Chapter 5-First Conversation and First Gift

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"You-...." Akashi said in shock as he stand up. "The Witch of The Seas?! But how are you-" "Remember, you passed into my territory." Kuroko said as he giggled making Akashi blushed. "S-sorry..." Akashi said as he scratched his head embarassed. "It's fine. Though I am curious why is the 10th emperor out alone in my lake on the night of his coronation?" Kuroko asked in a sweet and gentle voice. 

"W-well, I needed a bit of fresh air. But I didn't know I strayed this far..." Akashi replied, blushing in embarrassment. "Well at least you came in a good time." Kuroko said. Akashi was confused. 

Kuroko held out a beautiful sapphire necklace wrapped with rosy thorn holding the jewel. "This necklace holds some of my power in it. Once you wear it, you can borrow my power and receive protection from me as well." Kuroko said as she put the necklace on Akashi. "Though, the only one who is worthy of wearing this necklace is the one I gave it to." 

'T-this is.... My first gift from a girl! Other than my mother!' Akashi said, screaming in his mind blushing. 'W-what should I do?! What should I say?!' Akashi said blushing in his mind. "T-Thank you, I guess it won't be bad to receive such present on my coronation day." Those were the words Akashi could let out in the end. "Though I expected such discomfort seeing how sharp the thorns that hold the jewel I thought wearing it would be uncomfortable." 

"No it's not. Look." Kuroko pointed at the thorns that turned plastic like a mere decorations. "When the right owner wears it, it's poison will disappear and the sharp thorns will turn into mere decorations. But the wrong owner wears it..." 

"What will happen when the wrong owner wears it?" Akashi asked as he gulped. "The thorns will grow sharper and sharper, and even a single prick from it's thorn is enough to kill a human being." Kuroko said in a serious face.

Akashi gulped. He is now wary of the necklace. He wonders what will happen to him if he isn't the one who owns the necklace. 

"This is basically designed so no men can steal the necklace for wrongdoings. Don't worry, you'll be fine." 

Akashi sighed in relief. Though he was quite curious about the origin of the necklace he was wearing. 

"About the necklace I'm wearing.... is there some history origin about it or did you make it yourself?" Akashi finally managed to speak. Kuroko stayed silent. 

"It's a gift from my first love back then.... I don't fancy remembering the past. You must go now." Kuroko said and disappeared like thin water. 

"First love....?" Akashi was curious. But he would be lying if he said he wasn't disappointed he wasn't Kuroko's first love but he was indeed intrigue to know everything about the witch. But he wasn't sure if he could keep a necklace that was given to the witch by her first love.... 

"Ah, there he is!" Aomine called as the others followed him and went to Akashi. 

"You all.... Why are you here?" Akashi said in surprise. 

"The real question is.... why are YOU here? Her next death anniversary is next year if you don't remember..." Kagami said. "Or are you too excited to woo your chosen fiancee?"

"Wha- It's not like that!" Akashi said blushing in embarrassment. "I happen to stray in this lake far without noticing." "Why? Because you think of her so much you came to this lake to visit her?" Kise teased. "You-" Akashi's face heated up in anger and embarrassment. "Ugh, I want to get fresh air, nothing else like what you imbeciles think." 

"Then what's with the necklace you got there? I don't recall you wearing that to get fresh air." Aomine said as he pointed at the necklace around his neck. "That's.... none of your business. Now leave me alone!" Akashi said as he left angrily. "Hey, Akashi don't tell me you received a gift from the Witch! Don't leave us hanging with no details! Hey!" Aomine said and the others followed. 

As the sapphire shined in the moonlight, all Akashi's thoughts for the rest of his coronation day....








Is to get to know the beautiful Witch living on the lake.

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