Chapter 1- The Witch of The Seas

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"Many years ago, in the Kingdom of our land Teiko lived a beautiful villager that no royal noble women can't compete, Kuroko Tetsuya. Her bright blue hair and ice blue eyes, that fair skin and beautiful smile.... her beauty is too stunning she's like a resemblance of Aphrodite. But despite all that beauty, she had a lack of presence, she was like a ghost that everyone didn't notice and was startled when they saw her out of nowhere. Despite all of those flaws,  Her kindness and generosity is known all over the kingdom. Or.... in the village only I would say perhaps....

The first emperor of Teiko came to our town with his mean wife Aisha, and it was clear that Aisha was jealous of her beauty. Even her husband and the fellow knights joined her to mock a woman like her but she wasn't bothered as her heart is pure, and chose not to fight back and cause a rebel against them. 

Until one unfaithful day, the first emperor ordered his knights to drown her into the lake, he called her a witch and that she should be drown into her death. She did not do anything wrong, but it was clear she was framed by Aisha who was jealous of her beauty. But what more hurts is that even the townspeople including her friends took side of her. Leaving her heartbroken in agony and betrayal. 

And despite those tears dwelling in her eyes, she said, "This betrayal and wrongdoing will not go unpunished. I swear to the heavens and all to the whole kingdom, after my death starting now, you will never have water for all eternity." 

The First Emperor thought she's saying nonsense and drowned her into the lake. But ever since months have passed by after her death, the water has started to dry, leaving everyone die to dehydration. But it wasn't all the problem left of the townspeople. There was no enough water to harvest leaving no food as well for everyone. 

People have become desperate as they realize this was the curse befall on them after her death. So they pleaded to the Emperor, to apologize and fix things up, but the Emperor's pride is too high, he refused to let the curse get through him. So he pushed away his townspeople as he was confident he had enough water to last. 

But because of the desperation of his maids, butlers, knights and even himself... The water drained within a second, leaving no water for him at last. His wife Aisha claimed someone is sabotaging the water all to theirselves and using the curse as an excuse. But no matter how they searched, no one was to blame. 

The First Emperor started to be desperate, for the thirst of water he craved he reluctantly lowered his pride and went to the lake. He begged the Witch to bring back the water on the lake. But the wrath of the witch of the seas for their betrayal and wrongdoing made her no budge to give any single bit of water and say that is their fault why they starve and smell until they die. 

The First Emperor begged to the witch to bring the water back and in exchange he'll give her a gift that fills with his sincere apology for what he did every year on her death anniversary and he promise to let his generation know about it as long as she brings back the water on the land. 

To his fortunate luck, the Witch of The Seas accepted his proposal. But she warned him that if he breaks his oath, the water on the kingdom will stay dry for generation to generation until the kingdom falls apart. 

Because of that warning, he sent his wife Aisha to jail after he made her apologize to the witch, and put this history to every generation to generation to let the future heirs know about this to keep the water flowing on the kingdom's veins."





The Witch of the Seas (AkaKuro)Where stories live. Discover now