I Robot

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That night, the crew got settled in their new house, Texas and California claiming their own private rooms while Florida and Alabama decided to crash in the living room. Texas had trouble winding down however, his frustration with his circumstance still nagging at him. Eventually, when he saw it was 1 AM and he couldn't even get a second of sleep, he decided to walk around the house. He wandered out into the upper level of the main area, looking down at Florida and Alabama snuggling with stuffed animals on the couch bellow, snoring heavily. Texas sighed and looked to his left, seeing the door to the outside patio open. He wandered over, and was surprised to see California sitting on the balcony's railing with a glass of wine beside him.

"...It's not smart to drink next to a ledge," Texas said, startling California. California turned to glare at Texas.

"It's dumb to startle someone who's sitting on a ledge too!" California exclaimed. Texas hopped up onto the railing and sat beside California.

"Sorry... just tryna look out for you," Texas said. California pouted, unsure if that made him mad or flattered.

"...I'm not stupid," California muttered.

"'Course not, but you are a bit reckless."

"Hey!" California exclaimed, shoving Texas with one hand, however gasped realizing they were sitting on a second story balcony. Luckily, Texas didn't fall over. He simply laughed.

"I'm just messin' with you... You feelin' alright?" Texas asked. California blew out a breath, looking away from Texas.

"...I'm fine...," California said, before groaning. "No, that's bullsh*t, I'm actually really f*cking mad," California said. Texas nodded.

"I am too... But hey... At the very least, we might be able to get to the bottom of what the hell is going on with this whole 'secret society' sh*t," Texas said. California nodded.

"...Do you think Ohio is telling the truth? that there is a secret group of bad people trying to take over the world?" California asked. Texas sighed.

"I dunno... maybe tomorrow's mission will clear things up?" Texas asked. California sighed.

"Maybe... maybe if we stop the evil society, we can go back to our normal lives...," California said. Texas turned to California.

"Would you go back to New York?" Texas asked. California paused, and then gave Texas a confused glance.

"Maybe if he begs for me to go back to him... proves to me that he feels bad for hurting me," California said. Texas scoffed.

"Are you kidding? He totally betrayed you! You'd seriously forgive him?" Texas exclaimed. California furrowed his brow. 

"Maybe? I dunno... why the hell do you care?" California asked. Texas paused, before looking away.

"I just think... I dunno... you deserve better than someone like him," Texas said. California was silent for a moment, looking away from Texas and to the starlit sky. 

"I... I guess... I don't know... We'll see what happens," California said. Texas nodded, and California sighed. "Um... I'm gonna try going to sleep now... Goodnight, Tex," California said. Texas nodded.

"Goodnight, fresa," Texas said. California scoffed. 

"Whatever...," California muttered, leaving Texas alone on the balcony.


The next day, the crew were in their van, heading towards the first mission location: The casino.

"Ok, our objective is to go in, find the luxury suite, break into the closet safe, and run away with the contents," California said, reading over the instructions given to them by Ohio.

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