chapter 24

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By the time I figure it out, it’s too late. Cael stands before me at the end of the dock. 
“What have you done, Cael?”
He smiles that sickly way that’s always made me cringe. His black eyes bleed into the remaining whites.
“What no one else could. Bringing you all to your knees. How does it feel, Jacob? To watch the world crumble around you for the second time in the same week?”
Come on Poseidon, where are you? If you can hear me, come back. It’s a trap.
“Your father is turning over in his grave right now. You’re a disgrace to your name.” 
He laughs. It’s a deranged laughter twisting his features in an evil way.
I keep him talking, biding my time. I just need Poseidon to see the web Cael has woven. 
“See Jacob, I have a bigger view. My plans aren’t limited like yours. I think of things from all angles. I don’t want to rule something as small as a city. I want to rule all the dimensions, this world and any other that exists. In time, I will be victorious. It’s too bad you won’t be around to see it!”
The Snare of Light! That’s how he’s done it. I tense to strike but it’s too late. His aim is true. So, this is my end.
I’m knocked sideways, tumbling to the ground.
“Tallisa, what are you doing here?”
“Saving your ass, apparently.”


I’m running toward her father, too afraid to transport into the snares direction and kill us both. One of us needs to protect Tallisa. 
In the blink of an eye, she swoops in saving Jacob. Damn it! She broke her promise. I’m going to punish her for that if we make it out of this alive. I want to be mad at her, but I can’t. I’ve never been prouder. Cael raises the snare and I ready to teleport when I see a larger-than-life version of Poseidon drops from the sky into the water.
The lake bevels unnaturally as the giant Poseidon rises within it. Cael turns his attention to Poseidon. The moment he raises the snare, Poseidon lifts him with a tsunami wave, holding him in mid-air. Poseidon doesn’t see the snare. It’s happening so fast all in a matter of seconds. We’re going to lose. Jacob knocks the snare into the water, but it’s too late for Poseidon.
With one blow, Cael sends Jacob skittering across the lake. Cael lands in front of Tallisa. I teleport by her side acting fast but not fast enough. Cael has her in his hands. My heart stops 
Cael freezes. Not in the literal sense, but he’s still as stone. How? Jacob! It’s taking all he has to keep him that way. I try to pry her out of his hands, but Jacob shakes his head. Fuck! What do I do?
Tallisa is screaming. Jacob can’t move. He’s locked in place, using everything he has. This is it. I have no other choice. Why now? When she’s finally come around. I get her attention, calming her down. He’s got her mouth covered, but she can see me.
“Remember that morning? After we… When Rosa appeared. Did you ever wonder why I told you to give up figuring me out? That you can’t think like me.”
She nods awkwardly in his grasp. Tears pool in her eyes. She knows. I continue anyway. I need her to know.
“It’s because your heart is pure. You’re too good for me, Tallisa.  You always were.”
I pull her from his grasp. The moment he unfreezes, I burn us up together. Igniting the flames of the phoenix. It’s my first selfless act. For humanity. For her.


“No!” I scream, trying to reach him, but it’s too late. He’s gone! Truly gone. I vaguely feel Jacob’s arms around me as I weep for the only man I’ve ever loved. And the worst part is he’ll never know.
How do I come back from this? How do I continue on? I thought I knew pain before. Now I know that was nothing. A fleeting sadness, a touch of loss. This, this is life altering. My heart feels like it was ripped out of my chest and my soul has burned up with him. I sob openly, cursing my stupidity.
I was afraid to love now. I’ll never get the chance. He’s gone and I might as well be, too. 

Saving Tally (last Book 6) Jacobs Broken Mercenaries Where stories live. Discover now