Chapter 2- The Meet and the Present's downfall

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"She's the Witch of the Seas?!" Kagami said in Shock. "She's more beautiful than we ever thought! No wonder the First Emperor's wife is jealous of her!" 

"Indeed..." Akashi nodded in agreement. "I've seen many beautiful women in my life but not this level of beauty..."  

[If you don't know Akashi is blushing like crazy when he saw Kuroko right now 🤭]

"So uhm.... are you.... Kuroko Tetsuya? The Witch of the Seas?" Akashi asked as he managed to get his composure back. 

"Yes, it is I, Kuroko Tetsuya the Witch of the Seas that you people call me. I prefer if you call me by real name." Kuroko said with a smile.

"Ugh, even the smile is more beautiful to see..." Akashi groaned as he blushed in his mind. "Ahem..." Akashi coughed and went back to a serious face. "I am Akashi Seijuro, the next emperor of this kingdom. So I guess I'll be the 10th emperor. And to fulfill my tasks to be the next ruler of this kingdom, I will follow the oath my ancestor told us to do to keep bringing more water so I brought you a present." Akashi said as he kneeled down. 

"What will the 10th Emperor have in store for me this time?" Kuroko asked intrigued. 

"It's an original gift that I have in store for you.  None of my ancestors thought about this but I do." Akashi said and the others thought, 'You know you could at least tell her we helped you prepare a present for her. Don't  take the credits all to yourself!'

"If you have a palace, then you must have a carriage. I bring you a royal carriage, fit for the Witches of the Seas!" Akashi said then glared and raised his chin at them, telling them to bring it to her. 

"Oh yes." the knights quickly revealed the beautiful stunning carriage made out with high quality pearls that shines like a moonlight. A perfect carriage indeed. But...

That beautiful perfect carriage fell and broke apart....

"What?!" Akashi glared at the knights. "We cleaned it and made sure it's shiny! We didn't use it either!" Aomine explained in fear and the other knights nodded in agreement. 

"I see...." They could feel the rage of the Witch as she says those words. "So this is a joke?! To break the oath we kept for years?!" 

Uh-Oh. The Wrath of the Witch of the Seas bursted likea spring of water about to cause an earthquake and explode. She was showing her real form that shows her wrath. 

"I-it's not what you think it is!" Akashi said and the others nodded in agreement. "We'll get you a new one. So please calm down!" 

"I was kind enough to give you a second chance and give all the water back to you. And look at what you did? This betrayal will not go unpunished!" She was getting transparent as if she became water herself as she grew bigger, and her hair became longer and turned into tentacles made out of water. 

"No, we are not betraying your oath! Please believe us! We are not awful like the first emperor!" Akashi said in fear as he saw her full wrath. 

"I DON'T TRUST THE WORDS OF THE TRAITOR YOU LIAR!" Her loud words was like a roar of a monster that woke everyone in fear, and once everyone woke up they prayed that the water won't be taken away again. 

"I HAD ENOUGH OF YOUR BETRAYAL! NOW THAT YOU BETRAYED YOUR OATH, THE WATER WILL BE GONE FOR ETERNITY!" The witch of the seas said as she smacked her fist unto the ground, causing an earthquake that made Akashi and his group fall. The Witch of the Seas grabbed Akashi, and when the knights took their swords to get him back, they were caught by the water tentacles of her hair. 

"Release us! And let us explain everything!" Akashi said as he struggled to get free. "I don't want to listen to the words a traitor has to say." Kuroko said as her glowing white eyes pierced through him making Akashi shiver his fear. 

"We have to get her a new present!" Midorima said as he struggled to get out from her tentacles. "But how are we gonna get her a new one so fast? Before we knew it, her death anniversary passes and we didn't give it to her according to the oath!" Kagami said. 

"We'll think of a way.." Akashi said as he struggled to get free. "Well please hurry! I don't want the food I'm eating to be my last meal before I die!" Murasakibara cried as he drank his vanilla milshake. 

"Is food all you care about? Think about our lives and situation right now!" Aomine yelled. "Well we can't live without food and water is needed to harvest food!" Murasakibara said angrily. As the two were barking and arguing, Kuroko smelled Murasakibara's drink causing her to stop and everyone's attention suddenly stopped when they noticed she didn't move. 

"What is that?" Kuroko asked Murasakibara as she pointed at the vanilla milkshake. "Oh? It's vanilla milkshake. Made with pure vanilla." Murasakibara said. "Give me!" Kuroko snatched the milkshake and put Murasakibara down. She drank the vanilla milkshake in one gulp, and she had loved the taste. 

"Ah..." Kuroko sighed in delight. "I never tasted this in long ages! It was exactly the present that I crave for, thank you!" and she put down Akashi and the others. Akashi was confused. "Your welcome???" 

"Thank you." Kuroko shrank back to her human form. "I missed tasting Vanilla milkshakes. It was favorited drink when I was alive. When I was still on my youth, I loved the taste of vanilla that I only eat nothing but vanilla. It was so delicious... I missed tasting the sweetness of vanilla..." Kuroko said in happiness. 

"W-well... I'm glad you like it. If you like I'll give you vanilla flavored foods next year. On your death anniversary." Akashi said as he scratched his head. "Thank you. I'll be looking forward to it." Kuroko said with a smile. 

And after it was settled that she'll bring back the water this year, they left completing the task, despite they almost died by her wrath. But honestly they did not expect such a simple vanilla shake saved them from being killed. And from keeping the water dry...

"I was so sure we're going to die.... but I never expected we were saved by a simple vanilla milkshake..." Kagami said in shock. "Me too.... but for the first time I was grateful Murasakibara had a vanilla milkshake with him..." Midorima said as he pushed his glasses. "Well the good thing is... we came out alive unscratched. Despite the unexpected events..." Aomine said. 

"Yes, at least we have a new page in history to add for the future heirs..." Akashi said. "That the Witch of the Seas love Vanilla, and she'll be satisfied to give her vanilla on her death anniversary." everyone nodded in agreement and went back to the palace. 

In the palace, Akashi left his knights to explain every detail to Momoi about what happened and he went to his bedroom to get a loooooongggggg rest. He took a bath and change his clothes and smacked his head on his pillow and get a good night sleep. "Ah...." 

But at soon as the sun rises up and morning came, he was woken up by the butlers who came to prepare him. "Wha- what?" Akashi was confused, but part of him was upset. Since he still want to sleep more. "You must come to the hall immediately Your Majesty. Your Father is expecting you." The butler said. 

"My Father wants to meet me?" Akashi was confused but agreed to change and went to visit his father in the throne where his Father is sitting.

He appeared in front of his Father and his Father held a stern face. He gulped as he prepared himself for what he was about to say.....

The Witch of the Seas (AkaKuro)Where stories live. Discover now