Chapter 9- I Want to Get to Know you more

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As he entered in the lake, a woman with sky blue hair and sky blue eyes with fair skin, wearing a sky blue kimono decorated with sky blue white flowers all over it, as she watched the lake while attending to the animals around her. Adding with the blissful sunlight shining at her made him stunned at her beauty. He even forget what to say to her right now even though he had been practicing earlier. 

"U-uhm...." Akashi stuttered as he spoke. Oh God, Akashi felt like not only in the history books, towards her is also his perfect image is going to be ruined! 

"Yes?" She went towards him, approaching him that made him turned red. 'Focus Seijuro, Focus. You must leave an impression at her.' Akashi told himself. "Ehem, it's been a while since we've last seen but now that I'm here you must answer my question honestly or there will be consequences." Akashi said acting cold and tough even though to him and every reader it sounds like he's bossing her around. 

"Okay? What do you want to ask? I'm all ears." Kuroko said with a gentle smile that struck critically in Akashi's heart. "V-very well. I'll begin." Akashi said, calming his heart and getting rid of the blush in his cheeks. "Be honest with me. You pawned the necklace on me on my coronation day as an excuse that it's a present but actually you are planning to get rid of it right?" Akashi said seriously making Kuroko silent. "You're silent... so it's true.... you are still hurt by him...." Akashi said with concern. 

"How did you know? Did someone familiar with me from the past told you about it?" Kuroko's face turned serious as she said those words. "Y-yes, I'm sorry for prying into your life but I was just curious about you!" Akashi said. "That isn't nice, prying into people's businesses. I don't like people trying to pry into my life." Kuroko said annoyed. 

"I- I'm sorry." Akashi looked down feeling guilty. "I just want to know more about you... you seemed mysterious, everything around you makes me feel safe and comfort, that's why I want to get to know you more. Please, I don't want us to be strangers anymore." 

Kuroko was speechless, while Akashi is turning red. He was aware the words he said was like a confession so he was blushing like a tomato right now. He felt he was acting like a shy girl in love. He swore that if this fact goes out to everyone especially in the history books, even in his death he won't stop blushing in embarrassment and shame. Oh how many times had he ruined his image already? He could feel he'll be a laughing stock if he meet his ancestors in heaven....

"You want to get to know me?" Kuroko asked with little blush in his cheeks. Akashi who saw it was pretty finished as his heart got critically hit harder than before. "Y-yes. I-I-Is that too bad for you?" Akashi stuttered, trying to calm his heart down.  "N-no I'm just surprised. I never felt this way before..." Kuroko said as he looked down with little blush and adding the effects of a sparkles around her that make every men including Akashi's heart thump. 

"R-really?" Akashi asked as his heart had started beating faster and his blush is showing. "Yes, I never met someone as you Your Highness. I never thought one day I'll meet someone like you..." Kuroko said making Akashi touched. "Tetsuya...." 

"Of course we'll get to know each other more. After all, that's what friends are for, right?" The moment Kuroko said those words, the moment Akashi's heart crack. He was glad he was alone with her right now, otherwise his friends will laugh at him for being friend-zoned by his crush. Especially to be seen crying inside..... 

But still, he did not want his friends to know about this painful rejection he received. And how he kept cheering himself up that he can change her mind once his intimacy grows from their friendship despite being.... hurt. He was also glad his bedroom is soundproof so he could cry later in his room. 

"I-I-I'm glad...." Akashi managed to speak from his breaking heart. "T-then I can you Tetsuya as I please since we're friends now right?" "Of course, I can also call you Akashi-kun as well! Hope we can get along, Akashi-kun!" And those words Kuroko said can at least, fix a tiny bit of crack in his heart. "Y-yeah... same here...." 

So the rest of the day they spent getting to know all of each other and having fun. But when he returned home, you may seem he acted cold, showing his authority and dominance as he walked, but that's just to hide the fact that he's hurt. Because the moment he stepped in his room and locked himself there, well let me just say he went all out crying and pouring all his pain at his rejection earlier. There's also stages in his depression that made him stay in a happy world away from reality. 

"Akashi?" Midorima knocked the door and Akashi quickly stand up and fixed himself. "Yes" Akashi said after he covered his red eyes that were red from crying. "You have a visitor. He's waiting at the living room." Midorima said. "Who's waiting for me in the throne room?" Akashi thought in his mind. 

As he headed to the living room, a dark gray hair that was braided with piercings on each ear, wearing a royal cape, sit in an unelegant way but a deliquent way looked at Akashi with his words that seemed polite but intentions are malicious. 

"Good greetings Your Majesty, I am Haizaki Shogo, the Emperor in Fukuda Sogo." 


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