chapter 5

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Nanon was walking down the streets in search of Dunk . He really can't believe that he is doing this . He had never fallen in love or never experienced the feeling but until yesterday he saw Dunk .

He started to walk towards Dunk's house . When he reached there he just scanned the look of the House .Just like Dunk the House is also beautiful.

He wonders how Dunk's twin brother looks.

He started knocking the door only to find a elder man but beautiful. For Nanon he is kinda familiar . He thought he have seen him somewhere

Nanon : sir is this Mr.Dunk's house

Man : Well yes I am Book his pappa

Nanon : Ohh hello umm is Dunk inside ??

Book frowned and asked

Book: You seems familiar......who are you ??

Nanon : I am nanon the son of Tay and New

Book : Tay and New ??

Book was kinda confused that he started to think who is it until it clicks . His eyes widen when the reality hits

Book : Prince Nanon ..I am sorry ..I kinda forget everything nowadays ..I am so sorry

Nanon chuckled

Nanon : It's alright sir please don't be sorry ...well can I see Dunk ??

Book  smiled but was confused

Book : sure you can but he is not here ..he is gone out to buy some groceries....

Nanon sights in disappointed

Nanon : Then fine I will be going back

Book look Nanon and understand he is kinda sad though

Book : Umm he will be here in 30 minutes

Nanon smiled

Nanon : Then I will wait

Book : Sure please get in

Nanon get inside the house and scan their place .It is indeed beautiful and awesome. Now he understands why is Aydin Kingdom is the modesty kingdom in the whole planet

Book : If you don't feel nice please let's go to the backyard, prince

Nanon tilted his head and said

Nanon : It's beautiful I would like to stay here if you don't mind

Book smiled and nodded

Book : Thanks for appreciating our house

Nanon nodded and said

Nanon: Please drop the formality and treat me just like a friend

Book smiled

Book : Sure

Nanon sits in the couch facing Book

Book : If you don't mind can you say what brings you here ?

Book asked curiously

Nanon : *sights* well don't get me wrong . Yesterday I met your son Dunk.I was walking and he bumped into me

Book suddenly become scared

Book : Prince I-

Nanon interrupted before Book says something

Nanon : Sir it's alright I just wanted to say I.....kinda felt like he is interesting

Book widened his eyes in surprise

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