Chapter 6- Searching for the Necklace's Origin (Part 1)

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It was now another busy day ever since Akashi has been crowned as the 10th emperor and this day is nothing but the same as always. Or is it?

 "Akashi!" Midorima yelled as he stomped and searched every corner in every room for him. "Sir, he's in the library." The maid said. "I see, very well thank you then." Midorima bowed then went back to search for him in a furious expression. "Akashi!" 

Akashi was in the corner searching every page in the history book until he heard someone called him. "Yes?" He glanced back. 

"Don't 'Yes?' Me!" Midorima said as he approached him angrily, his arms crossing each other in his chest. "What in the name of the God ARE YOU, DOING?! You're supposed to be doing your duties as the Emperor of this kingdom!" 

"Am I? Well what's the catch in going such a hurry? We have all the time in the world you know." Akashi said as he shrugged and focused back on reading the book. 


"Exactly! That's why, we have all the time!" 

Midorima's head was about to explode if he didn't calm down and take all his anger on the 10th emperor. 

"Look, what I'm trying to say is that the preparations must be prepared early so everything will be settled. You can study all day, but work comes first." Midorima said when he managed to calm down. 

"Sure. I can do that on my outing today." Akashi said as he closed his book. "Outing? Where are you going?" Midorima asked confused. "Oh you know, some digging on history. Just going on some trip." Akashi replied. 

"You will not go on a trip without a valuable reason. It states in a rule book, an emperor must not go out in a trip unless it is necessary or important." Midorima said as he held out the rule book and said the rules out loud. 

"Ugh, please. That rule book is so outdated. But as the emperor of this kingdom I command you to stop being a naggy old person and let me go on a trip if you want the work done as possible." Akashi said. 

"Ugh fine. But I'm watching you. I'll prepare the carriage and bring the papers. Don't even escape!" Midorima warned. "Yeah yeah, I won't." Akashi said.  

In the carriage as they headed to the grand library, Akashi directly went to the second floor to read some books. "You keep insisting on going to this library first. What are you searching for?" Midorima asked. 

"The history of this necklace." Akashi said. "So the Witch really did gave it to you, huh?" Midorima said. "Yes... I want to know this origin of this magical necklace. Plus, I want to get to know her as well. Is that a valuable reason enough for me to let me go in this trip?" Akashi asked. 

Midorima sighed. "Fine. In case you might be in danger, I'll be coming with you to protect you. So I'll help you." 

"Thank you Shintaro." Akashi smiled. "Hmph, it's nothing nanodayo. Now let's get started. Do you have any leads first where to start searching?" Midorima asked. "She says this was a gift from her first love so..." Akashi was cut off.  

"So you weren't her first? Ouch. I'm sorry, but are you sure if you can keep that?" Midorima said making Akashi blush in embarrasment and frustration. "Shut up, I'm keeping it and that's final! Now don't interrupt me reading!" Akashi said angrily. 

Midorima being kind and not going to add fuel to the fire, decided to be quiet and start reading instead. He look every books that depicted the life of the Witch but none had come in every page in every book except the history about how the Witch was born.

"I think we should go to the townspeople and ask them about a woman named Kuroko Tetsuya." Midorima said and Akashi nodded. "I agree. But let's keep our intentions discreet." Akashi said and Midorima nodded. "Okay." 

They headed to the village and knocked one of the doors where a young woman was making porridge. "Yes?" The young woman's face turned to shock when she recognized their faces. "Y-your majesty! What brings you here in this town at my doorstep!" The young woman said as she bowed down to the 10th emperor. 

"Please, raise your head. I'm curious to know if you know anything about a woman named... Kuroko Tetsuya?" Akashi said that made the woman's face turned pale. "You- that name is the one that shouldn't be mentioned. But do come inside." The woman opened the door and the two sat down as she prepared them tea. 

"Now can you explain why that name shouldn't be mentioned?" Akashi couldn't help but be intrigued and curious to ask. "That name.... I'm sure being apart of the royals you can see she is the Witch of the Seas, but just the mere thought of saying her name is like a curse that spreads like a disease." The young woman began. 

"Oh, and why is that?" Akashi said darkly, not appreciating them treating Kuroko like a monster. 

"Because.... the Witch does not only have a grudge against the royal family but to the village as well because you know... both the whole kingdom betrayed her...." The young woman said nervously. 

"That doesn't imply or mean anything that could mean saying her name is like a curse. You're hiding something aren't you?" Akashi's eyes glinted maliciously as his glare pierces the young woman's spines making her shiver in fear. "Y-your Highness is indeed smart indeed. Y-yes, I am really lying to Your Highness." The young woman admitted. 

"You fool! Do you know what happens when you lie to Your Highness?" Midorima stood up furiously. "Settle down Shintaro." Akashi said as he raised his arm to stop him. "That's not important right now. What important is what is she hiding and why she did it." Akashi turned to the young woman. 

"I-I-it's because One of my relatives are involved with the Witch." The Young woman said. "Because of that, we are partly in the blame why the Witch was born and why the water has drained." 

"Oh? Care to... enlighten us?" Akashi said as he stand up. "Where's your relative living?" "A-a-at the top of the hill. He's getting old so he's staying most of his time in his house to relax and heal himself to live longer. He's been living there with my uncle." The young woman replied. 

"Let's go Shintaro." Akashi said and Midorima nodded. "Wait-" The young woman spoke up. "Before you go, take this porridge with you. Give it to my grandfather." Akashi nodded. "I will. Let's go." Midorima nodded as they rode in the carriage again and went at the top of the hill where there is only one cottage and a man outside harvesting crops while the other man was outside the cottage sleeping in his rocking chair. 

"I guess this is the right place." Akashi said. "Indeed. Let's go ask them." Midorima said and the two approach the man who was harvesting the crops. 

"Excuse me sir." Akashi spoke up. "Oh your Highness! What reason have you come here to see our presence?" The man said as he bowed down. "Is it okay if I told to the old man over there?" Akashi said politely as he pointed to the man's father. "What do you need with him?" The man asked. "Some important discussion honestly, don't worry it won't be aggressive..." Akashi replied. 

"What is it that you want to discuss with me?" The old man who woken up approached the two but stopped in his tracks when he noticed what was on Akashi's neck. "That necklace! Where on earth did you get it!" "Oh this? Well, it's a long story but that's what's all about." Akashi said with a nervous smile. "Oh dearest! I never seen that in ages! Come inside, there's a lot of history in that necklace that you thought it would be." The old man said and the other three followed him inside the cottage. 

As they went inside and sat down in the couch, little did they know......

A shadow figure was spying on them from afar.

The Witch of the Seas (AkaKuro)Where stories live. Discover now