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𝑪𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏—-𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒔𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒆𝒏

Playing one more hour by Tame impala

??? POV

This plan had to work. We needed to stick to it. Otherwise we are all screwed.

Fuck why did things have to end like this. Why couldn't we just live peaceful and not have to worry about dying.

I can't sleep at night knowing what's about to come. I can't bring myself to want to open my eyes to see tomorrow when I know I'm a day closer to death.

Be brave they said. We can do this they said.

Stick to our plan. We'll see tomorrow, we'll see him even if our end is just beyond the horizon.

To say Hyunjin was over the moon to see his siblings were ok was an understatement. He spent a total of two hours talking to them about what had happened, purposefully skipping his reasoning for detention which the crew found odd but decided it wasn't their business so they ignored him.

The group had found out that Yeji had found Niki in the chaos of students running and killing. They had hidden out in the sports centre which was crawling with the undead monsters and had chosen a time when they were too busy following the whistle to notice them slip out and hide over night in a classroom on the first floor by the sports centre. Then they said that the were looking for a route to escape when the saw how clear it was when they say the group in the shed.

There was something so off about the morning that had everyone on edge. The area was too quiet with barely any undead lurking around. Changbin had been mostly on lookout, starting stationed by the window in case anything happened.

The group, except for the enthusiastic three siblings, couldn't help but feel that something was bound to go terribly wrong. But no one could explain that feeling nor justify it. Maybe it was the sink realisation eating away at them but whatever it was, wasn't a good feeling.

"So do you all have a plan to escape the school? I hear you aren't planning on staying here much longer?" Yeji questioned, sitting up with a tired smile. She looked around the room only to receive nothing but unsure expressions. The crew did plan on leaving though their plan was still rusty and they were still nervous about the undead appearing.

"We had a plan but after what happened to Heesung we are at a loss." Chan sighed, running his hand through his hair as he felt his head begin to ache from the lack of hydration.

"You will find a way out. Me and Yeji were actually going to stay in school and find ways to survive here." Niki looked towards Yeji who nodded in agreement. This statement had the room looking towards them. Staying in the school was a whole other thing. It was full to the brim with students and it would be less than ideal to be stuck there any longer. It wasn't like there was food or the necessary supplies lying around that you need for this kind of situation.

"Wait what? W-why would you stay here?" Hyunjin questioned in disbelief, he almost couldn't believe his ear knowing that they wanted to stay in this infested school. He had thought they would come with him. He had been so caught up with the idea of leaving with his siblings that he didn't even fathom the idea of staying.

"We were going to stay. We...we wondered if you want to stick with us?" Yeji nervously smiled as she began to fiddle with her fingers. She tore her gaze away from her brothers and looked towards the window. "Atleast then we will be together."

"That's not wise. You will die here if you choose to stay. It's crawling with a hoards of students and you lack the proper necessities to actually survive here." The dark haired delinquent shook his head, leaning against the wall from where he stood. Their plan was flawed in so many different ways. Sticking to the school and not venturing outwards would be a mistake. Everyone knew it.

"We've made up our minds." Niki was adamant, holding his ground as his voice left no room for argument. But Hyunjin just could allow that.

"What?? do you want me to stay here?" Hyunjin was more than confused, replaying the moment back in his head as he tried to decipher whether they were being serious or not. "It's—I could—we could die here?!"

"It's our plan Jinnie."Yeji spoke softly, her hand
Falling to soothe the younger who looked distraught and confused.

"I think Hyunjin should come with us." The room went silent when Jeongin spoke. They weren't expecting him out of everyone to disagree with it. It wasn't that they now hated each other but there was still tension between them. Hyunjin's eyes widened as he stared at the dark haired boy. He didn't expect this resistance and he didn't think that Jeongin would have cared what he did.

Jeongin was almost impassive, blankly staring at the siblings who stared back. No one could really see what was going on in his head, his face giving nothing to what his true thoughts actually were, but they also couldn't help but agree. Hyunjin shouldn't go with his siblings.

"I don't believe it's safe here. Don't risk your life listening to your idiotic siblings."

"Hey! Don't—-!" Hyunjin began, annoyance taking over as he stared back at the group. As massive part of him couldn't understand why they cared so much.

"He is right. That plan is bound to fail." Jisung commented from where he sat, picking his nails and keeping his head low. To be honest, he didn't really know why he was bothering to add input in this situation. It wasn't like he was close or really knew Hyunjin but at the same time he couldn't let him wonder to uncertain death.

"You can't decide for me! Why would you—you barely know me!" Hyunjin huffed out, frowning deeply.

"Just because we barely know you doesn't mean we want you to stay here to die!" Chan spoke in a high tone, nervous as he didn't want to offend anyone but he certainly didn't agree with them staying here. "It's not safe here! Changbin said he knows somewhere safe, we can just—!"

"We've made our mind up. Hyunjin you are coming with us." Niki was firm again, glaring at his brother who deflated in his seat on the floor.

"Why? Why would you stay here?? There's barely any food and I can't trust that we will survive." He looked teary eyed and conflicted. He knew it was death staying here like sitting ducks. Especially after seeing what that monster did to Heesung. He wanted to be anywhere but here. But could he leave his siblings? No he couldn't. "Yeji, Niki please! Don't—...don't stay here you will die."

Yeji shifted uncomfortably but only shook her head. Niki didn't even respond, his eyes on the floor as he avoided Hyunjin's desperate gaze.

"Come with us." Yeji urged.

"You can't make him stay here! He will be in danger!" Minho yelled, the group flinching as he stood up almost enraged.

"Who are you to get between family—!" Niki tried but Minho was quick to shut him down.

"You can't make him choose something so sick. Stay here and put himself in more danger or leave his family behind. What do you want him to do?! Place himself in a situation where there is a 90% chance he will die?? It's selfish to think that way." He glared towards the siblings. Yeji sniffled a few tears away and hid behind her dirtied orange hair.

Hyunjin looked shocked as he stared up at Minho in awe. He had mostly been quiet since the start of this whole thing and he barely seemed like he cared for him. He was so confused to why these boys were fighting so hard to keep him safe.

"....We leave tomorrow. Hyunjin...make your choice."

And that was that. He left it at that and the rest of the evening was lost to the grunts of the nearby creatures and the quiet breathing of the restless group.


Ok what is going on????

I Obvsly know but what is happening right now?!

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑫𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒖𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒆Where stories live. Discover now