chapter 13

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This is becoming boring. They all flock to me. Trying to impress me one way or the other. Every one of them is flawed. They’ve all bathed in that wretched water, taking away their power. Sheep from a flock with no distinction. It’s driving me insane.
I thought becoming the most powerful being would give me endless entertainment, but instead it’s become a bigger bore than my father’s meaningless tasks.
I leave the heavens and enter earth. This is where all the action is. Creatures of all kinds trying to dominate a world they’ve been smited from. The humans are a dying breed. Their filth will be wiped clean from the earth, then the creatures will wean out the weak amongst themselves, and only the strong will prevail. They will be my soldiers.
I drop down to a crowd of shifters, awaiting my praise. They look upon me and pass me by. My shock creates a whirlwind in front of them, driven by anger.
“I am your God! And you dismiss me?”
A male bear shifter is the first to turn at my voice. He approaches me. 
“You’re no god! Just a spoiled angel destroying earth. You provoke the Wrath of the gods… enjoy your short rein.”
I laugh in his face. Though he’s stoked my anger to a fever pitch.
“The gods are dead. It is I who rules the heavens. And you are dirt.”
I burn him to a crisp and watch his friends panic, trying to extinguish the flames to no avail. My laugh carries over the city like a blanket of mirth at their despair. It won’t be long before everyone cowers at my given name.


I tend to the garden to calm down while avoiding him. I’ve never been much of a green thumb, but I find it fulfilling. If things ever go back to normal, I’m going to dedicate my own space to a garden. I might even sleep in it. 
I can feel him watching me. Doesn’t he have things to do?
The first week I came here, he was so busy. I never saw him. Now it’s like I’m his only task. A part of me does kind of enjoy it. No one has ever looked at me the way he does; like I’m something to see. There’s never been a time in my life I’ve felt sexy, but when he’s around, he makes me feel like I’m prancing around naked and in heat. 
It’s silly. I’m not the type of girl who cares what people think. That is, until I got a taste of it. The power my body can wield over him is addicting. 
Oh, my gods! 
I’ve taken killing him off my list. I haven’t thought about it in days, and I no longer find it a fair option. I did exactly what he said I would. Let him grow on me. 
Well, that realization just ruined my day!
I empty the heavy steel water can into the last fruit tree and dust my palms off. 
When my stomach growls, I realize I skipped breakfast this morning.  It’s not surprising with all the commotion and my eventful awakening.
I’ve already gained back every pound I lost and then some. Ozar is a top-notch cook but uses butter in everything.  I’m going to have to talk to him about arteries. If he ever served humans, they’d suffer a heart attack within the first year of his cooking. 
The kitchen door swings open, and Ozar comes out with a plate of still steaming hot cross buns. They’re one of my favorite desserts.
Thanking him, I grab one and take a big bite before sitting down. Not surprisingly, they’re very buttery but flaky. It’s like heaven in my mouth. I take a second one and notice Ozar standing beside me, silently watching me with a pleased expression. 
“Are they to your liking?”
“Do you even have to ask?” I say around a mouthful of gooey perfection. He laughs, his smile widening. On anyone else, it would look normal, but on him it’s kind of creepy. Still, I find him adorable even if he does look like a monster. He’s a very nice one.
Lucifer comes in and sits across from me. He grabs a bun and licks the frosting, looking at me from atop it. I roll my eyes, not letting on. It may slightly turn me on. I’ve felt what his fingers can do. I can only imagine his tongue.
My head pivots toward Ozar. I forgot he was here.
“Yes, please.” I say, inwardly shaking my head. Lucifer clears his throat, and Ozar disappears into the kitchen. 
“I want you to come to my bed tonight.”
I pause my chewing, positive I heard him wrong.
“What did you say?”
He picks at the bun, looking into my eyes. His expression is stern. 
“Come to my bed tonight.” 
Nope, I heard him right. It’s so beyond ludicrous. I don’t even know how to respond. 
“Why would I do that?” I ask, trying not to burst into laughter at the crazy suggestion.  He seems agitated but plays it cool. I’m on pins and needles, waiting for what he’s about to say next.
“You know why… even now, you're aroused just thinking about it.”
“I am not!” I bite out, truly offended
“Prove it.”
How on earth am I supposed to do that? My expression must be obvious because he raises his brows and does that stupid tongue between his teeth thing looking both devilish and boyish at once. 
“There is a simple way. Nothing I haven’t done before.”
I gasp, scooting out of my chair so fast I have to catch it before it falls.
