Chapter 3- Writing a New History and Generation

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[Let's turn into Akashi's Pov in this one.]

Akashi's Pov:

My Father keep showing that stern face as he stayed silent. I thought I would be in trouble so I gulped and prepare myself for the punishment that awaits me. I know I fucked up at delivering a gift, but it wasn't my fault I got scammed by some illegal sellers. 

"Listen Father I can explain-" 

"No." My Father stood up. "I will not hear a single word from your mouth until I let you speak." 

I stayed silent as I wait for my Father to speak up first. "I heard everything that happened  when you deliver a present to the Witch of the Seas and I gotta say..." My Father said as he went closer to me and I expected words like "disappointment" and "shame" brought upon me for what happened last night. "I'm very impressed." 

I looked at him in shock. Did I hear that right? Impressed? Really?

"But Father, I thought you-" 

"Yes I heard everything including how you got scammed and also made the Witch of the Seas mad." My father said sternly making me gulped. "I hope you do realize this will impact on how your great image will be ruined and be known by many people for the commotion you made. But In the other hand, I believe you still have made a great achievement despite what happened in your timeline." My Father said and that made me happy. 

"You have created a new history and it will be brought upon the future emperors to generations to generations. The Witch of The Seas like Vanilla. Her satisfaction of having vanilla as a present is enough to keep her happy and the water will stay in the kingdom with no problems." My Father said. 

 "Thank you Father. I promise that our future generation will know about this." I bowed respectfully. 

"Good. Now to make you the Next Emperor you must write a new history and generation for out future heirs to know. Don't miss any detail and put everything that happened and everything you know. Make sure it will be passed by sunset, got it?" My Father said and I nodded. 

"Understood Father. I'll get on with it right away." He nodded at my words and told me to dismiss. So I went back to my study to start writing immediately. 


It was hard to find perfect words to describe everything that happened so I needed a dictionary and it took a whole day to write a new history in the pages on the history book. 

"Let's see.... The Witch of the Seas is angered as she thought the 10th Emperor broke the oath, and revealed her true form as she attacked the 10th Emperor and his knights leaving them no chance to explain...." 

"Is that correct Shintaro?" I asked Midorima who was next to me. "It is exactly correct, your Majesty." Midorima replied. 

"The knights drew their swords to save their Emperor, but they are caught by the water tentacles of her hair and now they all struggled to free from her grasp..." 

".....The knights believed if they got a new present for her, she would calm down and believe we didn't betray the oath. As we thought all hope was lost..."

"The Witch of the Seas's attention was caught by the vanilla milkshake the Knight was holding and she was delighted as she tasted her favorite vanilla milkshake from all these ages." 

Midorima pushed his glasses. "Despite the unexpected event, the 10th emperor promised her that next year she will give her vanilla on her death anniversary to her satisfaction." 

I added a dot in the end and closed the book. 

"Now we are finished." I said as i stretched my arms. "That was a lot of work, but it was worth it." 

"Indeed." Midorima said as he pushed his glasses. "With this first discovery we discovered, the Witch of the Seas will be satisfied for eternity and the water won't be dry for eternity." 

I nodded in agreement and went to give it to the royal scribe to publish the new history of the kingdom. "We have attained peace with the Witch." the air breezes through my hair as I look from the window many people harvested a lot thanks to the water. Now everything is peaceful as it should be. 

......Or so I thought. 

The night where the moon shines so brightly, My Father announced.....


I'm getting married. 

The Witch of the Seas (AkaKuro)Where stories live. Discover now