Chapter 8- The Ambush

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"Hehehe...." A dark chuckle came out from the middle center of the bandit group surrounding the carriage. "We are the Ruthless Boars, One of the meanest bandit group you've ever known! We are also bounty hunters as well...." The bandit said. 

"I heard about your group. Not only you used sneaky ways to steal someone's bounty, you would steal other people's belongings and sell them for a higher price of money." Akashi said as he glared at the bandits. 

"Yes your right Your Highness! And what is nothing that we could sell with a high price than a belonging of Your Highness itself." The bandit said as he looked at the necklace that Akashi was holding.  "Don't you dare lay hands on it!" Akashi warned. "Oh Your Highness. The way you deny it makes us want that more! Get it!" The bandit said and the other launched at Akashi. 

"You made a grave mistake." Akashi used his emperor eyes and dodge and attacked all the bandits in one swoop. Many bandits keep attacking and Midorima and the guards prevented the bandits from going near Akashi. "Your Highness! Get in the carriage! We'll hold them off!" The guard said. 

"No, I cannot leave you all here. We'll all fight together." Akashi said. "Your highness!" The guard said. "Hahahahahaha! What a caring emperor you are, Your Highness." the bandit said. "But that is one of the weaknesses that you should think of improving!" The bandit yelled as he took a gun and shot Akashi in the heart. 

"Akashi!" Midorima cried. "Ugh....." Akashi winced in pain. "Ahahahahahahahahaha! This is a sight to see! The mighty emperor on his knees in pain! Ahahahahahahahahahahaha!" The bandit laughed. 

"I'm sorry.... But who do you think is in pain?" Akashi stand up unscathed, shocking everyone even though they saw in their eyes he was shot. "But how?! I clearly shot you!" The bandit asked. "Well I gotta thank the Witch for giving me this magical necklace." Akashi said as the necklace glowed as it created a powerful barrier to protect him. 

"Hehehehehehe. That makes the necklace worth even more! Hand over or I'll use force!" The bandit said as he raised his dagger at Akashi. "You can try, but I'm warning you, this necklace is untouchable." Akashi said as he activated the powers of the necklace and borrowed the powers of the Witch and blew all the bandits away. 

"You wretched Royalty! This isn't over!" The bandit yelled as he was blown away. "Hmph. I told you the necklace is untouchable." Akashi said as he fixed himself. "That was amazing Akashi! How did you do it?" Midorima asked in awe. "Thanks to the necklace's power." Akashi said. "It let's me borrow her power and it gives me her protection." 

As the guards and Midorima are in awe at the power of the necklace, the bandits head back to their kingdom.... Fukuda Sogo, the Kingdom of Thieves. There sitting in the throne in the shadows was the Emperor of Fukuda Sogo. Because of the shadows you can't see his face but the sounds he was making, it was clear he was drinking high quality wine. 

"Heh.... Your Highness!" The leader of the bandits said as he kneeled before the emperor. "Ishida Hideki..." the malice voice of the emperor spoke. "W-we..." Ishida gulped. "We failed but we will plan to retaliate-" Ishida was cut off when the Emperor approached him and slapped him hard. 

"Ishida!" Mochizuki Kazuhiro cried. "It was a simple job and you can't even get it?!" The Emperor yelled in anger. "B-b-b-but Your Highness the 10th Emperor of Teiko was a strong fighter.  Especially when he also had amazing water abilities." Ishida said as he recovered from the blow. "That can't be right. From the information we had, the 10th emperor doesn't have water- atrribute abilities. Are you hiding something from me?!" The Emperor of Fukuda Sogo snarled. 

"N-n-no sir! It's the necklace on his neck! It's magical, it gave him powers!" Ishida said as he trembled in fear.  "Is that so?" The Emperor's face softens as it turns into a malicious evil smirk. "Then that makes the necklace worth more to catch..." 


The next day, in the kingdom of Teiko, it was a busy day in the palace for the Emperor must prepare for the harvest festival the villagers are holding and they need his approval for it especially when he'll be the one to host and judge for the competition. 

"Huh...." Akashi sighed. "What's the matter?" Midorima who was holding the files, asked. "Ever since we came back from our trip last night I felt weird. Like... should I keep it or not. The necklace I mean." Akashi explained. "Are you still bothered by the possibility that the Witch of the Seas pawned it on you because she want to get rid of it?" Midorima asked. "Yes, Shintaro. When she said it was a gift for my coronation day and hearing what the old man said, I'm starting to think what she said to me are nothing but pure lies..." Akashi said as he looked down. 

Midorima sighed. "Why don't you ask her then?" Akashi stood up in shock at Midorima's suggestion. "What?! But that would mean I'm going to disturb her! I can't ask her a question out of the blue! What if she...." Midorima sighed at how Akashi is being embarassed and worried about talking to the Witch. "Just shut up and ask her directly. Besides you want to get to know her right? So why hesitate?" Midorima said. "Well... I have a face to put on and I must act cool for... you know... her." Akashi said fidgeting and blushing. 

Midorima facepalmed at this. "Just go ask her after your done with work." Akashi hesitated before nodding. "Okay, I'll do my best!" Akashi said motivated. So after Akashi finished his work, he went to the lake to visit Kuroko. 

"Okay, you can do this. You gathered lots of courage to do this after all..." Akashi told himself. Akashi slapped his cheeks to calm down and walked to the lake. Where the lake is sparkling clean and pure, where the Witch of the Seas sitting in front of the lake, watching the lake. 

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