“You’re a pig!” I stage whisper, leaving him at the table with my half eaten bun. I leave quickly because I know he’s not kidding, and I’m not about to prove him right.
After reading; unintentionally making my state worse and skipping dinner, I retire to my room to write in my journal. If I don’t put my thoughts on paper at least a couple of times a week, my head becomes a jumbled mess.
It’s not where I left it! Trying not to panic, I search a couple of common spots I could have possibly put it. Under my pillow. The mattress. The bed. I even check my nightstand.  It's such an obvious spot. I know I’d never leave it there.
I knew who had it the moment I didn’t find it in the closet, but the realization was too painfully embarrassing to accept. 
He’s gone too far this time. I stomp across the room, ripping his door open, not caring if it slams into anything expensive. How could he invade my privacy? My thoughts like that? The things I said about him… I hope my hateful words were the ones that stuck!
He’s standing in front of those damned monitors.  He knows exactly why I’m here. He’s been watching.
“Give it back! Now!”
My voice is just above a growl. If he says anything but sorry, I’m likely to physically and verbally attack him. 
“Since we stopped following rules, I figured what’s another going to hurt. Besides, if you didn’t want me to find it, you should have hid it better.”
My jaw drops at his audacity.  Lucifer has that stern look again. Why the hell would he be mad. No one invaded his privacy.
He casually walks towards the door.
If he thinks he’s going to boot me out, he’s got another thing coming. I swivel with my hands on my hips, watching him. 
He shuts and locks the door. I swallow. A hard lump forming in my throat.  Lucifer turns back to me, loosening his tie. My mouth shuts with a snap, anger dissipating. 
“What are you doing?” I ask, not sure how I’m supposed to respond to his odd behavior. He slips off his jacket, placing it neatly on the red velvet lounger beside me. I back up, slamming against his dresser. He looks at me as he unbuttons his shirt. Determination is engraved in every detail of his expression. I’m not leaving this room innocent.
Over my dead body!
I lunge for the door leading to the hallway, but Lucifer grabs me by the waist, nearly knocking the wind out of me.
His thick stubble chafes my neck as he runs the side of his face up the column, inhaling deeply and lets out a gush of air, sending shivers down my spine. What I find the most disturbing is what I’m feeling at the moment, rather what I’m not. It’s not fear that has me shaking.
His lips brush against my ear, and he talks in a low, soft tone.
“This could be the end for humans and species alike. Stop denying yourself for spite. Do you want to die without knowing the feel of a man? I could give you incomparable pleasure, but you deny yourself. Why?”
I think for a moment. Which is hard considering the way he’s making me feel from just a brush of his lips and a few suggestive words. I want to scream because I can’t give my body without handing him my heart! But I think he knows that. It’s what he’s asking.
I reason; trying to talk myself out of what my body desires. If I can’t trust him with something simple. How could I trust him with something so profound? Am I supposed to just give it freely without care. 
“It’s just pleasure, pet.”
Yes. Pleasure. Why shouldn’t I take it. Maybe this is just for me. I can use his body for the experience.  It doesn’t have to mean anything. The thought of following through already has me aching and wet. Who am I kidding? I’ve been aroused the moment he licked the frosting off that stupid bun.
His hand slips between my breasts, and my knees begin knocking. I can’t fight this, whatever this is. Why am I even trying? I turn to face him, attempting to appear confident. 
“It doesn’t mean anything.  It’s just pleasure.” I’m not sure who I’m assuring him or me.
“That’s right, pet.”
Something about his tone is off, but I don’t get to think about it for long because he lifts me, jarring my thoughts. 
Lucifer places me on his bed and steps back to look at me.
He slips his shirt off and spreads my legs. My breath catches as he drops his head on my lap, smelling my sex through my leggings. 
“God’s your scent is the sweetest thing I’ve ever come across.”
He straightens, unbuttoning his slacks. All I can do is stare. I’ve never actually seen a man naked in real life, especially someone like him. I’ve watched plenty of cheesy pornos but never paid much attention. 
“Do you like to look at me, pet?”
I look up at his face, realizing he’s paused his undressing while awaiting my answer. I nod because my throat is too dry to talk. I’ve never been so nervous in my life.
“Would you like to see more?” 
I close my eyes for a brief moment, gathering the confidence to be truthful. 
“Yes.” I whisper as I throb between my legs at the omission. 
Lucifer pulls his belt loose with a snap, making me jump. The smile he wears is like a stroke to my aching core. 
His thick erection springs forward, the ridged crown deeply curved. I lick my suddenly dry lips and look up at him. 
“Do you want to touch me? Taste me?”
