Chapter 4- Getting a Wife is not easy

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Okay I'll stop. Let's begin.







"Excuse me? What did you say?" Akashi said in shock. 

"You're getting married. Is that not simple enough?" His Father said. 

"I thought I'll be having my coronation. Not getting engaged!" 

"Well you will be having a coronation. But at the same time you will find a wife. So during that you will socialize and find a perfect wife for you. As your Empress." 

"Father please, I'm sure I'm not in the age for marriage." Akashi said, hoping he would change his mind. 

"No. You're getting married whether you like it or not. And that's final." His Father said and left. 

"Great. And when I thought things couldn't be bad..." Akashi groaned and sighed. 

"Well it would be expected when you'll be the next emperor." Midorima said. "You must need a wife to give birth to next heir to keep the generation going." 

"Ugh.... But I don't want to get married!" Akashi said as he groaned in annoyance. "You have to, it's your life as the 10th emperor..." Midorima said. 

"Ughhhh....." Akashi groaned in annoyance. "Hey, it's not I'm to be the blame for your engagement. Your Father told you that you're  getting married but he let you chose who you want to marry." Midorima said. 

"That maybe true but.... getting a wife is not easy. You may think it's easy but getting a woman that suits your preference is hard." Akashi said as he sat up. "If you put effort in getting to know other women, maybe it'll be easy." Midorima said. 

"Are you putting advice on me about marriage?!" Akashi snapped. "You don't even have wife or dated any women and you think you have experience?!" "No, but I knowledgeable about these things and you could understand why am I your advisor." Midorima said as he pushed his glasses. 

Akashi rolled his eyes. "Just shut up Shintaro. Can't you see I'm in the moment of depression for being forced to something I don't like?" 

"If the women's beauty is not enough for you, you can just say so and this argument might settle down." Midorima said making Akashi stop. "Look, I know that ever since meeting the Witch, you fell for her undeniable beauty and is never looking at any other women and is only thinking about her only." 

"What?! No, it's not like that. Besides I can't date a Witch who is centuries old and is dead." 

"But the feeling in your heart doesn't match your words Akashi. I've noticed lately ever since we came back from the lake. You've been thinking all about her, didn't you?" Midorima said making Akashi speechless as his face heated up. 

"I- Well...." Akashi couldn't find the right words to explain. "I'm still a man, so how can I not react when I faced a formidable level of beauty like that?" 

"Just say it honestly that you have a crush on her." Midorima said with a serious face. 

"No I do not! I am not in  love with her!" Akashi said blushing. "Sure, she may be a beauty, but I am not interested in her!" 

"Come on, your Father allows you to choose who you want to marry, and she's not an exception." Midorima said. 

"Even so, I-" Akashi froze then sighed. "Let's not talk about this marriage stuff, I'm not in the mood for it." He said as he retreated to his bedroom.

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