Chapter 10- The Emperor of the Kingdom of Thieves, Haizaki Shogo

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"Emperor of Fukuda Sogo... the emperor of the kingdom of Thieves, I see...." Akashi said as his face turned serious. "What are you doing here?" 

"Oh nothing, really." Haizaki said with a loose expression. "Just visiting you kingdom and have some fun... But not in the way you imagined, really..." He said but his smirk didn't go away.  "Leave! You are not welcome here despite your position as a royalty!" Akashi glared angrily. 

"What a cold shoulder you're giving me.  Is that how you treat your past follower Akashi? What happened to the good times we had?" 

"I won't say it twice. Leave or I'll ban you for eternity in every kingdom you pass!" Akashi warned and his warning isn't a bluff that you can say. Because his power was the highest among all kingdoms, that  warning is a possibility he can do. 

"Fine Fine, I'll spill my intentions. I'm just here to apologize to you on my follower's behalf." 

"Followers?" Akashi asked confused. "The bandits that attacked you on your way home. They seemed to like the necklace you have in there. A worth million to be sold to an auction." Haizaki said as he stared at the necklace on his neck but Akashi covered his necklace from him. "Apologize my ass, you're here with the same goal as them! Guards!" Akashi yelled. "Wait- Wait- Hold on, your misunderstanding things! I may be a thief like them, but I have more time than to sell an emperor's necklace" Haizaki said. 

"Oh yeah? then what are those other things besides slacking around and stealing?" Akashi said, eyebrows raising in suspicion. "Babes, obviously! You can have all the chicks in the world, that's one gigs of being a ruler! You can sleep with many chicks as you want!" Haizaki said. 

"Unbelievable. You disgust me." Akashi said in disgust. "Come on, you became an emperor so this is your chance on hooking up with some sexy busty chicks!" Haizaki said. "You disgusting animal. If you came here just to invite me to do disgusting things with you, then may the guards take you away as you are banned for eternity." Akashi said about to call the guards. 

"Fine, have your fun. I'm here in case you change your mind. But first let me take an adventure in your kingdom, don't worry I won't steal anything I promise. You have my word." Haizaki said but the hand sign behind him did not kept that promise. 

"Don't think you'll be going on your own. Aomine, Kise, watch a closer look on him.I don't trust this guy." Aomine nodded and glared at Haizaki, while Haizaki's eyes remained on Kise, who didn't look at him and felt an unease. 

As Aomine took in charge of giving Haizaki the tour, Haizaki's eyes were on Kise who grew uncomfortable at the stare. But Aomine didn't notice it. Until Haizaki spoke up. "I need to go to the bathroom. I need to take a TP if you don't mind." Haizaki said holding his crotch. "Don't make that excuse! Our Highness won't let you off the hook and cause trouble just because you need to go to the bathroom! We'll-" Aomine was cut off. "This blonde can watch me instead of both of you accompanying me, you just wait for us." Haizaki said with a gentle smile that leaves evil intentions hidden. "You-" Aomine was cut off. "It's alright Aominechii." Kise said with a weak smile. "I can watch over him." Haizaki made an evil smirk. 


"Great! We'll be quick, I promise, after all....." 

"A TP only lasts a second." Haizaki said with a dark smirk as Kise left with him. 

"Kise...." Aomine said with concern as he watched Kise left with Haizaki with a sad face. 

In the bathroom where no one could see them, Haizaki pinned Kise against the wall. "You think I can't find you, Ryouta? I got you just where I needed you and you are not going to leave until you accept being mine." Haizaki threatened. 

"No Shougo-kun, I am not going to marry you! Never- Ugh!" 

"Don't dare talk back to me you slut." Haizaki said as he gripped Kise's chin tight. "After all, I'm the only one who knows your secret." Kise struggled to free in his grasp, but Haizaki just smirked and removed Kise's gear. 

"That you're actually a girl, disguising as a boy." 





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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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