chapter 11

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The next day Tay texted Bright

__ chat__
Tay : Bright.......
Bright : ?
Tay : well we need to meet
Bright : ?
Tay :  it's a bit personal so let's meet in private
Bright : hmm
Tay : let's meet at our usual cafe
Bright : hmm
Tay : On 11 ?
Bright : yeah
Tay : see ya man

After texting Bright , Tay put his phone aside and faced New who is working on some important files

Tay : Bright never changes
New : what happened?
Tay : Short messages  *nights*
New : *chuckled*


It's been two days since the Pondphuwin has been on the Pirapat Empire . They were enjoying their trips by visiting special places in the Empire .

Pond was sitting on the bed while scrolling his phone waiting for Phuwin who was bathing . After Phuwin finished Bathing he stepped out of the bathroom while wrapping a towel around his waist .

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When Phuwin comes out Pond can't help but admire Phuwin . He looks damn hot in Pond's view.  Pond gets up from the bed and approaches Phuwin who is facing the mirror . Pond hugged Phuwin from the back and kissed his neck

Pond : How can you be so hot and beautiful at the same time ?!

Phuwin just smirked at his comment and pushed Pond to the bed . Phuwin straddles Pond's waist, his wet body pressing down against Pond's. His hard cock, still dripping from the shower, rubs against Pond's stomach. Pond looks up at Phuwin, his eyes gleaming with desire. "You're so sexy when you're wet,"

Pond reaches up and grabs Phuwin's hips, pulling him closer. He thrusts up, rubbing their cocks against each other. Both men moan at the sensation, their desire for each other growing with every passing second.

Phuwin leans down and kisses Pond, their tongues tangling together. He grinds his hips against Pond's, feeling his cock harden even more at the contact. Pond wraps his arms around Phuwin, pulling him closer as they continue to kiss.

Phuwin breaks the kiss and sits up, his cock standing proudly between his thighs. He reaches down and takes hold of it, giving it a few teasing strokes. Pond watches with hungry eyes, his own cock twitching in response.

Pond can't take it any longer. He reaches over and grabs the lube, slicking up his cock. He spreads Phuwin's legs and positions himself between them. He teases Phuwin's entrance, rubbing the head of his cock against it.

Pond slowly pushes inside of Phuwin, feeling the tight heat wrap around his cock. Phuwin moans and arches his back, his cock twitching with need. Pond starts to move, thrusting in and out of Phuwin.

Pond sets a steady rhythm, fucking Phuwin harder and faster. Phuwin wraps his legs around Pond's waist, pulling him deeper.Pond's balls tighten and he knows he's close. He reaches down and takes hold of Phuwin's cock, stroking it in time with his thrusts. Phuwin groans, his cock throbbing in Pond's grip.

With a loud cry, Pond comes, his hot cum filling Phuwin's tight channel. Feeling Pond cum inside him, Phuwin follows suit, shooting his load all over his chest. Pond collapses on top of Phuwin, both men panting and covered in sweat.

With their bodies still entwined, Pond and Phuwin drift off to sleep, sat and content. Their legs are tangled together, their cocks still semi-hard against each other's thighs. The room is filled with the scent of sex and the sound of their steady breathing.


Tay and Bright met at their usual cafe which is situated on the Border of both countries where only Royals can visit .

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