugged pond . Pond was kinda confused but nodded .
Pond knows that Joong is the best brother no matter how they fight . They never hid anything from each other but about phuwin .......


The Tawan's reached their kingdom after an hour

Tay : Even if I love the Aydin Kingdom and the Aydin's but the feeling of reaching home is  special

New chuckled

Nanon : But Aydin Kingdom is nicer

New : Son I know you wanted to meet Dunk.. just wait okay .. umm by the way I told Win to search about that guys family

Nanon smiled

Tay : umm Pluem when will you find someone son ?

Pluem face darkned when Tay asked him . He didn't want to find anyone soon  after what happened in his college .

Pluem : umm I will dad but I need time

Pluem said with a heavy heart . New understand what he is thinking

New : Tay let him take time

Tay nodded 

The car stopped and they entered the castle . The guards bowed with respect and bowed by their tradition

TayNew with their son walked towards their own room . While New was walking towards his room he gotta notification on his phone . New opened the notification and it is from win . He red the text to find that it is the details of Srisang family . He found that Dunk's parents are working in the castle his pappa is a retired chief chef and his dad is in the system department.

New thought that Dunk's family is quite impressive. He also found out that Dunk had a twin brother named Phuwin . They both have also a graduation in technologies. New happily showed the information to Tay and Tay also nodded his head .

They are ready to make a movement. New asked to win to tell about the proposal to Dunk's parents .


Win was stunned when he learnt that Dunk is one of the most important ones in his kingdom  . He immediately told  Bright and messaged New about the informations he got. When New messaged him that he wanted to continue with the proposal he was beyond happy since he knew Dunk personally . Dunk had visited the castle with his parents sometimes when he was young.

Win called one of his assistants and told  to call Force  and the assistant nodded. Win was resting when the assistant knocked on the door, win let him enter . He saw the assistant entering with Force .

Force bowed

Force : Majesty is there anything

Win nodded and smiled

Win : Force I would love to share something that's very serious

Force nodded

Win : You know the Tawan's right ??

Force : The neighbouring kingdom ??

Win nodded and continued

Win : well they would love to have a relationship with our kingdom

Force frowned ..he is confused why win is saying this to him he can't help but ask

Force : Is there anything I should do about it Majesty

Win nodded

Win : Well they would love to offer you a proposal to your family

Force widened his eyes

Force : Mine

He pointed himself and win nodded

Force now understand what's happening and he stays a few moment in silence and though . He though about everything and understand which tawan they are talking about .

Win : Force you alright ??

Force nodded

Force : Majesty I know you are talking about Nanon . He have been visiting us alot in this past days

Force said with a smile on his face . Win is happy about the information he got

Win : I am talking about Nanon and Dunk so would you love it ??

Force nodded and smiled . He is beyond happy that his son is gonna be part of a royal family . He told win that he will think about this with his husband Book and will inform . Win nodded with a smile .


Hehe......the drama is gonna be something ....

Hehe long time guyss hope you all are resting ❤️‍🩹 It's raining in our place and it's hard you know 🥲......

Thanks for all the wishes ❣️ ... This birthday was one of the most beautiful birthday for me ....

Love you all..hope you like the chapter

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