chapter 6

334 35 22

( night )

Pond : Bro be careful okey !!

Pond said to Joong who is going to Hayret again .He didnt understand why his elder brother doesn't obey about Hayret when he was scolded by pa and got lectured for almost an hour non-stop .

Joong sneaked again and started to run towards Hayret to find Dunk waiting for him

When Dunk saw Joong he bowed in respect

Dunk : Prince

Joong smiled when he saw Dunk but he didn't want Dunk to be formal

Joong : Drop the formality please

Dunk nodded and turn his head towards the view and sit down in a rock .Joong also accompanied him

Dunk : How was the day ?

Joong : Hmm fine

Joong didn't want to speak about the conversation between his parents and him .He knew it's gonna spoil the mood

Dunk turned his head to Joong to find he is in a deep thinking

Dunk : seems like something happened

Joong flinched and looked at Dunk who is enjoying the view

Joong : *sights* abit but it's alright I am not interested in talking

Dunk nodded in understanding

Dunk : Aren't you afraid of strangers like me ??

Dunk's question caught joong off guard . Joong frowned and asked

Joong : why ??

Dunk looked at Joong

Dunk : We just me-

Joong stopped him by interrupting

Joong : You treat me like a normal human being ....

Dunk frowned

Joong : Being a prince it is hard . From childhood to now I was always treated with rules . They never tried to understand me ..

Dunk nodded and smiled

Dunk : want a hug ??

Joong nodded and hugged Dunk

Joong : it's comfortable*smiling*

Dunk smiled and nodded

They stayed like that for a few moments until Joong's phone ringed . They broke the hug and Joong checked the phone .It is an alarm

Joong : damn it's 2.30 am already I should go Dunk

Joong said in a sad tone .Dunk looked at Joong in disappointment but he didn't show too much .He also understand Joong should get in the palace before someone finds

Dunk hugged him one more time

Dunk : Bye Joong

Joong nodded and waved him goodbye and disappeared into the Streets.while Dunk watches him

Dunk make sure joong had gone and slowly walked towards his house . He stared his house for a moment and slowly gets in without trying to wake his parents...

Dunk slowly  gets in the bedroom .He scanned the whole room but didn't find Phuwin.Dunk panicked for a moment until Phuwin comes out of the washroom

Dunk looked at Phuwin in a disgusting way and Phuwin saw that expression

Phuwin : Whatt ??

Dunk : How in the world can you be there 24/7 in the washroom Phu ??

Phuwin chuckled  and didn't answer. Phuwin layed on the bed and Dunk accompanied him.

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