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The group were back at the HQ, unwinding for the night and eating some tacos Texas prepared, when Ohio's face suddenly appeared on the TV.

"Incredible work today, my agents! I see you four are enjoying a nice dinner," Ohio said.

"You can just videocall us through the tv without warning?!?!" Alabama exclaimed, nearly choking on his taco. Ohio giggled.

"Oh relax! I'll only ever call you guys at 6pm, or another specified time if your mission runs a bit late!" Ohio exclaimed. The crew sighed, and Texas walked up to the tv.

"Ohio, did you know that New York's lover is actually a murder robot?!" Texas exclaimed.

"I found out upon hacking into the casino's security cameras to watch you guys work- excellent job, by the way!" Ohio exclaimed.

"Yeah yeah whatever, can you please tell us how you're expectin' us to handle f*ckin' murder bots?" Alabama exclaimed. Ohio laughed.

"Relax, I put some weapons in the garage for the four of you to use. I'm sure all of you know how to fire a gun?" Ohio said. The four nodded begrudgingly.

"Anyway, you're still paying us for that mission right?!?" California asked. Ohio nodded, sorting through dollar bills.

"Yes, yes, I'm paying you each 100 in cash... for your next mission, I'll give you guys 150!" Ohio exclaimed.

"Please be out of the kindness of your heart and not because you're predicting we'll want more money from some kind of robot-related injury," Texas groaned. Ohio giggled.

"I suppose you four will just have to wait and see, huh?" Ohio said. Texas turned off the TV.

"He's such a d*ck," Texas said.

"I can still hear you," Ohio responded through the TV.

"AGHHHHH," Texas yelled, throwing down his cowboy hat in anger.

Later that night, the crew decided to try and take their minds off their frustrations by watching a nice movie together in the common area. Alabama and Florida fell asleep almost immediately, piled on top of each other like stray cats in a sleeping pile. California and Texas smiled down at the snoozers.

"They didn't even do the heavy lifting today!" California exclaimed playfully, covering them in a blanket. Texas smiled and nodded, and California noticed his conflicted expression. "You ok?" California asked. Texas sighed.

"No... I'm really mad at Ohio but...," Texas started.

"...but?" California prodded.

"...today was kinda fun," Texas said. California chuckled.

"Yeah... I felt really sexy in that dress too... I almost got carried away flirting with Louis! I kinda forgot how fun it is to be single," California said. Texas rolled his eyes.

"I thought being in love was supposed to be fulfilling, not worse than being alone," Texas said. California crossed his arms.

"Oh, you're so judgy! I just mean it's nice to feel... desired by someone," California said.

"Isn't that what a boyfriend's suppose to do?" Texas asked. California groaned.

"You just don't understand," California said. Texas sighed. The two were quiet for a moment.

"... you did look good in that dress," Texas said. California crossed his arms.

"Of course I did. I am amazing," California said. Texas smiled and nodded. California yawned.

"Well, are you going to bed now that the 'kids' are asleep?" California asked, motioning to Alabama and Florida. Texas shrugged.

"I don't feel too tired... you can go sleep now, you don't gotta wait for me," Texas said. California shook his head.

"No, I hate falling asleep before anyone else... I'm a heavy sleeper so...," California said, trailing off.

"So what? You're safe here," Texas said. California groaned.

"You don't understand anything, do you?" California exclaimed. Texas threw his hands up in defeat.

"Ok, ok, I get it!" Texas said, lying down on the couch and setting his cowboy hat over his eyes. "Goodnight, fresa," Texas said. California shoved Texas, before quietly walking to his room.

Texas wasn't actually asleep- he could rarely sleep that quick, if at all. He just didn't want to keep California up all night, because he knew that would make him extra cranky in the morning. After about an hour past, Texas quietly walked up to his room, peeking into Californias to check if he was asleep. He was happy to see California snoring away peacefully. With that, he called it a night.


The next morning, Texas was making breakfast while Florida and Alabama were wrestling for the TV remote.

"Kids, if you two don't start getting along I'm gonna hoard all the bacon for me and Cali," Texas said.

"TEXXXXXX," Florida exclaimed, before biting Alabamas arm and grabbing the remote.

"OW!! TEX HE BIT ME!!!" Alabama exclaimed. Texas sighed, wanting to shove his head into the oven and cook himself.

"Where's Cali? Is he still having his beauty sleep?" Florida asked, turning on some cartoon show. Alabama snickered.

"We should go draw'n his face usin' the stuff'n his makeup bag," Alabama said. Florida giggled like a mischievous toddler, but Texas smacked him in the back of the head.

"No, leave Cali alone. He's probably gettin ready right now," Texas said. Sure enough, California made his way down the stairs looking ~fabulous~

"G'mornin cal!" Alabama exclaimed innocently. California wordlessly grabbed Alabamas face and smeared lipstick on his forehead. "Ahhhhggg! Ya heard me?!" Alabama exclaimed. California chuckled.

"I have ears, y'know," California said. Florida laughed and pointed at Alabama, who tackled him and grabbed the remote control from his hand.

"We're watchin' Tex Mex Motors!" Alabama exclaimed.

"Good with me," Texas said. Florida pouted, and California put a little dot of lipstick on his forehead as well.

"Ahhhhh," Florida whined. "We're not kids!" Florida exclaimed.

"Coulda fooled me, you two have been actin' like kids all morning," Texas said.

"Oh, what a happy little family we have here," Ohio said. The crew noticed him standing by the front door, smiling eerily at them.

"Would you look at that, creepy a**hat uncle is hear to visit," Texas sneered. Ohio laughed.

"What do you want?" California asked.

"I'm just here to drop off your pay, and some goodies," Ohio said, placing a briefcase full of cash on the coffee table, and handing Texas a gun.

"I trust you know how to use this," Ohio said, giving Texas an odd look he couldn't quite read.

"Don't we get weapons too?" Alabama asked. Ohio nodded.

"Of course, after today's mission. You won't need anything more than one gun today," Ohio said.

"Ah, ok... and where is this mission taking place?" Texas asked. Ohio smiled a sinister grin.

"I'm glad you asked... I hope you three have some swimsuits... today's mission is quite a special one..."

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