Gods, I do. My hands are clenched. I want to so badly as he spreads his arms wide, completely unabashed. As he should be. He’s flawless. Golden skin over precision molded muscle. Even his penis looks proud. But I have no idea how to go about it.
“I don’t know what to do.” I tell him. Lucifer lets out a seductive laugh that gives me another shiver.
“Whatever you wish. Touch, scratch, lick, bite, suck.”
Wow, I didn’t think of those things. I slide off the bed to stand before him. I have to crane my neck to meet his eyes. He looks down at me, becoming serious, and I see a small twitch in his neck. I can tell he’s holding back his own desires for me. It’s endearing. 
My hands reach out to gently touch his chest. Lucifer’s skin is warm and smooth. The muscles are hard beneath my hands. It’s not long before I’m caressing the entirety of his body. My nails dig into his shoulder blades, and he groans.
I pause, thinking I hurt him, but when I look up, he’s grinding his teeth and doesn’t look in pain at all.  I drag my nails down his back over his firm glutes, and he bucks forward, brushing the head of his shaft against my lips. I pause once more, my attention drawn to the wetness pooling over the crown.
My tongue darts out to collect the thick, tangy fluid. I’m rewarded with another groan.
Feeling bolder, I wrap my lips around the crown, letting my tongue explore in slow light circles, giving the head a little suck. Lucifer’s hand grasps the hair at the base of my head. I take him deeper, curious of his response. His breaths quicken the further I explore the unfamiliar sensations with my mouth. He stops me by pulling my hair back, and I fight him, wanting to see where this leads.
“If you keep doing that, it will be over before it begins.”
Oh! Now I understand. 
He lifts me up and kisses me so suddenly I rock back on my heels, but his hand is there to steady me. His tongue skims the inside of my lips, and I moan into his mouth. I never knew kissing could feel so good, so intense. 
When he pulls away, I reach out, opening my eyes to protest, but he pulls my sweater away, and his lips are back on mine, where they belong.
He works my bra off, pushing me back on the bed, and when his hand grasps my core over my leggings; he’s rough. Ripping the material away with one hand. I gasp, and he sucks the tip of my tongue before pushing me back on the bed with his other hand.
“Spread your legs, pet.”
I do as he says, slowly opening to him. He stares down at me, licking his lips. 
“keep them open.” He growls, his stern expression back in place confusing me. It’s not until his stubble brushes my thigh that I realize his intentions. 
My legs reflectively close around his head, creating a loud smack the moment his mouth comes in contact with my swollen folds. Lucifer doesn’t stop, just grips the back of my knees, lifting my drenched sex to his lips. He devours me, licking at me like he did the frosting earlier. Long hard strokes, then faster until the sensations become so intense I cry out from the pleasure. When he sucks my small stiffened nub with fast greedy pulls, I’m pushed over the edge, warmth coating me as he laps at my folds.
I don’t get a chance to recover. Lucifer clasps my ankles, flipping me onto my stomach. He grips my hips, lifting my backside to his pelvis. I feel the warm head prod my opening, and he shoves into me before I can object. I gasp at the sudden and intense pain as he stills inside me. 
I can feel my body trying to push the intrusion out.
“Relax, beauty. It will feel good in a minute. ” 
Easy for him to say. He doesn’t have a solid pipe shoved inside his body. Lucifer rocks back, and I feel a slight flash of pleasure. The sting disappears, and I’m left with an overwhelming fullness that’s foreign but good. He rocks forward again, and this time, the pleasure lasts a little longer. The third time I arch, letting out a small moan. 
Lucifer begins to pump in and out, increasing speed. The friction is delicious, sending me to heights I never imagined. This is amazing. It feels so good. I can’t wait to do it again. He switches angles, going deeper. My eyes roll back as I gasp, arching to meet his thrusts. There are too many sensations to distinguish or even explain. I clasp down on him, screaming out in euphoria at the same moment he does. I feel him throb inside of me, followed by a rush of wet warmth. Lucifer keeps going until I’m boneless, shaking, and weak. He collapses back, taking me with him and palms my breasts while still inside me. My arousal begins to climb once more. I push away and he grips my breasts harder, making me squeak while dropping a leg over mine to keep me in place. 
“uh, uh, uh. We’re not done yet...”
The next morning I wake sore in the most delightful way. Lucifer’s steady breathing is the first thing I hear. The second is a very familiar voice.
“ROSA!” I exclaim .
“What are you doing here?”
I try to get up, but something is holding me down. It’s Lucifer. I’m entangled in his limbs.
“Tell the fae to piss off.” He mumbles through a pillow, still half asleep.
