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"uhm... hello ?" he said, trying to get the brunette's attention, she did look a lot familiar to him... her facial structure, her striking eyes, her sense of clothing, her wavy hair, all paved a path down memory lane.

oh, it was eleanor jane hopper, how could he forget ?!

the girl who was his best friend, the girl who supported him when others didn't, the girl who stayed by his side when life had gone harsh on him, that girl was el.

"el ?" he asked, in a soft voice, his voice softening as he remembered their last interaction, eight years ago.

"mike !!" eleanor whined, trying to get him to stay still while she painted a stunning portrait of him.

"what ?? i'm still enough ! it's not my fault mr.denis put an art project of drawing your best friend !" he said, groaning while chuckling lightly. he looked at her, she looked perfect, their was small splash of white paint on her nose, and mike had the urge to wipe it off, and he did.

eleanor blushed at his touch, her eyes were entranced by him, her stomach was doing small-small flip-flops at this, before something pressed against her lips. mike kissed her. she was taken aback, she knew this didn't seem right but it did, indeed. his lips were so soft against hers. just friends ?

she pulled away hastily, before brushing it off. "i- mr.denis needs our projects-right ?" she said, her face still flushed, mike couldn't believe it. he kissed his best friend. "y-yep."

"i-i'm so sorry i didn't r-recognize you earlier ! h-how are you ?" he asked, el looked to the ground, it felt awkward, after all these years.

"i'm doing well... how about you ?" she asked, looking back up at him, in embarrassment.

"i'm doing okay... i- how's life ? how's milo ?" he asked, smiling a bit, milo was eleanor's fluffy maine coon kitten, now cat, he knew that it was sudden but it felt all normal again, just like how it was eight years ago.

"yeah, he's doing well, he's very pesky these days.. " she trailed off, looking back at the ground.

"of course he is." he joked, before looking at the clock, it was late, both of them needed to get back to work.

"mhm... anyways, i-i'll see you soon ! nice seeing you today. " she said, smiling, her heart fluttered at his sight, he looked the same as he used to, jet black hair that curled perfectly, pale skin that reminded her of fresh pearls, dark brown eyes as timidly entrancing as a portal to another world, freckles that resembled the entire ethereal milky way, and that smile that could light up the room.

"i'll see you soon, el." the last syllables that came out his mouth made her smile yet again, even brighter, she returned to her desk, caffeine couldn't keep her as awake as he could.

and this was the beginning of their reconnection.

a/n : ahh excitedd !! though my parents are not here with me anymore, i have my bff kat and i love her sm for letting me stay !! also, aren't el and mike such little cuties ah. i love emm. anyways, love you. love, lanah (taylor's version.)

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