Chapter 7- Searching for the Necklace's Origin (Part 2)

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"Here's your tea." The young man said and bowed as he left. "Thank you." Akashi replied and drank his cup. "Now getting back to the discussion..." 

"Ah yes. About the necklace you're wearing? Well it was a gift to the Witch by the first Grand Duke during the 1st Emperor's Timeline, Ogiwara Shigehiro." The old man said. "Ogiwara Shigehiro? From what I recall he's the Grand Duke serving the 1st Emperor with great loyalty, is that correct?" Akashi asked. "Yes, indeed. He was the only noble who could win the heart of that beautiful woman, Kuroko Tetsuya." The old man said. 

Akashi clicked his tongue as he rolled his eyes. Midorima sweatdropped as he knew what was that meaning just by that expression he's making. 

[Meaning: 'I am more better and even handsome than that guy, If she met me, I could swoon her before he could even try.']



"He was there when the  1st Emperor and Aisha went on an outing and mocked her. At first glance on her he was charmed by her beauty, but when the 1st Emperor's wife Aisha attempted to slap Kuroko Tetsuya because she was being silent and not responding to her, the Grand Duke grabbed her arm and said, 

"No need to waste violence on a peasant Your Majesty. Or else you'll look bad in front of your people." 

"Wow, he did a great job." Midorima said in awe but received a glare from Akashi. 

"Indeed. Aisha's face was infuriated in anger, she wanted to slap the Grand Duke for interrupting her but because she must put up a good image, she opened her fan and left, deciding to go back to the palace in a foul mood." 

"She deserves it then." Akashi laughed. "After all, if she goes worse she'll embarrass the 1st Emperor." 

"Indeed. But that wasn't the end of the story yet. The Grand Duke fell in love with the Witch that he secretly been going out to approach her. Everyday, they meet in a secret. And slowly the Witch fell in love with the Duke." 

"That's great. Verrrryyyyy great." Akashi said and Midorima could sense the jealousy in his voice. 

"Indeed. That necklace was the gift that the Grand Duke proposed to her to make their relationship official." 

"Still don't want to get rid of it?" Midorima whispered in Akashi's ear making him annoyed. "I'm keeping it and that's final!" Akashi whispered back in anger. 

"It was a special day for the couple but their happiness didn't last long." The old man said as his face turned serious. "Huh, what happened?" That caught Akashi's attention and so does Midorima's. 

"Aisha has found out the Grand Duke's secret outing and ordered the guards to arrest the Grand Duke." The old man said. "The Grand Duke had confessed after a lot of harsh tortures from the 1st Emperor that he was dating the Witch secretly. The 1st Emperor demoted the Grand Duke and he was sent to jail as a punishment. Ever since then, The Grand Duke couldn't send letters to the Witch or even see her face. Until...." 

"Until?" Akashi asked. 

"Until Aisha came to his cell. She said that if he cooperates with her on framing the Witch and execute her, she might consider freeing him and give his title back. If he doesn't, 

"The one who will be executed instead of that Witch will be you instead, Ogiwara Shigehiro. And your name won't even be known in the history books as well so no one will feel sorry for you."

And because of that threat, he chose his life over his beloved and agreed to cooperate in the plan." 

"Seriously? If I were him I'd choose to die and not be known instead of framing her." Akashi said. The old man thought he was kind and thoughtful to say that as he was feeling sympathy for the witch, but he did not know Akashi was serious when he said those words as Midorima is the only one who knew in the room that Akashi likes the Witch and wants to treat her better than her first love. 

"That was kind of you. And as you know in the rest of the history book what happened so the Grand Duke was also a main part of the blame as well for Kuroko Tetsuya's Death. Ever since she died, the string of the necklace turned into thorns that became sharp at the same time she became a Witch of the Seas. The Ogiwara Family who believed the rumors of the Witch of the Seas kicked him out of the House as they say it was his fault for not siding with his beloved and was erased from the family tree of the Ogiwara Family. 

And after Aisha was sent to jail he went to the lake to ask forgiveness as well. But the Witch's fragile heart isn't easily mended by a simple apology from him so there was no point for an ex couple to go back together. Realizing his mistake, he lived the rest of his life in shame until he couldn't handle it anymore and died." 

"Hmph. It would been different if that man didn't betray her." Akashi said. "Are you seriously showing your jealousy right now?" Midorima whispered. "Yeah, got a problem?" Akashi snarled back. 

"Hahahahahaha. You really are a kind fellow." The old man said. "No wonder you are able to get along with the Witch." "You have heard?" Akashi asked. "Indeed. I hope you can teach your future heir to get along with the Witch as well. Because if it keeps going, then we don't have to worry about water anymore." The old man said as he stand up and looked at the window. 

"Well, thank you for telling me the necklace's origin. We'll be going now." Akashi said as he and Midorima stand up. "Oh sure. Anytime. But I am curious. Where did you get that necklace?" The Old man asked. "It's a gift from the Witch on my coronation day to congratulate me." Akashi said as he scratched his head. "Oh I see...." The old man said as he turned silent. "So the Witch of the Seas decided to get rid of it huh?" he muttered that caught Akashi's attention. 


"Oh it's nothing Your Majesty. Be careful on your way home!"

"I will. Thank you for having us!" 

As the two went inside their carriage and rode on the way home, Midorima noticed Akashi has lot of thoughts in his mind. 

"Is something wrong Akashi?" Midorima asked. "Nothing, I'm just thinking about what that old man said." Akashi said. 

"So the Witch of the Seas decided to get rid of it huh?"

"Oh that. Do you think she really got rid of it by pawning the necklace to you?" Midorima asked. "It's possible. There are a lot of mysteries about her after all, and this isn't just the end of the finish line." Akashi said as he looked at the window. 

"Well I'm sure hope your satisfied in this trip searching for it's origin. Because when you go back home, It's back to work, do you understand?" Midorima said sternly as he crossed his arms. "Yes yes, we're done so I'll be going to work." Akashi said. "Good. I expect you to finish it." Midorima said while Akashi just laughed. Until the carriage had stopped. 

"What? What's happening? What's going out there?" Midorima asked the guards. "Sir I'm sorry...." The guard said. "Why? what's going on?" Akashi asked. "We....."The guard gulped. "We are being ambushed." 

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