This is so embarrassing.  I look at Rosa, who’s diverting her stare with a hand over her mouth, covering her laughter? I’m pretty sure the bottom of one of my breasts is exposed and squished beneath his arm and a fair bit of my thighs are showing.
“I came at wrath’s request.  He has Mica!”
Of course, that gets him up.
“But if you’re too busy to hear the details.” She continues as he’s already slipping on his slacks .
“Yes, I was busy. Past tense.”  He talks to her back, then looks at me for a long moment.
“And will be again.” He adds, winking at me. 
Really? He’s awfully presumptuous.  I hide my delighted smile behind a yawn. 
“TMI. Actually, TMS. Too.” Rosa states with a snort.
It takes me a second to put it together, as too much seen. I Inwardly laugh at her play on abbreviations.  
“You’re going to want to be here for this too Tally.” She says, turning around with one lid squinted.
Me? What does any of this have to do with me? Lucifer opens his door, directing Rosa out. He turns back to the bed I’m still occupying.
“I’ll be waiting for you in the dining room.” 
I nod, suddenly worried about Rosa’s appearance and what it means. Something is going on and it must be big to have Wrath bring Rosa here. I go into my room and slip on a pair of jeans and a Metallica t-shirt, not bothering with my hair. Hurrying down the stairs, the smell of bacon has my mouth watering.  I really need to stop skipping meals, especially if I’m going to be doing what I did last night regularly. Which I’m not. I quickly correct myself. 
As I enter the dining area, I see Celeste by the door wringing her hands and Rosa frowning at her with concern. What is going on?
“Good, you’re here. You have no idea what’s going on out there. It’s the end of the world, literally. ”
“Actually” Lucifer clears his throat and moves his head from side to side, quickly telling me to shut my mouth. I forgot his ‘cellar’ is a secret. 
“Cael killed Sphear and all the elders along with him. He killed them with the sword of Mikha’el, absorbing their power. He’s damn near unstoppable.”
The sword of Mikha’el? I remember reading about it. It’s supposed to be heavily guarded.
“Tally, your dad. Has he been in contact with you?”
What the hell? Why wouldn’t she just ask him and hello? Duh, I’ve been here.
“No. Why?”
Rosa grimaces. It’s not the answer she was hoping for.
“The moment you left, so did Jacob.  No one has seen or heard from him since.”
Oh, my gods!
“Did something happen to him?” I rush out, suddenly feeling guilty about my anger towards him. 
“Let’s not jump to conclusions.” Says Celeste. It’s the first I’ve heard from her. She’s been so silent I forgot she was here.
“Ladies, please take a seat and have something to eat. I need to talk to Tallisa. Alone.”
Since when has he been the gracious host? I make a face as he pulls me away.  Great. Rosa probably thinks we’ve gone off to have anxious sex somewhere. If that’s even a thing? Probably is. If people are having the kind of sex I had, then I could imagine any excuse is a good one.
Lucifer stops in the garden far from hearing distance. 
“I saw Jacob just a couple of days ago.”
My eyebrows climb my forehead at the news.
“How? Where? It doesn’t matter. You have to go tell them.” 
I start walking toward the house when he pulls me back.
“Now hold on just a minute.  I haven’t seen him since, and I’ve tried.”
What does that mean?
“I’m not about to give a secret that’s a hundred times older than you to your friends for nothing.”
So that’s how he saw him. Through his little orb thing.
“Jacob isn’t nothing!” I snap, fully agitated now. 
“That’s not what I said. Stop and think for a moment. Just because I saw him last, doesn’t make him being missing any less true. I don’t know where he is now. So it’s pointless giving up my secret.”
He has a point.
“Where was he when you last saw him?” I ask.
“In the city. He was trying to protect it, and then…”
He stops, leaving me hanging. 
“And then what?”
“Then he left in a hurry. Last I saw, he was headed west.”
West? What’s west? Lucifer looks slightly on edge. I wonder what has gotten him there. He’s always a step ahead of everyone.  Is his secret that important to him? What’s the point if he’s out of here? He won’t need it anymore, or is it the news of Cael? Is he worried about Earth? Nah, I don’t think he cares that much.
“What are you thinking about?” he asks with a grin that falls slightly. 
“Don’t try to figure me out, pet. You’ll get nowhere.”
I will some day.
“Go eat and keep them distracted.  I’ll try to see if I can find him.”
I want to go with him, but I know he’d probably forget the whole thing if I push. So I nod and reluctantly leave the garden.

Saving Tally (last Book 6) Jacobs Broken Mercenaries Where stories live. Discover now