Part 8: Legionnarie in Training 1

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Agent 8 looks through the glass, towards KTP-T82, then pressing a button, making the machine start to do its work in seconds.

After what seemed to be only 5 seconds, Agent 3 is now fully suited up in a futuristic set of armor, as well as a new weapon with what seems to look like an Earth stamp with some sort of ring design around it.

Agent 3: "Wow, this looks...Amazing!"

The machine now retracts into the ground, allowing her to move freely around the room.

KTP-T82: "This is the equipment that newer Legionnaries use for training, but since we are low on resources, and it seems like human life isn't present here, you will be using this equipment for most of your Legionnarie career."

She looks at the weapon, thinking about that "human life" part. She knows that they went extinct, but she also is unsure about telling it about their extinction, mostly in fear of how it'll react. Will it accept its creators demise? Or will it blame her and the rest of her kind for the destruction of humanity and seek vengeance? For now, she isn't so sure.

Agent 3 looks at KTP-T82, as it uses its small beams on its wings to press a button, causing some lights to turn on in the distance.

KTP-T82: "Follow me, don't worry about the armor, it looks heavy, but it is actually light when you move around."

Agent 3: "Uh, sure, let's go."

Agent 3 follows KTP-T82 through the halls, and it was right, the armor is actually light for its looks, as she looks around the halls, she looks at all of the rubble scattered almost everywhere from the walls and the ceiling, and glass windows broken that lead to separate rooms.

Agent 3: "So, where are we headed?"

KTP-T82 doesn't respond, going into a large room with what looks to be training equipment, they are huge too.

KTP-T82: "Welcome to the Legionnarie Movement Training room, you will be using this room to learn the basics of how a Legionnarie moves in combat."

KTP-T82 floats towards a ledge, turning around to face Agent 3.

KTP-T82: "After studying your body, I have learned that you can turn your body smaller. Unfortunately, this won't work with this armor, and going back into your size will cause extreme amounts of pain and possibly death."

Agent 3 shivers slightly at this, she would need to not use her squid form when going onto higher places, but now that makes her have a question. How will she get up there without using her squid form?

As if it read her mind, KTP-T82 starts to explain something about what she can do.

KTP-T82: "There is a solution to this, however. Legionnarie armor grants them an additional speed boost while sprinting and can jump further distances, try jumping onto this ledge while sprinting."

Agent 3: "Sprinting? I don't really sprint, especially in battles, but I'll try!"

She looks at the ledge, then starts sprinting, going faster than her squid form submerged in ink, jumping very high and landing on the platform.

KTP-T82 floats above the platform, now being next to a lot of boxes.

KTP-T82: "Well done, important tip, putting your weapon away while sprinting can take up less stamina, and make you have a small boost of speed. Really useful when getting behind cover or when chasing a target down."

Agent 3 notes that in her head, but then looking towards the boxes.

Agent 3: "What are these boxes for?"

KTP-T82: "For the next step in Legionnarie training. Legionnaries are able to break through objects with their mass, from walls to even vehicles. However, your mass is not as large as the average marine, so this can't apply to you. But there's a solution, sprint towards the boxes, get close to them, and then jump, the small leap will activate the thrusters, which will grant additional speed, allowing you to break through these boxes."

Agent 3 takes this all in, and prepares herself. Stretching a bit, she runs towards the boxes, and jumps, hearing the thrusters activate and send her through the boxes, rolling and looking back to see all of the boxes broken.

Agent 3: "Yeah, I did it!"

KTP-T82: "Congratulations, however, the training isn't over yet."

KTP-T82 flies past Agent 3 as she calms down, flying under the platform, and all the way to a pretty far platform with a pile of boxes on it, the platform connecting to a separate room.

KTP-T82: "This is the last step in Legionnarie Movement Training. Legionnaries can jump from high places and survive, even from low orbit. Your low weight can allow you to survive from high places, so use that, plus the weight of your armor, to break these boxes below you. Also, your boots will create a small explosion around you, which can help out with the boxes that are not directly under you."

Agent 3 looks down, then taking a very deep breath, jumping down the ledge and into a deep fall, landing safely on the ground and breaking the boxes around her with the explosion.

Agent 3: "Did I do it?"

KTP-T82: "Indeed, you have successfully concluded the Legionnarie Movement Training session, which now leads to the next session...

Legionnarie Weapon Training."

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