Chapter 2

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The whole palace was  ready to greet the  Vihokratana Kingdom King's and their sons even though both kingdoms are best friends , Palace visiting is considered as one of the honourable act a kingdom will do to another so it is a very grand act in palace ...

JoongPond were waiting in the entrance to greet the kings while BrightWin in the throne .. This is a formality that every kingdom kings should do if their palace is being visited

Bright saw The  Vihokratana car's and their guards lining up . Bright and win stand up immediately when they saw Tay and New .

Joong and Pond were waiting at the entrance when they saw the guards and cars lining up they both understands . When JoongPond saw the The kings and their son they immediately greeted them by bowing their head .

Joong as the eldest and the future heirs speaks in formal

Joong : Welcome to the Aydin Kingdom and their Palace . We are very honoured to have  Vihokratana Kingdom in our palace please get in ...

They four nodded and gets inside the palace following Joong and Pond

BrightWin smiled when they saw their Bestfriends but they know they have to be formal infront of the elders .

Bright as the elder king speaks

Bring : Welcome Vihokortana kingdom to our palace .

Tay New nodded

Tay : We are honoured to meet Aydin Kingdom.

New : Here is presents we have bought for the Aydin Palace

Nanon handled a Few presents to Joong turning and Pluem handled a few to pond

Joong and Pond immediately walked and Bowed towards their Parents before placing them near their seats

Bright : Thank you Mr.Tawan can we head to the main room for the talk

Tay : Sure ....

The kings and their 4 son entered the Main room and seated

Joong looked outside

Joong : God now I can breathe elders watching

Bright : Damn !! What a formality ?!

Nanon burst out of laugh suddenly startling them

New : what happened Nanon

Nanon: Pa I was laughing on Joong's greeting .....I can't see him being serious

Nanon was laughing while joong was looking at him with a done face

Pond and Pluem  Joined Nanon

Pond : Well it's true it was so funny to see his expression

Joong was done

Joong : Dad where did you adopt this idiot

Pond : You were an idiot that's why dad adopted me

Win laughed

Win : Nobody is adopted okey !! *Win looked at New* why don't we go and see the garden New

New : yeah let's go *smiling*

They both get up and walked towards the garden

Bright : Tay I have my Art piece I will show you come on *smiles*

Tay : Yess

They both left their kids  alone

Joong : You three enough and You Nanon Vihokratana, when we visit your palace you should say too

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